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  • Users: azote
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  1. azote

    The Hundred Years War Mod - Description & Downloads - v6.0 [Warband]

    the link dosn't work u.u can you fixed?
  2. azote

    [S] Crusaders mod!!!!!!!!

    thanks  :grin: i will finish soon as posible!!!!!!
  3. azote

    [S] Crusaders mod!!!!!!!!

    i work a little in the mod becouse am study right now but be pacient the mod will be finish and will have new map, new troops tree , 2 languages (english and spanish) be pacient please thanks
  4. azote

    [S] Crusaders mod!!!!!!!!

    the map works great only one problem in the island we cant go over there we need ships or something if someone knows how to fix that said to me please
  5. azote

    [S] Crusaders mod!!!!!!!!

    good news i have the map now i will finish the mod this is the kingdoms:

    Seljuk Turks
    Byzantine empire

    sorry for not edessa but this is for the map i cant do nothing yeat so that will be the factions in some days i will give u updates
  6. azote

    [S] Crusaders mod!!!!!!!!

    when i get the map i will make a single download whit too versions english and spanish working on 1.134
  7. azote

    B Medieval [WB] Crusader - Way to expiation

    dont be mad whit the makers this mod is  amaizing just let them do his work and take it easy

    this mod will be the best.................................

    .....................just we want more updates............................. :lol:
  8. azote

    [S] Crusaders mod!!!!!!!!

    too bad this dude can't make the map have some problems whit the map editor is someone know anybody to create the map please said to me
  9. azote

    [S] Crusaders mod!!!!!!!!

    tanks i will try if this work the mod will be finish
  10. azote

    [OSP][Map] Maps on request!

    hi man i want ask to u if u can do a map for my mod if u can do it just send me a pm cya
  11. azote

    [S] Crusaders mod!!!!!!!!

    hello every one if u see this i need one map maker if someone give me that i can do the mod again and of course make for english too if someone now anybody or want make a map i can give the screen of the map i want and i will finish the mod in 2 version english and spanish no problem for that and i will make for 1.134 version
  12. azote

    B Medieval [WB] Crusader - Way to expiation


    we want more pics....... :grin:
  13. azote

    SP Medieval [WB] Crusader-way to expiation

    this is not about the mod but

    you see the new mount and blade??? its calls mount & blade: whit fire and sword

    its come whit firearms i love the first mount and warband too but this i think will not better  :oops:
  14. azote

    SP Medieval [WB] Crusader-way to expiation

    :cry: thats not good  :oops:

    its a shane i want to play yesterday this mod but we must waint a long time but may be we take better thinks....

    just one think we like to see more details or new screen videos something its this posible???

    good lucke
  15. azote

    SP Medieval [WB] Crusader-way to expiation

    you too

    nice videoo just we must be patience  :sad:
  16. azote

    SP Medieval [WB] Crusader-way to expiation

    :shock: no words to me  :shock:

  17. azote

    SP Medieval [WB] Crusader-way to expiation

    ok sorry  :sad:

    my problem is i anderstand more of i can speak english...........

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