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  1. bigboyaah

    Jokes, one liners etc. ( To ease the pain of waiting.)

    a gay man walks into a clothing store and asks to speak with the manager. the manager comes out and hands him a glass of water. the gay man tells him that there are no clothes in his size. the manager asks how the gay man would know this, and takes a sip of the gay man's water. having just came in, without browsing, another man, who is black, approached the counter. the gay man tells him: "what a pickle!"

  2. bigboyaah

    Hegemony 268 ALPHA VERSION for 1.010/1.011

    either alpha is a very dedicated 12 year old modder or the most petty adult in the world
  3. bigboyaah

    Are all the skins ready and battles working already?

    ealabor said:
    If you were concerned about "YOUR" work, then ******** release "YOUR" work, not the rest of everyone elses, whom you don't even know who the **** they are to acknowledge credit in the first place you thief.

    look what you did, alphadelta, making ealabor all mad like this  :wink:

    even though this mod is taking forever, its a work of hobby and personal interest. it's pretty ****ty of you to demand the mod's release in its present state, especially like this. ealabor is obviously checking this board daily, so he must be doing at least some work on the mod regularly. your precious skins won't disappear into thin air. after all, you still have them on your own hard drive.

    so what's the rush? same question to everyone else constantly complaining about the status of the mod. can you not just wait? i've been waiting the whole time since the last release as well (in fact, i came here today, as i do every couple of months, to see if its released).
  4. bigboyaah

    Anti Government protests in Northern Africa/Middle east

    i did cite the UN's HDI scale
    >#53 worldwide, highest in africa

    i really liked your "poverty line" claim.


    wow, you mean it's number 131 worldwide? lower than a lot of european nations? LOWER THAN THE USA'S?

    can't wait to see what you come up with.
  5. bigboyaah

    Anti Government protests in Northern Africa/Middle east

    imo we'll never get a clear image of libya.

    has anyone read al jazeera's english articles on it? they're all terribly biased in support of the rebels.

    Libya is one of the last countries i expected to undergo this kind of instability, as the oil wealth is very well spread. even tiny gulf states like the UAE and bahrain only have well-invested into capital cities, outside of which are villages without even plumbing. this is due to the fact that libya has a very centralised economy. i doubt that people in such a wealthy and decent (relatively; libya is the most developed african country according to UN's HDI, and also surpasses several european nations on this scale) country are so hard for democracy that they're willing to die in a civil war.

    libya is a country of less than 10 million, encompassing a large segment of the sahara desert, and they don't export nearly as much oil, per capita, as the gulf states. yet there are several large cities and everyone has basic necessities.

    what many don't think about is that muammar never tore apart the tribal factions when he came to power, as socialist leaders always do. because libya's borders are 100% artificial (as in, drawn by europeans), many people with large followings were left within one country, and so the sole leader of libya had to have the support of some of these people to be in that position.

    i think that the riots could have been instigated by an unhappy few of these people, who decided that their loyalty to qaddafi was no longer profitable. if this were true, they would most likely would have had help from outside sources who would also benefit from his deposition (US, UK).
  6. bigboyaah

    DOWNLOAD link, Credits & OLD TOPIC (+ POLL)

    a) really good mod with a lot of effort put into it. definitely my favourite, along with hegemony. even if it's incomplete and sometimes rough around the edges, it's the best mod for the current warband. outstanding job by the team and all the contributors from other mods.

    b) i've done a tiny bit of customisation and added one troop line that has axes. the new "draw greataxe" sound was a really long clip of an officer giving orders. i've replaced it with a generic short sound but the thing is there's also "the march of the british grenadiers" playing when they draw their axes. imagine, upon telling them to get their axes out, i hear the march of the british grenadiers, only 50 different instances of it. i wasn't able to locate this file and was wondering where it was, so i could change it as well.

  7. bigboyaah

    DOWNLOAD link, Credits & OLD TOPIC (+ POLL)

    One of the items is really bugged and freezes the game. I don't know which, but at the start of battle, or at an inventory screen, in causes the game to bug out and freeze.

    Am i the only one getting this error?
    haven't looked through the whole thread aside from the last few pages and the first few.
  8. bigboyaah

    DOWNLOAD link, Credits & OLD TOPIC (+ POLL)

    IronChaos said:
    Actually the problem i am having is the download is not finishing all the way ex. only 356mb of file
    also the M&B repository link is not always loading

    this. 85% downloads, then suddenly it cuts out and you get a corrupt file you can't use. i think it's a temporary problem with the repository as i've tried this only today.
  9. bigboyaah

    [S]Conquest of Nations Rome

    Winterz said:
    Well first of all, I wanted to say this mod is interesting and it may look cool. Good work!  :wink:

    Other then that there's some innacuracies.
    Whenever the Legionaries came, the Velite troops were long gone so this mod may be purposely half fictional but historically its alot innacurate.
    It's all about Marian Reforms.

    its quite obviously based off of the rome: total war default troops, same as the gauls. luckily there aren't men called "warband".

    nice mod, it's fun to kill romans with a khergit horde.
  10. bigboyaah

    Hello thanks

    well it's still nice to know whether or not im getting owned or not. i've seen screenshots of people's that have small fonts, that's why i'm asking
  11. bigboyaah

    Hello thanks

    how would i go about making the font of the casualties reports smaller? when all those casualties start flooding the feed, it quite literally blocks out half of my view. this is a common issue, i'm sure, and i didn't see any solution in the game's options aside from disabling casualty reports...
  12. bigboyaah

    Countdown to 268 B.C. (Warband SP)

    Damn, this mod is amazing. I've been playing it almost non-stop since it came out (4 days ago).
  13. bigboyaah

    Two weapon fightin? (dual wielding)

    How can you guys still be talking about this? lol
  14. bigboyaah

    Countdown to 268 B.C. (Warband SP)

    JankoMega said:
    bigboyaah said:
    Good news! The mod comes out in two days, on February 16th!


    Yes, it's true! I was told not to leak this info, but I couldn't resist. sorry, Eddie!
  15. bigboyaah

    Countdown to 268 B.C. (Warband SP)

    Good news! The mod comes out in two days, on February 16th!
  16. bigboyaah

    Get error while loading

    what did you do? i've got the same problem and can't find an entry relating to it specifically
  17. bigboyaah

    Official 3D art thread - Warband

    DtheHun said:
    Looks like proletariat angry with golfers. That knocked figure have to be an oppressive capitalist.  :lol:
    Great work bigboyaah!

    golf is a very bourgeois game!
  18. bigboyaah

    Official 3D art thread - Warband

    showcasing the red army infantry and officer uniforms, and the banner in a HUUUGGGEEEE battle against a formidable foe

    (several large images)


    Army deploys


    Prepare to meet the foe, brave soldiers!




    the great enemy force moves forth also


    The earth shakes as the great forces clash


    the fields run red with blood


    after a valiant battle, we emerge victorious. SLAVA!
  19. bigboyaah

    Women of Warband !

    Shik said:
    An all girls clan would be pretty interesting indeed, although it might be difficult to find a lot of members. I know that PRT currently has several females on its roster though.

    you mean all man clan? im the only real female here.
  20. bigboyaah

    Women of Warband !

    fake thread, everyone in here is a man.

    except me
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