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  1. arthur666

    Hired blades and other tavern mercenaries

    They're so generic. And that would be ok if there were others that show up occasionally.
    @Ananda_The_Destroyer: I like the idea of some special mercenaries for hire in taverns, akin to the mercenary factions with their own style.
    Or maybe deserters from main or minor factions. Maybe you're in deep Vlandia, but there's a group of 10 Jawwal Camel Rider deserters for hire in the tavern.
  2. arthur666

    Pre-battle, allow to choose whether the main hero enters abattle mounted or on foot

    When you're in the map screen before the battle starts, just open inventory to unequip your horse and change whatever gear you want. Then click "Attack enemy" or whatever it is.
    I do this for companions too.
  3. arthur666

    warband features to bannerlord

    I liked the feature in Viking Conquests that let you build a temporary camp where you could leave troops etc. This is especially useful when you are just a mercenary, or don't have a keep.
  4. arthur666

    INT character woes, 1 week re-roll blues, character build discussions, Engineering, Medicine.

    I'm reading and learning. :smile:

    Question: What's good about higher Tactics skill if you almost never simulate battles?
  5. arthur666

    The siege still isn't finished.

    Now that the siege towers and ladders aren't a log-jam cluster-F, sieges are very playable now.
    Enjoying 1.7
  6. arthur666

    Where's Lezalit when you really need him?

    Dang man I spent an entire evening doing training for recruits and peasants. I'd put them all in one group and just send them charging into looters and forest bandits while me and the Cataphracts just sat there chugging the wine and beer they'd captured for us. "Oh how many we loose this time boss?" "I don't know, don't care, gimmee that wine jug... move out boys!"

    Never thought I'd miss Lezalit.
  7. arthur666

    After Recent Update My Wife Is Not Getting Pregnant. Period.

    lol this game is getting so weird now

    lay off the beer, cheese and butter: stick to meat and grains, olives, wine. lol
  8. arthur666

    I hate accelerated aging

    I like the aging/heirs mechanic, but sure...
    ?? make it optionaaaaallll ??
  9. arthur666

    SP - General Suggestion: Party & Caravan Orders

    ^This. 140 trained soldiers+militia sitting on their arses in the castle while 20 looters wearing burlap sacks are running around just outside the walls chucking rocks my villagers.
    At least give me 1 extra companion slot per castle, and be able to make their party be responsible for patrolling the surrounding villages.
  10. arthur666

    SP - General African Inspired Faction

    They can't add them untill Mount and Blade 3 anyways and we will probably not be alive when it comes out, so It's pointless to argue.

    But I do like the idea, and for the fictional setting, why not?

    But as far as the real world, the majority of black Africans were separated from Europe by physical distance and the Sahara.
  11. arthur666

    Company of Trouble Quest

    I just put them all in one group and had them charge 30 sea raiders while the rest of my men sat back and watched. "Uh yeah, we'll be right behind you. *snicker snicker*".
    After a couple runs like that,they all eventually got killed, quest success.
  12. arthur666

    SP - General Warband's Missing Features Megathread

    Wow, reading thru these lists I realize there are a lot of features I'd forgotten. It's been a long time since I played Warband...

    I have often looked for the "What are you doing?" question for AI groups.
    And how could I forget the belligerent drunks?
    Setting up camps was a huge help in Vikings.
  13. arthur666

    No good Vladian Armor

    For me, the different time period will take some getting used to. But I'm into it.
  14. arthur666

    Tournament fighting does not level fighting skills, why? - Poll Yes or No

    I really like those ideas of gaining XP but not at the same rate as in actual combat, and of getting wounded in the arenas so you need time to recover and can't just spam it all day.

    Wow, this is WAY more one sided than I thought it would be lol.
    Glad to see the 'git gud' elitism doesn't extend to this part of the single player game.
    Regarding this XP thing and the auto-block option, yall here in the official forums are way more civilized than those animals in Steam discussions.
  15. arthur666

    SP - General Bring back singleplayer autoblock

    +1 for auto-block option. Manual block is very cool, but I will never be able to do it effectively, no matter how much I practice.
    I have a substantial hand-tremor, and can not do fine/fast mouse motions without my hand completely spazzing out.
    Using a shield for now, but when that shield splinters...?
  16. arthur666

    Dev Blog 15/03/18

    "Sometimes, I just open a custom battle, put the troop count into the many hundreds, give command over my troops to the AI, and just watch as the armies clash. There's something very special about seeing this many troops doing their thing."

    This made me smile.  I love doing this in Arma.  :smile:
  17. arthur666

    Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 4 - Flexible Entries

    Even if graphics are 100% lifelike, after a while, you take them fot granted.  Gameplay is what keeps you engaged.
  18. arthur666

    Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 4 - Flexible Entries

    I know what you mean.

    Heck, I'm excited just to play some Warband tonite.  Home PC has been in storage for 2 weeks due to home renovations, and I can finally set it up again.  I think I'll finally tell King Harlus where he can stick it, and then go party hearty with the Vaegirs.
  19. arthur666

    Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 4 - Flexible Entries

    Jason L. said:
    Does anybody know why ,is not available ? Is there a surprise and, if yes, how big..?
    Because the internet. 

    Don't get your hopes up this soon.  :razz:
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