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  • Users: Lamey
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  1. The companions I'm making

    Any one of those options by itself seems a too limiting.

    16 companions based on whatever source of inspiration works for you.
  2. Helping a Claimnant ascend to the throne quest turned off?

    I know they (used to?) bug out the game.  You're really not supposed to become a vassal or a mercenary in this mod.
  3. Romance

    I'm guessing you mean in the warband version of SoD?,205.0.html
  4. Crash and a bug.

    Maybe there should be a sticky post about this... of course no one reads stickies anyways.

    Basically you need to turn down your graphics settings.

    At 100 battle size, 70% texture quality worked for me.  At 200 I had to turn texture quality down to 60% to prevent crashes.

    You could also try that "speed & stability" mod in the LINKS sticky to see if it helps some.
  5. random crashes

    I've got a widescreen on my desktop and I'm not having this particular problem.

    I was getting the rgl error crash until I turned my texture quality down.


    To clarify: I don't know if you're having the same root problem, but you could test turning down your texture quality.  I set mine to 70% and I stopped crashing.  Later on, when the battles just got too huge to do at 100 soldiers a fight, I pushed my battle size up to 200 and had to lower my texture quality to 60%.

    In addition to the crashes I would sometimes see all the soldiers blink black for a single frame.
  6. King Ragnar has died in battle...

    Yeah, the relation penalty for executing a lord is huge.

    I executed 5 lords and every village in my kingdom went from max loyalty to hating me. (I reloaded)

    I understand the lords hating you, but I don't think the towns and villages should really give 2 ****s.

    Fortunately executing Imperials does not seem to incur the penalty. (just a small honor loss)
  7. Some Newbie Questions

    Are there troop trees anywhere?,166764.0.html

    A lot of stuff from the original SoD doesn't apply to the warband version, but that thread does have the troop trees and the faith-troop matrix.

    Is there any easier way to locate lords in this game, the map is so big I spent 30 minutes trying to locate one ruler?

    As with native M&B you can ask a lord of their faction where the king is. (or any lord in their faction for that matter)

    What's the point of choosing all that stuff at the beginning if there's already a back story that has you stating with a bunch of troops?

    Starting stats, as per native.  I assume they will be rewritten to conform with the story at some point.
  8. dialog freezes with centurians

    I've run into a few times when talking to centurions that the game freezes (particular topics, like asking Gaius about his mercenaries)  Most of these are not to big of a deal because I can just not choose that dialog. Unfortunately the dialog you get if a centurion dies in battle causes a...
  9. Making Caravan Escort Duty Not Suck

    Watch out for the Jotnar Clan mission to rescue some of their men from slavers, that's also a escort mission.

    Escort missions always suck - in every game that's ever had them they have always sucked and always will suck.

    But yeah, the AI definitely does not help.  If they're not fleeing from enemies on the very edge of your spot radius, they're chasing them down.


    Edit: Escort a norn mistress is not an escort mission though, as she actually joins your party. :wink:


    Edit2: This is a little off-topic but does anyone know if the Conquistador mission to get 3 horses is bugged?

    I bought three of the specified type (saddle horses) but no dice.

    I tried buying sets of other horses types to see if maybe he's asking for the wrong type but no luck. (I bought steppe horses, hunters, chargers, warhorses, heavy warhorses...)

    Saint Malo doesn't like plain white saddle horses, he'll only accept black, grey, or paint.
  10. King Ragnar has died in battle...

    I got a message (paraphrased thus): King Ragnar has died in battle against the Vaegir.  Lethawin is the new king of the Nords. I've never seen that happen before, is this an SoD thing?  What triggered it? I'm just curious, it definitely took me by surprise.
  11. rgl error

    kaze-yaida said:
    Warband uses much less textures, higher details MDOELS but different textures. SOD runs multiple textures quite often and many different ones even among the same troops

    SOD also deals with AI, formations, adding in some people love to use the 300-400 battlesizer for some reason.(Max 400 troops, even more when outnumbereD? might as well play Team fortress 2 with 50 people)

    Well the one thing I have to bring up here: I was getting the same crash just from talking to my council.  Loading up the castle scene with 4 or 5 dudes in it shouldn't come anywhere near using available texture memory.  Not to mention getting the crash after saving, or while looking at my camp menu.  It seems like there is some more specific bug that's being triggered.  To be clear it did not always crash: I could go through a 3 phase battle scene with battle size at 200 and 4x AA on with no problem, only to have the game crash while I was talking to my marshal afterward.

    I did find a few posts on other boards saying its a compatibility problem with newer ATI cards, but they didn't include any solutions.

    Side rant that is so off-topic that I decided to spoiler it:
    I really only started turning my battle sizer up because of some of the ridiculously sized warparties in some mods. 

    Theoretically you could get a huge multi-lord cluster... thing... in native M&B, but as far as I've seen those big marshall led packs tend to scatter when they get to close to one another.  Each individual lord evaluates the massive horde he's up against and flees.

    I think it was Prophecy of Pendor where I had to deal with a boss spawn with 1700 troops in a single party.  Fighting a 3000 troop battle 100 troops a phase is not fun.

    Big battle sizes definitely skew the balance, the larger the battle size the less awesome cavalry is it seems.  In native I don't think that's such a bad thing sometimes.  There's really nothing you can't pulverize with a full party of Swadian knights (in the field that is) and the battle round setup favors top tier troops because it minimizes the ability for lower tier troops to wear them down. (I'm pretty sure any non-hero unit that isn't incapacitated is fully healed between phases).  Big battle sizes massively favor the defender in siege battles though.

    Anyways, thanks again.  I played another ~3 hour session with no crashes.
  12. rgl error

    Well I run Warband on much much higher settings with no trouble.

    That said, so far turning the texture detail down to 70 seems to be working.  I played for a few hours with no crashes. (added bonus, I can't tell the difference visually)
  13. Bug Reports.

    Oh, well it lags my game out completely.  It's a giant 20 foot tall ball of smoke.

    I guess I'm not sure why he should be making a giant smoke ball?  :???:
  14. rgl error

    I'll give that shot thanks.
  15. rgl error

    I keep getting intermittent crashes with the message: RGL ERROR Unable to restore vertex buffer. I've looking around for any solutions but I'm not seeing any (any that actually work anyway) I played native for a while to check and I got no crashes after a few hours of playing, whereas I can...
  16. Bug Reports.

    I just a fought a battle with me, some farmers, and Chobo the Barbarian against some cossack raiders.

    There was giant smoke cloud with what sort of looked like pairs of chopsticks falling in it in the midst of my troops. (or my allies)  I think it may have been coming from Chobo himself.  It was somewhat hard to tell.

    The smoke cloud would come and go, possibly based on my proximity to the source.
  17. [V4.5] REPORTED BUGS LIST / VERSION 4.57 (hotfixes here)

    I keep getting an error message that says (paraphrased "Debug: faith+taxes < 0"  It started after I enacted some policies that lower taxes for villages.  My village tax rate is currently 50%.
  18. M&B Module Updater

    UnboundZero said:
    To get this over to all you Windows 7 users, chances are this mod will not work if you are using Windows 7. Anyway, great thing to have... A goal for this would be for it possible for you to download enhancement "packs" like polished landscapes and buildings... I still remember tearing my hair our try to figure out how to get landscapes in.  :mad:

    The mod works for me - other than having to turn off the "pause after battle" thing.
  19. M&B Module Updater

    Oskatat said:
    i cant even run it, it saves as a "z7" or 7z file or something. something to do with the name?

    .7z a is compression format.

    You can get the program to unzip it at their website:

    There are other free unzip programs that will work as well (like zipgenius)
  20. M&B Module Updater

    Well, I've tried everything I could think of to see if I could get this to work for me.

    Anyone able to get this to work in Windows 7?

    Anyone getting the same output?

    Unable to update actions.txt.
    Unable to update conversation.txt.
    Unable to update dialog_states.txt.
    Unable to update factions.txt.
    Unable to update game_variables.txt.
    Unable to update horse_actions1.txt.
    Unable to update human_actions1.txt.
    Unable to update item_kinds1.txt.
    Unable to update map_icons.txt.
    Unable to update menus.txt.
    Unable to update meshes.txt.
    Unable to update mission_templates.txt.
    Unable to update module.ini.
    Unable to update music.txt.
    Unable to update particle_systems.txt.
    Unable to update parties.txt.
    Unable to update party_templates.txt.
    Unable to update presentations.txt.
    Unable to update quests.txt.
    Unable to update quick_strings.txt.
    Unable to update scenes.txt.
    Unable to update scene_props.txt.
    Unable to update scripts.txt.
    Unable to update simple_triggers.txt.
    Unable to update skills.txt.
    Unable to update skins.txt.
    Unable to update sounds.txt.
    Unable to update strings.txt.
    Unable to update tableau_materials.txt.
    Unable to update triggers.txt.
    Unable to update troops.txt.
    Unable to update variables.txt.
    Unable to update variable_uses.txt.
    Update completed.
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