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  1. Dusk Voyager

    Improve your bloody grammar!

    Is "none of ... [plural countable] is..." correct or at least acceptable? The way I see it, it's correct because none is the negative version of one so suggests something singular, but I always see the plural form everywhere.
  2. Dusk Voyager

    Who of the old guard are still around?

    Khergit Veteran Horse Archers used to have about 230 archery proficiency and a good AI.

    And who forgets the 2012 apocalypse thread?
  3. Dusk Voyager

    Post Difficult Questions Here

    IMO he technically could, but then he stops being omnipotent. More to the point, he can limit his powers to create this stone.
  4. Dusk Voyager

    How can I go about creating a flame particle on an existing weapon? (ACOK 2.2)

    @YoItsObama: The glitch happens because when it's holstered, the scabbard/holstered version is initialized and the trigger just activates again. You could try removing the scabbard carry mesh from your sword. You can always justify its disappearance by saying it's magical.

    PS. If you want to keep the carry mesh, let's say you create your flame script. Put it into module_scripts and call it from the item trigger, or directly make it the trigger.

    Now you need to make sure it's not activated when it's not being wielded. To store the wielding state of the agent, place ti_on_item_wielded and ti_on_item_unwielded triggers into relevant mission templates. Create something like slot_agent_wielding_flame_sword.

    [set slot_agent_wielding_flame_sword to 1 for the relevant agent]
    [set slot_agent_wielding_flame_sword to 0 for the relevant agent]

    The flame script must check if slot_agent_wielding_flame_sword equals 1 for the agent and only then activate the flames.
  5. Dusk Voyager

    Modding in C# feels incredibly boring and tedious.

    I have to say C# is a massive improvement. Sure, I liked Monty/MABL's ease of use and quirks that allowed for out-of-the-box thinking and gimmicks a lot, but the same dependence on gimmicky workarounds limited it greatly (having to rely on parties or troop inventories to simulate arrays, no way to work with strings apart from joining them together and some other stuff that should have been trivial otherwise). Monty just can't handle such a supposedly ambitious game. It's not 2012 anymore.

    Not to mention it allowed for a limited amount of scripts/tuples, making it harder to read and work with. With C#, you can create as many functions, classes or objects as you like, organizing your code better. It's also supported by a lot of common IDEs, which helps with debugging and reviewing.
  6. Dusk Voyager

    Can't run old MnB versions, Themida problem.

    You can also try running it on an XP VM.
  7. Dusk Voyager

    Debating implementation of a Reaction/Like system

    The upvote system is already everywhere, so it's refreshing that this forum still doesn't have that. Technical/developmental stuff getting upvoted is fine, because it allows the devs and other people trying to help to easily see what the users want, and what gets the job done is upvoted anyway. Normal discussions don't need such things. It's just too much instant gratification, and treats popular opinions as always better.
  8. Dusk Voyager

    do you think that sturgia need a rework?

    Battanians are more tricky/roguish and Sturgians are the more simple/straightforward faction though.
  9. Dusk Voyager

    do you think that sturgia need a rework?

    They're supposed to be weak. Barbarians who are good fighters, but not much else.
  10. Dusk Voyager

    Sturigans is more weak after update?

    Sturgia being weaker makes sense actually. Unlike other factions, they don't know anything but fighting, least of all how to sustain their faction. They're basically supposed to be the Sparta to the others' Athens.
  11. Dusk Voyager

    Forum Bug/Issue/Error Reporting

    I thought they might have just changed it back, but good to know.
  12. Dusk Voyager

    Forum Bug/Issue/Error Reporting

    Fun fact: Your profile ID mod 278 is your alphabetical order among all the kingdom heroes and prominent NPCs.
  13. Dusk Voyager

    Count Tarchias

    Your profile ID mod 278 is your alphabetical order among all the kingdom heroes and prominent NPCs.
  14. Dusk Voyager

    Talk to Transformer

    Shouldn't this topic have been on Fun Stuff?

    Shouldn't this topic have been on Fun Stuff? :smile:

    By the way, I know this topic was already done (I guess I'm not an expert on advertising etc.) but I want to add my two cents. I've spent a lot of time reading and figuring this out. Yes, Advertising (Marketing) is "Intrinsic" to Companies, but that does not mean "Consumer-Driven". There are lots of Schemes that aim for Consumer-Driven, but ultimately have no intention of Advertising or "bringing the consumer" into their business. Basically, why do you pay for a TV station to air your program and not pay for them to advertise for you? The answer: The business only exists in the
  15. Dusk Voyager

    Is being an effective ruler compatible with being a good person?

    You could also argue that not wanting to get your hands dirty when it's needed is a self-absorbed decision based on a sense of pride of "keeping clean", therefore not necessarily ethical.
  16. Dusk Voyager

    New Forum Theme - Step by Step Guide ( Both Dark and Light Theme )

    I had some success with replacing four blue color hexes with brown/beige ones in the two CSS files I downloaded. Only leave the app.less section in the one starting with the normalize.css section, and run it first, then the one with badges.css, and Bloc's stuff last. The rectangles on the thumbnails are too visible though, so there's that. If there was a way to quickly replace a color palette with another, that'd be great.
  17. Dusk Voyager

    New Forum Theme - Step by Step Guide ( Both Dark and Light Theme )

    You can download all the CSS files at the website, remove all the background color configurations from them (there are like 3 of them, so it's not horribly time-consuming if your text editor allows regular expressions), then block the original CSS files (from your adblocker's custom filters section or somesuch) and include the new ones.
  18. Dusk Voyager

    Dev Blog 17/01/20

    It works now.
  19. Dusk Voyager

    New Forum Theme - Step by Step Guide ( Both Dark and Light Theme )

    You can make it work on mobile too:

    - Download the Tampermonkey app.

    - Save the newest CSS code on your computer.

    - Upload your CSS file somewhere accessible at all times, and make sure the direct link to the file (no redirects) isn't extremely long.
    I managed it by hosting the file on my server, tunneling via ngrok, saving a snapshot of the ngrok URL on Wayback Machine, and then copying the URL of the iframe of the snapshot.

    - Create a new userscript on your phone (the others aren't so important, but make sure anything starting from the @include line is written correctly), then save and enable it:
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         oldtheme
    // @namespace
    // @version      0.1
    // @description  try to take over the world!
    // @author       You
    // @include*
    // @grant       GM_addStyle
    // @grant       GM_getResourceText
    // ==/UserScript==
    var cssTxt = GM_getResourceText ("THE_CSS");
    GM_addStyle (cssTxt);

    PS. The newest version's resource link:
  20. Dusk Voyager

    New Forum Theme - Step by Step Guide ( Both Dark and Light Theme )

    If you don't want to use Stylus for some reason, you can also do it on Tampermonkey:

    - Save the CSS code from Bloc's step 4 somewhere on your computer.
    - Install Tampermonkey from here.
    - Open the extension's dashboard and create a new userscript by clicking the plus button.
    - Paste this into the text box:
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         oldtheme
    // @namespace
    // @version      0.1
    // @description  try to take over the world!
    // @author       You
    // @include*
    // @resource    THE_CSS [INSERT FULL CSS URL HERE]
    // @grant       GM_addStyle
    // @grant       GM_getResourceText
    // ==/UserScript==
    var cssTxt = GM_getResourceText ("THE_CSS");
    GM_addStyle (cssTxt);

    You can use a local URL too, but you'll have to allow the extension to access local file URLs. If you don't want to worry about that, you could attach the CSS somewhere on the web to use a normal URL. I think it can work on Chrome-based mobile browsers that allow the mobile version of Tampermonkey (didn't try it yet though).

    PS. You can put this link in the resource section:

    PPS. If you want to apply the theme without waiting for about a second, go to Settings and select the option document-start opposite to the Run label.

    PPPS. It actually works on mobile too.
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