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  1. OSP SubMod: Supply Wagon 2021 (Reinvented)

    I really like what you did here. Nice work!

    I haven't logged in a while so I just saw this now. Thank you, Tlap!

  2. OSP Campaign A Feudal Map of the World, 2.0: Granting fiefs interactively using the map

    Thanks, Supa! I just find it interesting and funny to try my hand at this. Seeing an idea work in the computer is always rewarding. I'm right now in a bit of a "long pause" in my life, and this helps pass the time until things start moving again.
  3. OSP Campaign A Feudal Map of the World, 2.0: Granting fiefs interactively using the map

    Hey, if somebody wonders why I was in Big Lebowski mode, I was just going along with a funny meme Earendil posted (and deleted? why? This aggression will not stand! :cool:). Also, I just love that silly movie.
  4. OSP Campaign A Feudal Map of the World, 2.0: Granting fiefs interactively using the map

    I''m the Jesus, and I'm the rest of the code.

         # Arris
         # Used in world map presentation.
         # Searches trp_temp_array_a, returns indexes of fiefs that match search criteria in trp_temp_array_c, number of indexes in reg0.
              (store_script_param, ":search_field", 1),
              (store_script_param, ":search_value", 2),
              (try_for_range, ":i", 0, 1000),
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_c", ":i", -1),
              (assign, reg0, 0),
              (assign, ":indx_c", 0),
              (try_for_range, ":i", 0, "$N_Centers"),
                    (store_mul, ":indx", ":i", 6),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx", ":search_field"),
                    (troop_slot_eq, "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1", ":search_value"),
                    (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_c", ":indx_c", ":indx"),
                    (val_add, ":indx_c", 1),
              (assign, reg0, ":indx_c"),
         # Used in world map presentation.
         # Searches trp_temp_array_b, returns indexes of lords that match search criteria in trp_temp_array_c, number of indexes in reg0.
              (store_script_param, ":search_field", 1),
              (store_script_param, ":search_value", 2),
              (try_for_range, ":i", 0, 1000),
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_c", ":i", -1),
              (assign, reg0, 0),
              (assign, ":indx_c", 0),
              (try_for_range, ":i", 0, "$N_Lords"),
                    (store_mul, ":indx", ":i", 4),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx", ":search_field"),
                    (troop_slot_eq, "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1", ":search_value"),
                    (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_c", ":indx_c", ":indx"),
                    (val_add, ":indx_c", 1),
              (assign, reg0, ":indx_c"),
        # Arris
        # Auxilliary script for world map presentation. Sets visibility of some controls
                (store_script_param, ":toggle", 1),
                    (eq, ":toggle", 0),
                    (position_set_x, pos1, 1000), (position_set_y, pos1, 260),
                    (overlay_set_position, "$list_lords", pos1),
                    (position_set_x, pos1, 750), (position_set_y, pos1, 260),
                    (overlay_set_position, "$list_lords", pos1),
                (overlay_set_display, "$chk_unassigned", ":toggle"),
                (overlay_set_display, "$chk_unassigned_lbl", ":toggle"),
                (overlay_set_display, "$g_btn_show_toggle", ":toggle"),
                (overlay_set_display, "$show_faction_lbl", ":toggle"),
                (overlay_set_display, "$factions", ":toggle"),

    Note: in the example in the OP I left the old dialog unchanged. Arrange them as you please. Also, I'm the walrus.

       [anyone|plyr, "minister_talk",
       (is_between, "$g_player_minister", active_npcs_begin, kingdom_ladies_end),
       "I wish to grant feuds to my vassals using the world map.", "minister_map",
       [anyone, "minister_map",
       [ ],
       "Certainly, my lord. Let me get the world map from the library...", "close_window",
            (assign, "$gShowFeudalMap", 1),

    This bit goes at the very beginning of the "town" menu, it is used to control the transition between map and dialog.

        "{s10} {s14}^{s11}{s12}{s13}",
           (try_begin), #Arris
                (eq, "$gShowFeudalMap", 1),
                (start_presentation, "prsnt_world_map"),
            (try_begin), #Arris
                (eq, "$gShowFeudalMap", 2),
                (assign, "$gShowFeudalMap", 0),
                (assign, "$town_entered", 1),
                (call_script, "script_enter_court", "$current_town"),
                (change_screen_map_conversation, "$g_player_minister"),

    The Arris abides!:grin:
  5. OSP Campaign A Feudal Map of the World, 2.0: Granting fiefs interactively using the map

    Next part of the presentation (event handling):

            (store_trigger_param_1, ":object"),
            (store_trigger_param_2, ":enter_leave"),
               (ge, ":object", "$first_center_btn"),
            (le, ":object", "$last_center_btn"),
            # show center name, owner when mouse over it
            (store_sub, ":display_overlay", 1, ":enter_leave"),
            (call_script, "script_search_fiefs_tmp", 0, ":object"),
            (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),
            (gt, ":indx0", -1),   
            (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 2), (troop_get_slot, ":id_lbl_name", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
            (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 3), (troop_get_slot, ":id_lbl_lord", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
            (overlay_set_display, ":id_lbl_name", ":display_overlay"),
            (overlay_set_display, ":id_lbl_lord", ":display_overlay"),         
            (store_trigger_param_1, ":object"),
            (store_trigger_param_2, ":value"),
            #Click on done
                (eq, ":object", "$g_presentation_obj_5"),
                    (eq, "$gShowFeudalMap", 1),
                    (assign, "$gShowFeudalMap", 2),
                (presentation_set_duration, 0),
            #Click on center
                (ge, ":object", "$first_center_btn"),
                (le, ":object", "$last_center_btn"),   
                (neg | key_is_down, key_right_shift),
                (neg | key_is_down, key_left_shift),
                (neg | key_is_down, key_right_control),
                (neg | key_is_down, key_left_control),
                #find lord
                (call_script, "script_search_fiefs_tmp", 0, ":object"),
                (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 4),
                (troop_get_slot, ":lord", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 5), ( troop_get_slot, ":display_state", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                #find lord color
                    (gt, ":lord", -1),
                    (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 0, ":lord"),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 1),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":color_lord", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1"),
                    (assign, ":color_lord", 0xFFFFFF),
                #find lord button
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 2),
                (troop_get_slot, ":id_btn", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1"),
                #color fiefs lord
                (call_script, "script_search_fiefs_tmp", 4, ":lord"),
                (try_for_range, ":i", 0, reg0),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", ":i"),   
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 5),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":lord_center", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx0"),
                        (eq, ":display_state", 1),
                        (troop_set_slot,  "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1", 0),
                        (overlay_set_color, ":lord_center", 0),   
                        (troop_set_slot,  "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1", 1),
                        (overlay_set_color, ":lord_center", ":color_lord"),                   
                #update lord button
                        (eq, ":display_state", 1),
                        (overlay_set_color, ":id_btn", 0),
                        (overlay_set_color, ":id_btn", 0x0066FF),
                #update unassigned chkbox
                    (lt, ":lord", 0),
                        (eq, ":display_state", 1),
                        (assign, ":display_state", 0),
                        (assign, ":display_state", 1),
                    (overlay_set_val, "$chk_unassigned", ":display_state"),
            #click on center+shift, assigned
                (ge, ":object", "$first_center_btn"),
                (le, ":object", "$last_center_btn"),   
                (this_or_next| key_is_down, key_right_shift), (key_is_down, key_left_shift),
                (call_script, "script_search_fiefs_tmp", 0, ":object"),    (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),   
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 4),    (troop_get_slot, ":lord", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 5),    (troop_get_slot, ":selected", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                (eq, ":selected", 1), (gt, ":lord", -1),
                (call_script, "script_toggle_controls_worldmap", 0),
                (overlay_set_display, "$lbl_name_color_lord", 1),
                (overlay_set_display, "$slider_color", 1),
                (overlay_set_display, "$btn_endcolor", 1),
                (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 0, ":lord"), (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),   
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 1),    (troop_get_slot, ":color_lord", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1"),
                #init color controls
                (troop_get_slot, ":color_lord", "trp_temp_array_d", ":lord"),
                (str_store_troop_name, s0, ":lord"),
                (overlay_set_text, "$lbl_name_color_lord", s0),
                (overlay_set_val, "$slider_color", ":color_lord"),
                (assign, "$id_color_lord", ":lord"),
            #click on button end color edit
                (eq, ":object", "$btn_endcolor"),
                (call_script, "script_toggle_controls_worldmap", 1),
                (overlay_set_display, "$lbl_name_color_lord", 0),
                (overlay_set_display, "$slider_color", 0),
                (overlay_set_display, "$btn_endcolor", 0),
            #move color slider
                (eq, ":object", "$slider_color"),
                (call_script, "script_search_fiefs_tmp", 4, "$id_color_lord"),
                (try_for_range, ":i", 0, reg0),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", ":i"),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":lord_center", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx0"),
                    (overlay_set_color, ":lord_center", ":value"),
                (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 0, "$id_color_lord"), (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 1), (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1", ":value"),
            #Click on lord's list
                (ge, ":object", "$first_lord_btn"),
                (le, ":object", "$last_lord_btn"),
                (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 2, ":object"),
                (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0), (troop_get_slot, ":id_lord", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx0"),
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 1), (troop_get_slot, ":color_lord", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1"),
                    (call_script, "script_search_fiefs_tmp", 4, ":id_lord"),
                    (gt, reg0, 0),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),           
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 5),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":selected", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                    (try_for_range, ":i", 0, reg0),
                        (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", ":i"),
                        (troop_get_slot, ":id_overlay_center", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx0"),
                            (eq, ":selected", 0),
                            (overlay_set_color, ":object", 0x0066FF),   
                            (overlay_set_color, ":id_overlay_center", ":color_lord"),
                            (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 5),
                            (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1", 1),
                            (overlay_set_color, ":object", 0),   
                            (overlay_set_color, ":id_overlay_center", 0),
                            (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 5),
                            (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1", 0),
                    (display_message, "@Selected lord has no fiefs."),
            #Click show unassigned
                (eq, ":object", "$chk_unassigned"),
                    (eq, ":value", 1),   
                    (assign, ":color", 0xFFFFFF),
                    (assign, ":color", 0),
                (call_script, "script_search_fiefs_tmp", 4, -1),
                (try_for_range, ":i", 0, reg0),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", ":i"),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":id_overlay_center", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx0"),
                    (overlay_set_color, ":id_overlay_center", ":color"),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 5),
                    (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1", ":value" ),
            #Click show all toggle
                (eq, ":object", "$g_btn_show_toggle"),
                #update centers
                (try_for_range, ":i", 0, "$N_Centers"),
                    (store_mul, ":indx0", ":i", 6),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":center_overlay", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx0"),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 4),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":lord", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                    (store_add, ":indx_display_state", ":indx0", 5),
                        (eq, ":lord", -1),
                        (assign, ":color", 0xFFFFFF),
                        (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 0, ":lord"),
                        (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),
                        (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 1),
                        (troop_get_slot, ":color", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1"),                   
                        (eq, "$show_toggle", 1),
                        (overlay_set_color, ":center_overlay", ":color"),
                        (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx_display_state", 1),
                        (overlay_set_color, ":center_overlay", 0),
                        (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx_display_state", 0),
                #update lord buttons, checkbox unassigned
                    (eq, "$show_toggle", 1),
                    (assign, "$show_toggle", 0),
                    (assign, ":color_button", 0x0066FF),
                    (overlay_set_val, "$chk_unassigned", 1),
                    (assign, "$show_toggle", 1),
                    (assign, ":color_button", 0),
                    (overlay_set_val, "$chk_unassigned", 0),
                (try_for_range, ":btn_lord", "$first_lord_btn", "$last_lord_btn"),
                        (overlay_set_color, ":btn_lord", ":color_button"),
                (val_add,":btn_lord", 1), (overlay_set_color, ":btn_lord", ":color_button"),
            #change on faction show combo
                (eq, ":object", "$factions"),
                #set all lord buttons to unselected
                (store_add, ":limit",  "$last_lord_btn", 1),
                (try_for_range, ":i", "$first_lord_btn", ":limit"),
                    (overlay_set_color, ":i", 0),
                #paint centers of chosen faction
                (store_add, ":fac_id", "fac_player_supporters_faction", ":value"),
                (try_for_range, ":i", 0, "$N_Centers"),
                    (store_mul, ":indx0", ":i", 6),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":center_overlay", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx0"),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 1),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":id_center", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 4),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":lord", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                    (store_faction_of_party, ":fac", ":id_center"),
                    (store_add, ":indx_display_state", ":indx0", 5),
                        (eq, ":fac_id", ":fac"),
                        (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 0, ":lord"),
                        #if no lord, white
                            (eq, reg0, 0),
                            (assign, ":color", 0xFFFFFF),
                        (else_try), #lord color and button lord as marked
                            (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),
                            (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 1),
                            (troop_get_slot, ":color", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1"),
                            (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 2),
                            (troop_get_slot, ":btn_lord", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1"),
                            (overlay_set_color, ":btn_lord", 0x0066FF),
                        (overlay_set_color, ":center_overlay", ":color"),
                        (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx_display_state", 1),
                        (overlay_set_color, ":center_overlay", 0),
                        (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx_display_state", 0),
            #click on center + control
                (eq, "$gShowFeudalMap", 1), #assign only if dialog with minister first
                (ge, ":object", "$first_center_btn"),
                (le, ":object", "$last_center_btn"),   
                (this_or_next| key_is_down, key_right_control), (key_is_down, key_left_control),
                (call_script, "script_search_fiefs_tmp", 0, ":object"),
                (gt, reg0, 0),
                (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 5), (troop_get_slot, ":display_state", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                (eq, ":display_state", 1),
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 4), (troop_get_slot, ":lord", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                (this_or_next | eq, ":lord", -1), (eq, ":lord", 0), #assign only unassigned or player owned
                (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 1), (troop_get_slot, "$fief_selected", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),
                    (eq, "$g_player_court", "$fief_selected"),
                    (display_message, "@Can't grant capital fief!"),
                            (store_faction_of_party, reg0, "$fief_selected"),
                            (neq, reg0, "fac_player_supporters_faction"),
                            (display_message, "@Unassigned fief not part of your kingdom!"),
                            (call_script, "script_toggle_controls_worldmap", 0),
                            (overlay_set_display, "$lbl_name_grant_lord", 1),
                            (overlay_set_display, "$cbo_grant", 1),   
                            (overlay_set_val, "$cbo_grant",  "$last_indx_cbogrant"),
            #change on grant combo
                (eq, ":object", "$cbo_grant"),
                (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp" , 3, ":value"),
                    (eq, reg0, 0),    #case None
                    (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 0), (troop_get_slot, ":lord", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1"),
                    (call_script, "script_give_center_to_lord", "$fief_selected", ":lord", 0),
                    #if fief was on agenda, remove from agenda
                    (faction_get_slot, ":fief_on_agenda", "fac_player_supporters_faction", slot_faction_political_issue),
                        (eq, ":fief_on_agenda", "$fief_selected"),
                        (faction_set_slot, "fac_player_supporters_faction", slot_faction_political_issue, -1),
                    (call_script, "script_add_log_entry", logent_castle_given_to_lord_by_player, "trp_player", "$fief_selected", ":lord", "$g_encountered_party_faction"),
                    #update lists fief & lords, overlays center and label name
                    (call_script, "script_search_fiefs_tmp" , 1, "$fief_selected"),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 4),
                    (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1", ":lord"),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":center_overlay", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx0"),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 3),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":id_overlay_name", "trp_temp_array_a", ":indx1"),           
                    (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp" , 0, ":lord"),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":indx0", "trp_temp_array_c", 0),
                    (store_add, ":indx1", ":indx0", 1),
                    (troop_get_slot, ":color", "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx1"),
                    (str_store_troop_name, s0, ":lord"),
                    (overlay_set_text, ":id_overlay_name", s0),
                    (overlay_set_color, ":center_overlay", ":color"),
                    (str_store_party_name, s1, "$fief_selected"),
                    (display_message, "@{s1} is granted to {s0}.", 0xFF00FF),
                (call_script, "script_toggle_controls_worldmap", 1),
                (overlay_set_display, "$lbl_name_grant_lord", 0),
                (overlay_set_display, "$cbo_grant", 0),
            #Click on help   
                (eq, ":object", "$g_help"),
                (dialog_box, "@Hover mouse over settlement to view basic info. Click to toggle view of all fiefs assigned to settlement owner.^^To change colors, click+shift on a colorized settlement.^^To assign fief, click+control on settlement (Only if coming from dialog with minister).^^By: Arris Rumi, 2021.", "@Feudal Map"),
  6. OSP Campaign A Feudal Map of the World, 2.0: Granting fiefs interactively using the map

    I'm out of my element! :cool: Presentation split in two, it is big!

    # Arris Feudal World Map. (Based on previous work by Rubik)
        # Uses trp_temp_array_a and trp_temp_array_b to store info about centers (feuds) and lords, stored sequentially.
        # Search above with scripts "search_fiefs_tmp" and "search_lords_tmp" respectively.
        # Returns indexes of results in trp_temp_array_c, number of matches in reg0
        # Fields in trp_temp_array_a (centers):
        #    - id overlay center
        #    - id center
        #    - id overlay label name center
        #    - id overlay label owner
        #    - id lord
        #    - overlay center display state
        # Fields in trp_temp_array_b (lords)
        #     - id lord
        #     - color lord
        #    - id button overlay in lord list
        #    - id item in combo box vassal (-1 if not vassal)
        ("world_map", 0, mesh_load_window, [
            (presentation_set_duration, 999999),
            (set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1000),
          ## initialization part begin
            # presentation obj: begin from top left corner
            (assign, ":init_pos_x", 15), # init x
            (assign, ":init_pos_y", 725), # init y
            # world map
            (assign, ":min_map_x", -200*1000),
            (assign, ":max_map_x", 200*1000),
            (assign, ":min_map_y", -177*1000),
            (assign, ":max_map_y", 177*1000),
            # also begin from top left corner
            (assign, ":init_map_x", ":min_map_x"), # init map_x
            (assign, ":init_map_y", ":max_map_y"), # init map_y
            # move length of p_temp_party, total_cols and total_rows
            (assign, ":party_move_length", 2*1000),
            (store_sub, ":total_cols", ":max_map_x", ":min_map_x"),
            (store_sub, ":total_rows", ":max_map_y", ":min_map_y"),
            (val_div, ":total_cols", ":party_move_length"),
            (val_div, ":total_rows", ":party_move_length"),
            # color_block_length
            (assign, ":color_block_length", 4),
            (store_mul, ":color_block_size", ":color_block_length", 50),
            (position_set_x, pos2, ":color_block_size"),
            (position_set_y, pos2, ":color_block_size"),
            (store_sub, "$N_Lords", active_npcs_end, active_npcs_begin),
            (val_add, "$N_Lords", 1),
            (store_sub, "$N_Centers", centers_end, centers_begin),
            (val_add, "$N_Centers", 1),
            (try_for_range, ":i", 0, 1000),
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":i", -1),
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":i", -1),
          ## initialization part end
            (assign, ":pos_x", ":init_pos_x"), # assign to cur pos_x
            (assign, ":pos_y", ":init_pos_y"), # assign to cur pos_y
            (assign, ":map_x", ":init_map_x"), # assign to cur map_x
            (assign, ":map_y", ":init_map_y"), # assign to cur map_y
            ## draw whole map
            (try_for_range, ":unused_rows", 0, ":total_rows"),
              (try_for_range, ":unused_cols", 0, ":total_cols"),
                (assign, ":dest_color", 0xFFFFFF), # default
                (position_set_x, pos3, ":map_x"),
                (position_set_y, pos3, ":map_y"),
                (party_set_position, "p_temp_party", pos3),
                (party_get_current_terrain, ":current_terrain", "p_temp_party"),
                  (eq, ":current_terrain", rt_water),
                  (assign, ":dest_color", 0x0066FF), # default
                  (call_script, "script_get_closest_center", "p_temp_party"),
                  (assign, ":nearest_center", reg0),
                    (gt, ":nearest_center", -1),
                    (store_faction_of_party, ":center_faction", ":nearest_center"),
                    (is_between, ":center_faction", kingdoms_begin, kingdoms_end),
                    (faction_get_color, ":dest_color", ":center_faction"),
                (create_mesh_overlay, reg0, "mesh_white_plane"),
                (overlay_set_color, reg0, ":dest_color"),
                (position_set_x, pos1, ":pos_x"),
                (position_set_y, pos1, ":pos_y"),
                (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
                (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos2), # color block size
                ## draw borderlines begin [optional]
                # borderlines length and whidth
                (store_add, ":line_length", ":color_block_size", 1*50),
                (assign, ":line_whidth", 1*50),
                # find bound_center
                  (this_or_next|party_slot_eq, ":nearest_center", slot_party_type, spt_town),
                  (party_slot_eq, ":nearest_center", slot_party_type, spt_castle),
                  (assign, ":bound_center", ":nearest_center"), # itself
                  (party_slot_eq, ":nearest_center", slot_party_type, spt_village),
                  (party_get_slot, ":bound_center", ":nearest_center", slot_village_bound_center),
                # compare with the left side color block
                  (store_sub, ":map_x_2", ":map_x", ":party_move_length"),
                  (assign, ":map_y_2", ":map_y"),
                  (position_set_x, pos4, ":map_x_2"),
                  (position_set_y, pos4, ":map_y_2"),
                  (party_set_position, "p_temp_party", pos4),
                  (party_get_current_terrain, ":current_terrain_2", "p_temp_party"),
                    (assign, ":continue", 0),
                      (neq, ":current_terrain", rt_water),
                      (neq, ":current_terrain_2", rt_water),
                      (call_script, "script_get_closest_center", "p_temp_party"),
                      (assign, ":nearest_center_2", reg0),
                        (gt, ":nearest_center_2", -1),
                          (this_or_next|party_slot_eq, ":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_town),
                          (party_slot_eq, ":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_castle),
                          (assign, ":bound_center_2", ":nearest_center_2"), # itself
                          (party_slot_eq, ":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_village),
                          (party_get_slot, ":bound_center_2", ":nearest_center_2", slot_village_bound_center),
                        (neq, ":bound_center_2", ":bound_center"),
                        (assign, ":continue", 1),
                      (neq, ":current_terrain", ":current_terrain_2"),
                      (this_or_next|eq, ":current_terrain", rt_water),
                      (eq, ":current_terrain_2", rt_water),
                      (assign, ":continue", 1),
                    (eq, ":continue", 1),
                    (create_mesh_overlay, reg0, "mesh_white_plane"),
                    (overlay_set_color, reg0, 0),
                    (position_set_x, pos1, ":pos_x"),
                    (position_set_y, pos1, ":pos_y"),
                    (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
                    (position_set_x, pos1, ":line_whidth"),
                    (position_set_y, pos1, ":line_length"),
                    (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
                # compare with the under color block
                  (assign, ":map_x_2", ":map_x"),
                  (store_sub, ":map_y_2", ":map_y", ":party_move_length"),
                  (position_set_x, pos4, ":map_x_2"),
                  (position_set_y, pos4, ":map_y_2"),
                  (party_set_position, "p_temp_party", pos4),
                  (party_get_current_terrain, ":current_terrain_2", "p_temp_party"),
                    (assign, ":continue", 0),
                      (neq, ":current_terrain", rt_water),
                      (neq, ":current_terrain_2", rt_water),
                      (call_script, "script_get_closest_center", "p_temp_party"),
                      (assign, ":nearest_center_2", reg0),
                        (gt, ":nearest_center_2", -1),
                          (this_or_next|party_slot_eq, ":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_town),
                          (party_slot_eq, ":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_castle),
                          (assign, ":bound_center_2", ":nearest_center_2"),
                          (party_slot_eq, ":nearest_center_2", slot_party_type, spt_village),
                          (party_get_slot, ":bound_center_2", ":nearest_center_2", slot_village_bound_center),
                        (neq, ":bound_center_2", ":bound_center"),
                        (assign, ":continue", 1),
                      (neq, ":current_terrain", ":current_terrain_2"),
                      (this_or_next|eq, ":current_terrain", rt_water),
                      (eq, ":current_terrain_2", rt_water),
                      (assign, ":continue", 1),
                    (eq, ":continue", 1),
                    (create_mesh_overlay, reg0, "mesh_white_plane"),
                    (overlay_set_color, reg0, 0),
                    (position_set_x, pos1, ":pos_x"),
                    (position_set_y, pos1, ":pos_y"),
                    (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
                    (position_set_x, pos1, ":line_length"),
                    (position_set_y, pos1, ":line_whidth"),
                    (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
                ## draw borderlines end [optional]
                # offset
                (val_add, ":pos_x", ":color_block_length"),
                (val_add, ":map_x", ":party_move_length"),
              # offset
              (assign, ":pos_x", ":init_pos_x"),
              (val_sub, ":pos_y", ":color_block_length"),
              (assign, ":map_x", ":init_map_x"),
              (val_sub, ":map_y", ":party_move_length"),
            ## blocks of centers
            (assign, ":slot_no", 0),
            (try_for_range, ":center_no", centers_begin, centers_end),
              (party_is_active, ":center_no"),
              (party_get_position, pos4, ":center_no"),
              (position_get_x, ":center_x", pos4),
              (position_get_y, ":center_y", pos4),
              (val_sub, ":center_x", ":init_map_x"),
              (val_sub, ":center_y", ":init_map_y"),
              (val_mul, ":center_x", ":color_block_length"),
              (val_mul, ":center_y", ":color_block_length"),
              (val_div, ":center_x", ":party_move_length"),
              (val_div, ":center_y", ":party_move_length"),
              (val_add, ":center_x", ":init_pos_x"),
              (val_add, ":center_y", ":init_pos_y"),
              # offset and size
                (party_slot_eq, ":center_no", slot_party_type, spt_town),
                (assign, ":block_size", 20),
                (party_slot_eq, ":center_no", slot_party_type, spt_castle),
                (assign, ":block_size", 12),
                (party_slot_eq, ":center_no", slot_party_type, spt_village),
                (assign, ":block_size", 8),
              (val_mul, ":block_size", 50),
              # block
              (create_image_button_overlay, reg0, "mesh_white_dot", "mesh_white_dot"),
              (overlay_set_color, reg0, 0),
              (position_set_x, pos1, ":center_x"),
              (position_set_y, pos1, ":center_y"),
              (overlay_set_position, reg0, pos1),
              (position_set_x, pos1, ":block_size"),
              (position_set_y, pos1, ":block_size"),
              (overlay_set_size, reg0, pos1),
              (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", reg0), # overlay center
              (val_add, ":slot_no", 1),
              (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", ":center_no"), #id center
              # center name label
              (str_store_party_name, s1, ":center_no"),
              (create_text_overlay, reg1, s1, tf_center_justify),
              (store_add, ":text_x", ":center_x", 0),
              (store_add, ":text_y", ":center_y", 10),
              (position_set_x, pos1, ":text_x"), (position_set_y, pos1, ":text_y"),
              (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
              (overlay_set_color, reg1, 0),
              (position_set_x, pos1, 780), (position_set_y, pos1, 780),
              (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos1),
              (overlay_set_display, reg1, 0),
              (val_add, ":slot_no", 1),
              (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", reg1), #overlay label name center
              # owner name label
              (party_get_slot, ":lord", ":center_no", slot_town_lord),
                (gt, ":lord", -1),
                (str_store_troop_name, s1, ":lord"),
                (str_store_string, s1, "@Unassigned"),
              (create_text_overlay, reg1, s1, tf_center_justify),
              (store_add, ":text_x", ":center_x", 0),
              (store_add, ":text_y", ":center_y", -25),
              (position_set_x, pos1, ":text_x"), (position_set_y, pos1, ":text_y"),
              (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos1),
              (overlay_set_color, reg1, 0),
              (position_set_x, pos1, 780), (position_set_y, pos1, 780),
              (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos1),
              (overlay_set_display, reg1, 0),
              (val_add, ":slot_no", 1),
              (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", reg1), #overlay label owner
              # id center owner
                (gt, ":lord", -1),
                (val_add, ":slot_no", 1),
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", ":lord"),
                (val_add, ":slot_no", 1),
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", -1),
              # overlay center display state
              (val_add, ":slot_no", 1),
              (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no", 0),
              (val_add, ":slot_no", 1),
            (troop_get_slot, "$first_center_btn", "trp_temp_array_a", 0),
            (val_sub, ":slot_no", 6),
            (troop_get_slot, "$last_center_btn", "trp_temp_array_a", ":slot_no"),
            ##end block centers
            #Color codes for lords   
            (assign, ":indx", -1),
            (try_for_range, ":id_npc", active_npcs_begin, active_npcs_end),
                (store_random_in_range, ":color_lord", 0, 10000),
                (val_mul, ":color_lord", 16777215), (val_div, ":color_lord", 10000),
                (val_add, ":indx", 1),
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx", ":id_npc"),
                (val_add, ":indx", 1),
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx", ":color_lord"),
                (val_add, ":indx", 2),
            #player color
            (store_random_in_range, ":color_lord", 0, 10000),
            (val_mul, ":color_lord", 16777215), (val_div, ":color_lord", 10000),
            (val_add, ":indx", 1),
            (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx", 0),
            (val_add, ":indx", 1),
            (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx", ":color_lord"),       
            #List Lords
            (str_clear, s0),
            (create_text_overlay, "$list_lords", s0, tf_scrollable),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 750), (position_set_y, pos1, 260),
            (overlay_set_position, "$list_lords", pos1),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 200), (position_set_y, pos1, 4100),
            (overlay_set_size, "$list_lords", pos1),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 200), (position_set_y, pos1, 250),
            (overlay_set_area_size, "$list_lords", pos1),
            (set_container_overlay, "$list_lords"),
            (assign, ":x_pos", 160), (assign, ":y_pos", 4000),
            (str_store_troop_name, s0, 0),
            (create_game_button_overlay, reg1 , "@{s0}", tf_center_justify),
            (position_set_x, pos3, ":x_pos"), (position_set_y, pos3, ":y_pos"),
            (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos3),
            (position_set_x, pos3, 100), (position_set_y, pos3, 25),
            (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos3),
            (val_sub, ":y_pos", 25),
            (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 0, 0),
            (troop_get_slot, ":indx", "trp_temp_array_c",0),
            (val_add, ":indx", 2),   
            (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b",":indx", reg1),
            (assign, "$first_lord_btn", reg1),
            (try_for_range, ":id_npc", active_npcs_begin, active_npcs_end),
                (str_store_troop_name, s0, ":id_npc"),
                (create_game_button_overlay, reg1 , "@{s0}", tf_center_justify),
                (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 0, ":id_npc"),
                (troop_get_slot, ":indx", "trp_temp_array_c",0),           
                (val_add, ":indx", 2),   
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b",":indx", reg1),             
                (position_set_x, pos3, ":x_pos"), (position_set_y, pos3, ":y_pos"),
                (overlay_set_position, reg1, pos3),
                (position_set_x, pos3, 100), (position_set_y, pos3, 25),
                (overlay_set_size, reg1, pos3),
                (val_sub, ":y_pos", 25),
            (assign, "$last_lord_btn", reg1),
            (set_container_overlay, -1),   
            #Checkbox show all unassigned
            (create_check_box_overlay, "$chk_unassigned", "mesh_checkbox_off", "mesh_checkbox_on"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 825), (position_set_y, pos1, 700),
            (overlay_set_position, "$chk_unassigned", pos1),
            (create_text_overlay, "$chk_unassigned_lbl", "@Show unassigned"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 840), (position_set_y, pos1, 700),
            (overlay_set_position, "$chk_unassigned_lbl", pos1),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 780), (position_set_y, pos1, 780),
            (overlay_set_size, "$chk_unassigned_lbl", pos1),
            #Show all toggle
            (create_game_button_overlay, "$g_btn_show_toggle", "@Show All/None"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 900),
            (position_set_y, pos1, 650),
            (overlay_set_position, "$g_btn_show_toggle", pos1),   
            (assign, "$show_toggle", 1),
            #Owner name
            (create_text_overlay, "$lbl_name_color_lord", "@None2"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 825), (position_set_y, pos1, 700),
            (overlay_set_position, "$lbl_name_color_lord", pos1),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 780), (position_set_y, pos1, 780),
            (overlay_set_size, "$lbl_name_color_lord", pos1),
            (overlay_set_color, "$lbl_name_color_lord", 0xFFFFFF),
            (overlay_set_display, "$lbl_name_color_lord", 0),
            #Custom color slider
            (create_slider_overlay, "$slider_color", 0, 0xFFFFFF),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 950), (position_set_y, pos1, 670),
            (overlay_set_position, "$slider_color", pos1),   
            (position_set_x, pos1, 600), (position_set_y, pos1, 780),
            (overlay_set_size, "$slider_color", pos1),
            (overlay_set_display, "$slider_color", 0),
            #End color edit
            (create_game_button_overlay, "$btn_endcolor", "@OK"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 900), (position_set_y, pos1, 640),
            (overlay_set_position, "$btn_endcolor", pos1),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 100), (position_set_y, pos1, 25),
            (overlay_set_size, "$btn_endcolor", pos1),
            (overlay_set_color, "$btn_endcolor", 0xFFFFFF),   
            (overlay_set_display, "$btn_endcolor", 0),
            #faction label
            (create_text_overlay, "$show_faction_lbl", "@Show faction:"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 830), (position_set_y, pos1, 590),
            (overlay_set_position, "$show_faction_lbl", pos1),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 780), (position_set_y, pos1, 780),
            (overlay_set_size, "$show_faction_lbl", pos1),       
            #Combo box factions (hardcoded because few)
            (create_combo_button_overlay, "$factions"),
            (overlay_add_item, "$factions", "@Player"),
            (overlay_add_item, "$factions", "@Swadians"),
            (overlay_add_item, "$factions", "@Vaegirs"),
            (overlay_add_item, "$factions", "@Khergits"),
            (overlay_add_item, "$factions", "@Nords"),
            (overlay_add_item, "$factions", "@Rhodoks"),
            (overlay_add_item, "$factions", "@Sarranids"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 945), (position_set_y, pos1, 560),
            (overlay_set_position, "$factions", pos1),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 550), (position_set_y, pos1, 700),
            (overlay_set_size, "$factions", pos1),
            #label lord to grant fief
            (create_text_overlay, "$lbl_name_grant_lord", "@Grant fief to..."),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 825), (position_set_y, pos1, 700),
            (overlay_set_position, "$lbl_name_grant_lord", pos1),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 780), (position_set_y, pos1, 780),
            (overlay_set_size, "$lbl_name_grant_lord", pos1),
            (overlay_set_color, "$lbl_name_grant_lord", 0xFFFFFF),
            (overlay_set_display, "$lbl_name_grant_lord", 0),
            #combo box vassals
            (assign, ":i", 0 ),
            (create_combo_button_overlay, "$cbo_grant"),
            (try_for_range, ":id_npc", active_npcs_begin, active_npcs_end),
                (store_troop_faction, reg0, ":id_npc"),
                (eq, reg0, "fac_player_supporters_faction"),
                (str_store_troop_name, s0, ":id_npc"),
                (overlay_add_item, "$cbo_grant", s0),
                (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 0, ":id_npc"),
                (troop_get_slot, ":indx", "trp_temp_array_c",0),
                (val_add, ":indx", 3),
                (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx", ":i"),
                (val_add, ":i", 1),           
            (call_script, "script_search_lords_tmp", 0, 0),
            (troop_get_slot, ":indx", "trp_temp_array_c",0),
            (val_add, ":indx", 3),
            (troop_set_slot, "trp_temp_array_b", ":indx", ":i"),
            (str_store_troop_name, s0, 0),
            (overlay_add_item, "$cbo_grant", s0),
            (val_add, ":i", 1),   
            (overlay_add_item, "$cbo_grant", "@None"),
            (overlay_set_val, "$cbo_grant", ":i"),
            (assign, "$last_indx_cbogrant", ":i"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 945), (position_set_y, pos1, 640),
            (overlay_set_position, "$cbo_grant", pos1),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 550), (position_set_y, pos1, 700),
            (overlay_set_size, "$cbo_grant", pos1),
            (overlay_set_display, "$cbo_grant", 0),
            # Done
            (create_game_button_overlay, "$g_presentation_obj_5", "@Done"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 900), (position_set_y, pos1, 70),
            (overlay_set_position, "$g_presentation_obj_5", pos1),
            (create_button_overlay, "$g_help", "@Help"),
            (position_set_x, pos1, 825), (position_set_y, pos1, 30),
            (overlay_set_position, "$g_help", pos1),
  7. OSP Campaign A Feudal Map of the World, 2.0: Granting fiefs interactively using the map

    Hi guys, This is a new, improved, aerodynamic and more nutritious version of my WRW Map (Who Rules What Map, aka Feudal Map of the World). The original is described here . This has all the functionality of the first version, plus an important extra: as an independent king, you can give fiefs...
  8. OSP Code QoL Sorting Troops for M&B Warband

    Is it possible in these times, to designate in advance and by code more classes of troops than infantry, cavalry and archers? ... I would like to add for example, militia, hunters and grenadiers ... so that the players do not have to do it manual, but not for the type of item they use, since most of the troops of my mod, use only muskets

    Qué tal Mauromagno (viva Chile!)

    Just saw your message. Well, my code should be able to add all classes represented in your party automatically, because it just scans every troop on your party, takes note of any new class, and adds it. As long as the classes are correctly defined somewhere else, it should work.

    (Acabo de ver tu mensaje. Bueno, el código debiera ser capaz de añadir todas las clases presentes en tu "party" automáticamente, porque hace un barrido por las tropas y añade a la lista de clases toda clase nueva que encuentre. Mientras hayas definido las clases de tropa correctamente, debiera funcionar.)

  9. OSP Code Campaign A Feudal Map of the World (or the who-rules-what map)

    Hi guys,

    Just to tell you all that I modified the original code to deal correctly with displaying the (independent) player faction. The original code displayed it, but wasn't interactive in that particular case. Fixed in the original post, both modules presentation and troops Thanks!

  10. OSP Code Campaign A Feudal Map of the World (or the who-rules-what map)

    Fire Arrow, a mod for original M&B, has a brilliant interactive worldmap and its source code is publicly available. Together with custom-made textures and new scripts, the best template for a worldmap can be easily crafted. I recommend you look into the source code of the above-mentioned module as well in order to forge even better stuff.


    Hi Veledentella, that's interesting! Will surely check it out.
  11. OSP Code Campaign A Feudal Map of the World (or the who-rules-what map)

    Hi Earendil,

    I changed the castles from spheres to squares, and it looks like this:


    Not very pleased. They look way too flat, because the only mesh (that I know of) that can produce a colored square is white_plane, which has no shading so no 3-d appareance, unlike the spheres. So I think I'll have to stick to my balls (yeah, I'm funny like that) unless somebody thinks of an alternative? Enfin, as the french would say.
  12. OSP Code Campaign A Feudal Map of the World (or the who-rules-what map)

    That would also be nice, to connect it with some skills. Can't read a map if you are too dumb for it :lol:

    Literacy, numeracy....mapacy? :wink:
  13. OSP Code Campaign A Feudal Map of the World (or the who-rules-what map)

    Hi Earendil, glad you liked it!

    You know, that idea of representing castles as squares is a good one. I thought that the size difference would, precisely, make the difference, but if there are people like you that have a bit of difficulty telling castles from towns by size alone then I better reconsider! Let me experiment here a bit and see what happens.

    Oh, and I implemented showing only the fiefs of one faction thinking about the specific case of managing your own kingdom, when the extra info from the other factions would be just visual clutter.

    That idea of revealing the info about the rest of the factions only if you have some spies or whatever is not bad! Outside the scope of this humble OSP, though. Perhaps someone can implement it. Idea: show all factions if one of your party upgrades INT up to the point of learning how to draw a map, ha! :grin:

    Well, thanks again for the kudos, and back to the programming chambers for me!

  14. OSP Code Campaign A Feudal Map of the World (or the who-rules-what map)

    I was thinking about adding a zoom feature. Do you think it is necessary?
  15. OSP Code Campaign A Feudal Map of the World (or the who-rules-what map)

    When loaded (as a report) you will see the empty map:


    If you hover the mouse over a settlement, its name and owner will be displayed. If you click on it, all settlements owned by the same lord that owns the selectect settlement will be displayed. Example: you click on a village owned by King Harlaus, all fiefs of Harlaus are displayed:


    You can do this with any number of fiefs simultaneously. Click again to turn display off.


    You can select all fiefs on the map with the toggle "Show All/None":


    Or show only unassigned fiefs, with the checkbox "Show unassigned":


    Or all the fiefs belonging to a single faction, with the comb box "Show faction":


    Or the fiefs of selected lords, using the lord list:


    The colors for each lord are randomly generated each time the map loads. Because of this sometimes the colors are too close to one another, or to the background, to make them easily distinguishable, so you need to edit them. To do so, click on a colorized fief while pressing shift key, and a slider bar will appear. Move the slider to adjust color, press ok when finished. Example: changing color for Boyar Druli's fiefs:



    And finally, a little help button that displays, logically, some help:


    And that's the Feudal Map, or the WRW map. As you can see, it is quite customizable, and, I hope, helpful for your needs. It was also pretty fun to program :smile:. Enjoy, and don't forget to credit the author if you use it!

  16. OSP Code Campaign A Feudal Map of the World (or the who-rules-what map)

    Hi guys, Here I present to you the Feudal Map of the World, or the WRW map (who-rules-what map)! This OSP is meant to implement a map illustrating which lord rules where. Useful for when you rule your own realm and want to keep track of your happy vassals' holdings and to assign new fiefs...
  17. Simple Question: Black background for a presentation?

    Earendil, you are great! Found in the link you provided a command (mission_cam_set_screen_color) that does exactly what I want. Thanks!

    PS: Strange that a mission command works with presentations, eh?

    Regards, Arris.
  18. Simple Question: Black background for a presentation?

    Hi Earendil,

    Well, actually I was wondering if there is an option in the presentation's declaration that could be useful. For example, if it begins like this:

    ("world_map", 0, mesh_load_window, [

    is there any way to set a black background there, at loading (with no meshes)?
  19. Simple Question: Black background for a presentation?

    Hi guys, Just a quite simple question: how to set a presentation's background to black? Just a simple, uniform black. I know that presentations use meshes for backgrounds, but perhaps I don't have to go through all the work of adding a new mesh just to show a black screen, right? I searched the...
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