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  1. TheDesertRex

    Please support the Console version!

    That's crappy maybe though post full release we can ask for things to change? Make your voices heard!
    We have been trying to get things to change for the last 2 years they always say "Its to complex" or "Its not in our vision" its why the forums are usually people just complaining
  2. TheDesertRex

    Please support the Console version!

    The reason behind this post is the discrimination cobsole players usually receive compared to their PC counterparts. I do not endorse the views of people who say Taleworlds does not care about our console versions, so I would like to ask that you prove the naysayers wrong 🙂👍

    Id say with taleworld is was the other way round they purposefully left the game dry with no meaningful content so they could release it on last gen console they also let multiplier die out on pc so there is no chance that console multiplayer will stay around
  3. TheDesertRex

    Multiplayer mode is dead now. Let's pray for it. Goodbye my friend

    Act like adults. It's not a hard request.
    Man u gotta take a look in that mirror
  4. TheDesertRex

    Breaking out prisoners

    Thank you.
    Can you get people out of prison if you are an independent clan?
  5. TheDesertRex


    U usually have to spend a while just waiting in a city with your wife she usually becomes pregnant after a week or 2 but i do agree with adding divorce
  6. TheDesertRex

    Changes needed to war diplomacy!!!

    I agree with everything u said the armies coming back after a couple days like nothing happened makes me feel like battles are pointless just like executions are pointless and prisoners are pointless
  7. TheDesertRex

    Where's this "hope" stuff coming from?

    I’m aware. A good update would help revive it. Alas, this was not it. Reroll for a better one.
    Im hoping the full launch of the game will bring back players but if it stays this stale i dont think it will
  8. TheDesertRex

    Khuzait bankruptcy problem

    I feel like since 1.7 alot of factions seem to be alot poorer then usual and have weaker armies
  9. TheDesertRex

    Where's this "hope" stuff coming from?

    Don't know about singleplayer but for mutliplayer it was garbage.
    Well multiplayers dead
  10. TheDesertRex

    What happened to Bannerlord Tweaks?

    OK so I did boot this piece of **** up and.... no no no no no **** no no no oh hell no no no no no.

    In the first tutorial combat, I straight-up killed a little less than half a dozen human beings by head-shotting them in the face with arrows and didn't gain a single point of Archery skill.

    I'm done. I refuse. This game is evil incarnate.

    I will never again submit to MMO-level grind by personally murdering hundreds of men in order to level up my combat skills from Nothing to Below Average.

    Nobody could possibly have fun with this game at native XP progression levels, which can only be reasonably leveled by mortal combat - not training or even tournament combat. You shouldn't have to personally kill more people than Ghengis Khan in order to git gud when your character backstory involves archery practiced since childhood.

    Everyone who said this game was fun on 1.7.0 was high on hallucinogenic mushrooms harvested from a dumpster fire. I'm looking at you, @MostBlunted.

  11. TheDesertRex

    Anyone else noticed an increase of crashes in 1.7 while loading sieges

    I am 30 hours into 1.7 playthrough, no mods. Already updated drivers, verified game files. Everything is bug free except siege defenses. I have crashed every time I've attempted to defend a siege of a town or castle. I've attempted it about 15 times, with 100% crash rate at several locations (Pen Cannoc, Car Banseth, Ormanford Caslte, Talivel Castle, Kranirog Castle).
    I can confirm its the exact same with me for most battinain locations for defence
  12. TheDesertRex

    What do you guys think about Influence?

    They could make influence collecting a good peace time thing by adding a political aspect to the game like bribery helping nobles, feasts, Marriage , crime, assassinations and the like would make the game a whole of a lot more intresting and less bland
  13. TheDesertRex

    warband features to bannerlord

    +1 those features would go well with a brand new political system
  14. TheDesertRex

    SP - General Truces appear to not be enough, endless war.

    What else is there to do except war the rest of the content is bland and boring no politics and boring lifeless quests
  15. TheDesertRex

    Anyone else noticed an increase of crashes in 1.7 while loading sieges

    Are we speaking about an unmodded siege experience? ==> The game never really crashed for me since May...
    It just got better, more stable...

    Yes unmoded it was fine for me for along time but since this beta its crashes every other siege its not a problem as it is in beta after all its just strange
  16. TheDesertRex

    Development will probably go on after the full release.

    I will only buy a DLC of BL if the mod I want to play requires it.

    Thats if the modding community actually comes back when they fully release the game i feel like if the game is still as bland as it is now at launch not many people will come back to play the game never mind creating there own content for it
  17. TheDesertRex

    Where's this "hope" stuff coming from?


    here is artems clip ive also had the exact same results in all sieges
  18. TheDesertRex

    Anyone else noticed an increase of crashes in 1.7 while loading sieges

    As the title says anyone else had more crashes then usual or is it just me
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