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  1. Bleyck

    A deeper Peace Treaty / Settlement Occupation system (long post)

    what's stopping the occupying force from taking taxes from the town? law? people refusing to pay? i question the validity of your claim that it happened irl. i believe it has to do with gameplay mechanics not irl stuff.
    if you want to stop recruitment from newly conquered settlements and tie it to loyalty, i can understand that but taxes?

    If a invader medieval army sieged down some town and immediatly wanted supplies / money from peasants, it would work more like "Force Peasants to Give Supplies" than actual taxation imo. Dissorganized and would damage the settlement development.

    In IRL taxation is complex and aimed for long term. You need to hire multiple tax collectors, plan which parts of the town every tax collector would go, plan on how much each kind of profession would give, etc. I dont think nobody could conquer a fief and be able to have an functioning taxation system out of nowhere in the same day. They would probably raid or sack, if really wanted loot so badly.
  2. Bleyck

    A deeper Peace Treaty / Settlement Occupation system (long post)

    I agree with this, take town and it's yours it's simple, but it's also mindless, it makes the world feel flat too. Imagine some dudes come to your country and just plain take it and no one it's against it in town and everything it's the same the day that happens. Not only it goes against strategizing it goes against immersion too.

    Exaclty. This need to change somehow.

    IRL history, logic and law aside:
    To get the gameplay benefits stated in my post, at the very least should be a system that fiefs need to assimilated before you are able to use it at its fulliest, as some people said. Maybe just make that assimilation time increase way slower when you are still at war with previous settlement owner.

    Seems pretty easy to do and could be enough to deal with the root of the gameplay issue, which is immediatly using the resources of a new settlement agaisnt the previous owner in the same war.

    Also btw, other factions being outraged about too much expansion needs to be a thing as soon as possible.
  3. Bleyck

    A deeper Peace Treaty / Settlement Occupation system (long post)

    An excellent post, although this goes against the fast action gameplay TW is looking for.

    Thank you. But what if that "fast action gameplay" is causing the snowballing? If we decrease the speed of how fast new fiefs are conquered, in theory should decrease snowballing too by giving factions more time to recover.
  4. Bleyck

    A deeper Peace Treaty / Settlement Occupation system (long post)

    Good work putting this together but all the responses so far have been in the negative.
    But thats not entirely true, people seem to have mildly enjoyed it in reddit.

    I'm just saying, it's not that kind of game. It's more immediate. You take a town. It's yours.
    Strategy is still undeniably a big part of what is Mount & Blade. But even then, the main concept of the argument its not even that complex, dude.

    In basic terms: You take town. Town is occupied but still owned by enemy. Cant use town to fuel the same war against the enemy. Make peace with the enemy. Actually receive town in peace deal. Town is now actually yours.
  5. Bleyck

    A deeper Peace Treaty / Settlement Occupation system (long post)

    Considering we don't even have negotiated settlements, or faction end goals, I think this might be a bridge too far at this point.

    Perhaps a negotiation process where resources and land as well as cash can be traded for peace in the same way we barter between players. Where settlements of your own culture, have been recently lost or that are a faction goal have more value. This would bring it into line with Total War games for example, and probably achieve the same ends. e.g. "We'll accept peace if you give us one of the 3 cities you just took off me plus tribute"

    Yes, I would love this since it would bring more flavour to diplomacy. However we do indeed already have the ability to negotiate settlements:


    Right now the current limitation of giving settlements is that you can only give to people from the same faction.

    The biggest challenge for development would be to limit ownership of sieged fiefs util the war is done and to actually just give them to the faction in the peace negotioations. But seems to be doable for a company like Taleworlds.
  6. Bleyck

    A deeper Peace Treaty / Settlement Occupation system (long post)

    Your analysis of the problem is spot on, but instead of a De Jure system I'm in favor of an assimilation/rebellion system instead. Recently occupied lands should be a liability during the war, and assimilation should only be possible when at peace. Assimilating recently occupied lands should also be a motivator to make peace for both the Kingdom AI and the player.

    At least the game should have some rebellions in the first years,mainly if the settlement belongs to other cultures. A mechanism should also be put in place, through cultural buildings, and laws, to change local culture over time,like a colonization

    I can see rebellions being a thing for newly conquered settlements and the more you have and the lower the loyalty the more likely the rebellion. I'd be all for that.

    Let's wait for the rebellions mechanics

    I totally agree about adding a system of rebellion or time to assimilate other settlements too. That is indeed something that could make the game more interesting and could possibly also decrease snowballing.
  7. Bleyck

    A deeper Peace Treaty / Settlement Occupation system (long post)

    I will adress these replies together, since they are related.

    When playing CK3, this often felt very artificial to me. There were instances where I conquered ALL the lands of the enemy to get my warscore to 100% but I could only keep a small part of it when making peace, despite me totally dominating them. They were effectively destroyed, yet I had to resurrect them to make peace with them. It felt very contrived and unreal.

    Exactly, i 'm not in favor of CK3/EU4 peace deals in Bannerlord, it's not supposed to be a grand strategy game, so stuff ought to be less complicated, for the AI and the player.

    So introduce Crusader Kings mechanics into the game? No. I don't think that would be a good idea. You took the settlement. Its yours. Much simpler and it works.

    I wouldn't really like a CK3/EU4 system you completely decimate a nation yet for some reason I can only hold to the smallest portion

    The main goal of this thread is to create a debate about different ways peace treaty and fief occupation could be implemented. I dont want to give you the false impression to want to just mindless throw features from other games into Bannerlord. The examples stated are from very different games, and obviously some mechanics that work in them would not fit into the Mount & Blade series. Im actually just showing how other games deal with it and how it usually worked in real life.

    Lets adress first the elephant in the room: limits of the ammount of conquered land based on the max warscore. Yes, it could very well have the impact of decreassing the steamrolling of a faction in one war, but I agree that it also could not fit well into Bannerlord.

    In contrast on how the warscore land limit does not seems to fit the game, there is two features that if made similar could very well benefit a lot Bannerlord. Agressive Expansion and land ownership only after the war. We could take inspiration to make features based on these concepts.

    The first one is Agressive Expasion penalty which results in Coalitions/Defensive Pacts, a reactive and easy to avoid penalty that penalizes careless play and extesive conquests.

    The second one is giving only full fief ownership during the peace deal after the war is done, which does not allow you to use all the settlements resources to fight the same enemy and means you need the upperhand of the war if you want to take away a lot of land after the peace negotiations.

    And finally about argument in favor of simplicity, Im sorry but I dont agree with that at all. Bannerlord could use more depth to its mechanics to make the world feel more alive and dynamic. However adding more complex mechanics should be done with caution indeed, as more complexity does not necessarily mean more fun.
  8. Bleyck

    A deeper Peace Treaty / Settlement Occupation system (long post)

    TL;DR: In Bannerlord once you take a settlement, it instantly becomes part of your faction. This results in snowballing since the attacker faction immediatly have acess to the settlement's resources and is allowed to take a great ammount of territory from a weakened enemy without peacing from...
  9. Bleyck

    SP Native Iron Will - Kleptomania

    The hotfix v1.2.1 is out! It fixes some bugs like not saving "Recently stolen from fation" penalty and fixes some wrong values for Roguery XP awarded on steal attempt. Also if XP notifications bother you or you want a custom XP value, you can now turn it of in either Mod Configuration Menu or XML settings file. Dont forget that your custom XP value scales with the skill learning rate!

    This update is e1.5.3 compatible!

    Deleting old mod files before installing is recommended.


    One of the consequences of stealling, unless you dont get caught...


    • Recent Faction Steal Attempt Penalty is now stored in the current save file as it's supposed to
    • Fixed a bug that showed the wrong value of earned Roguery XP by not taking accounts the calculations with Learning Rate
    • Fixed a bug that made earned Roguery XP scale by Athletics Learning Rate instead of Roguery Learning Rate
    • User can configure to not show received roguery XP from steal attempts on the console (on MCM or XML settings)
    • User can configure its own value roguery XP from steal attempts. Always scales with learning rate. (on MCM or XML settings)
  10. Bleyck

    SP Native Iron Will - Wound Experience

    Every journey must come to a end... The last major update to Iron Will - Wound Experience. v1.4.0 fixes some bugs and add compatibility with Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) so YOU user can confortably change configurations during your game :wink:

    This update is e1.5.2 compatible! But this mod (like its players) are very resilient, so try it out on other versions!

    For this update ITS IMPORTANT that you DELETE old mod files before installing to avoid any undesired conflicts!
    If you have any issue, please adress it at the Bugs tab in the Nexus mod page.


    • Minor code refactor
    • Added soft mod compatibility with Mod Configuration Menu v3(MCM)
    • If the player haves MCM, the code will now load stored info from MCM and then override XML file on startup .
    • If the player doesnt have MCM, the code will deserialize the settings from the XML like usual on startup.
    • Fixed some crashes for e1.5.2 and above

    Kenshi is love. Kenshi is life.
  11. Bleyck

    SP Native Iron Will - Kleptomania

    The BIGGEST update so far for Iron Will - Kleptomania is here! v1.2.0 adds compatibility with Mod Configuration Menu (MCM), bug fixes, major code refactor and adds a brand new "encounter" menu, bringing you to confront a civilian if detected. The player can either bribe, persuade, call friendly gang leader support or give back the goods.

    This update is e1.5.2 compatible!

    For this update ITS IMPORTANT that you DELETE old mod files before installing to avoid any undesired conflicts!
    If you have any issue, please adress it at the Bugs tab in the Nexus mod page.


    • MAJOR code refator to prevent future bugs and crashes
    • Added soft mod compatibility with Mod Configuration Menu v3(MCM)
    • If the player haves MCM, the code will now load stored info from MCM and then override XML file on startup .
    • If the player doesnt have MCM, the code will deserialize the settings from the XML like usual on startup.
    • Fixed a bug that made Consecutive Steal Penalty not affect detection chance modifiers
    • Fixed a bug that gave relationship penalty to Settlement's Gang Leaders Notables on detection. This was not supposed to happen.
    • Removed TownStealCrimeRating and VillageStealCrimeRating max of 60
    • Removed unecessary penalty for high crime rating
    • No penalty to prosperity / hearth if there is no steal quantity
    • Added encounter game menu when detected. The player can either bribe, persuade, call friendly gang leader support or give back.
    • Persuade and Bribe values are configurable (XML file or MCM)


    Kenshi is love. Kenshi is life.
  12. Bleyck

    SP Native Iron Will - Kleptomania

    The new v1.1.1 update fixes a major crashes when being detected at towns while having high crime rating, fixes a bug of giving Athletics XP instead of Roguery XP and rebalances the crime rating on detection from 35 -> 25 for towns and 30 -> 20 for villages.

    The v1.1.1 is e1.4.3 compatible!

    • Fixed a major crash when that happens when you reach severe crime rating while inside a town
    • Fixed a bug that gives the player Athletics XP on steal attempt instead of the expected Roguery XP
    • Decreased default TownStealCrimeRating from 35 to 25. Makes stealling more viable.
    • Decreased default VillageStealCrimeRating from 30 to 20. Makes stealling more viable.
    • TownStealCrimeRating and VillageStealCrimeRating cant go above 60 (fixes crash)
    • Substantial code refactor and more try catches, to understand any future exceptions
  13. Bleyck

    SP Native Iron Will - Kleptomania

    Finally, with a much of struggle... HORSE CRASHES are now FIXED on the new v1.1.0 update! You are now also rewarded with Roguery XP no matter the Steal outcome!

    Compatible with e.1.4.2 version. Seems to be rarelly crashing on e1.4.3 in some cases.


    • Fixed a crash because of horses in a settlement (Reported by NexusMod user aerosmei1).
    • Fixed a crash when settlement doesnt have anymore supplies.
    • Player can now steal any kind of animal (horse, pig cattle, etc.)
    • Added Scalable Roguery XP on steal attempt, independent of the outcome. Current: 20 * learningRateBonus.
    • Adds 10% detection chance penalty for each consecutive steal atempt for Faction.
    • Consecutive steal atempt decays by 5% every day.
    • Added Debug messages when DebugInfo is turned on in config.
  14. Bleyck

    SP Native Iron Will - Wound Experience

    New update v1.3.0 is up and running! Compatible with Bannerlord Version e1.4.2 and e1.4.3


    • Changed default XP value for heroes and troops to 40
    • Hero XP scales with Learning Rate. Current: xpValue * learningRateBonus
    • Generic Troop XP scales with troop tier. Current: xpValue * (troop.Tier +1)
    • Player can change to not show received XP of heroes and troops on the console (Requested by NexusMod user dungeons0)
    • Compatibility with game version Bannerlord Beta Branch e1.4.3
  15. Bleyck

    SP Native Iron Will - Kleptomania

    Iron Will - Kleptomania Being a criminal in Bannerlord is now more viable and flavorfull, with the mod Kleptomania's ability to steal trading goods and food from towns and villages. Although the interactions are limited to in-game menus, the goal is to create a Stealing mechanic with a...
  16. Bleyck

    SP Native Iron Will - Wound Experience

    Iron Will - Wound Experience With inspirations from Kenshi, this true "survival of the fittest" experience makes your troop battle hardened by just the simple fact of not dying after a possible fatal blow. This decreases the grind for upgrading low tier troops and actually rewards the player...
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