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  1. RozBritanicus

    Youtubers thoughts on Bannerlord in its current state

    I feel the same. This game needs some serious work. Great fights and battles the rest Meh!
  2. RozBritanicus

    My issues with Bannerlord.

    I got so many issues with bannerlord i don't play it like a calculator looking at numbers and crunching the best numbers for best overall power. For me the clan system is broken the family system is still broken . The personalities haven't been worked on and traits are pointless . The RGP...
  3. RozBritanicus


    There are a lot more Personality traits in the game code, but the following are the only ones which currently can be found on characters: Cerebral (Calculating 2) Calculating (Calculating 1) Impulsive (Calculating -1) Munificent (Generosity 2) Generous (Generosity 1) Closefisted (Generosity...
  4. RozBritanicus

    I deid and now i am playing my son

    The character i got now is really skinny but i want to bulk him up how do i add muscles and weight ? is muscles to do with vigor stat? How dose this all work
  5. RozBritanicus


    How can i raise my Relations with family wife and the rest apart from taking them to war are on trading routes . since release this doesn't seem to have changed. I my current game i am on the second generation character my starting character is dead . So now his son is leader and as been married...
  6. RozBritanicus


    I personally real love the cutscenes but i would like more they are optional as you can click the cancel button. What other scenes IF YOU LIKED THEM that is would you like to see. I personal would like the death of natural causes to apply to all family member and companions . plus a death in...
  7. RozBritanicus

    Single player need more thing to do.

    I think there needs to be more options like spying / hire Assassins / spreading positive or negative rumours/ criminal activities / religion/ faction votes for executions of enemies . when at war its fun ( this can get annoying through ) but when your not you can trade but eventually you don't...
  8. RozBritanicus

    Bannerlord campaign day 3328

    I am as stated day 3328 every faction leader as died apart from King Caladog who is 80. I join the Battanians stuck with them from the start and after i formed the dragon Banner i cemented that tie buy telling Caladog and staying withe faction. The world economy is mostly stable and the only...
  9. RozBritanicus

    Execution penalties

    As stated in the title this is to discuss Execution and what should be the penalties for it. At the moment its like cheat mode as seen in lots of youtube video's a way to a easy victory over a faction and you get a minus relationship with some npc's . Should there be more to it ? . Would every...
  10. RozBritanicus

    Clans need spice

    I was thinking how to make the game world more alive and thought if the clans could feud with each other or make alliances or pacts . The kingdom work and we have peace and was but what if a family like or hated your family and there were in another kingdom. If the kingdoms went to war they may...
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