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  1. Goodbye Mexxico, Thanks For Everything! (Mexxico Leaves TW. Tribute Post)

    Thankyou for all your efforts Mexxico, enjoy your adventures and future endeavors.
  2. Resolved Rival gang moving in quest fails if opposing gang leader dies during battle.

    Unfortunately no, i did not have a save between accepting and attempting the quest
    also its difficult to reproduce as the notable that leads the opposing gang doesn't die each attempt
  3. Resolved Rival gang moving in quest fails if opposing gang leader dies during battle.

    Summary: Rival gang moving in quest fails if opposing gang leader dies during battle. How to Reproduce: Kill rival gang leader during quest Have you used cheats and if so which: Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS: GPU: GPU Driver Version: CPU: RAM...
  4. Pyrrhic victory

    I definitely would like a way to invest into villages to improve their recovery pace/growth pace. I also believe if a village is raided all the villagers should flee to the nearest castle/fortification. Then they can return to the village and rebuild, perhaps rebuilding could be achieved quicker if you provide items like tools/wood/iron.
  5. It's been months - Why is death in battle STILL only enabled in player battles? It ultimately ruins every playthrough.

    I think a potential solution is to make time pass faster, thus making dynasties more viable, the faster the pups come of age the less the death of their elders will will have an impact.
  6. 1.5.9, Javelin economy and other issues still ongoing

    They have done a bit of balancing of equipment pricing in 1.5.10, it now seems based more closely off the actual components that go into making the weapon, eg, a polearm that uses all fine steel will now sell for around 50k, javelins sit around 16k.
    And the escaping prisoners is a lot better in 1.5.10 now to, and you can hold them and refuse to ransom them for quite a long time, if you have the perks you can basically hold them indefinitely.
  7. Resolved Child education, 8 year old, notification to do next stage of education keeps popping up until crash.

    I have recreated the crash and uploaded the crash details
    Is the crash identifier
  8. Resolved Child education, 8 year old, notification to do next stage of education keeps popping up until crash.

    Summary: I have a child who has an education opportunity, when I complete the education for that stage of growth the notification remains, I can complete it again a few times but if i do the final education before they become an adult the game will crash. Thusly, I have a permanent notification...
  9. War party recruits?

    You can leave the army and rejoin without consequence at any time
  10. Siege battle's

    Just go the cheap approach, no siege towers at all, position your infantry by the gate outside it, put ALL your archers in a row at one set of ladders, climb half way up with shield out to protect from occasional sneaky archers. Let your archers take out the enemies at the top of the ladder till they sound a retreat, get onto wall, run down to gate (its undefended cause you have no ram). Open the gate, let your soldiers in that are waiting just outside.
  11. Companion's equipment after death

    Hope it won't get fixed. But this doesn't help when your companion has his own party, does it
    No, it's not recoverable if that's the case.
  12. 1.5.9. Beta Milita Not Fighting Bug

    Did not encounter this at all in any of my 1.5.8 or 1.5.9 campaigns. Do you run any mods?
  13. Main Gate Siege Bug 1.5.9. beta

    Why don't you just select your infantry groups, and manually command them to smash the second gate? When you select them, aim at the gate, you will see a little grey cog, click and voila, your troops will attack the gate. After they gate is down they default back to charge and engage enemy units.
  14. Anyone else getting a Weird UI glitch when trying to gift fiefs?

    Yes, they're all on the same line horizontally and you can't see most clans
  15. What's up with hideouts?

    2. Why can't the player visit hideouts as guests? Build good relationship with the raiders as a by levelling up on Roguery, and visit hideouts to buy unique items, sell underground items for higher margins, recruit Sea Raiders' Chiefs into your army.
    Oooh i like that idea.
  16. Do you want the game to be released now?

    I'm happy for the devs to continue working on the game long into the future, I've already got more hours than I care to admit and I think I'll prolly be sticking with it for a while yet.
  17. I seriously can't take the stupidity of the game any more (19 enemy lords all raiding just my city's villages at the same time)

    If you were nice to those Battanian lords they wouldn't raid your lands. You can make them your friends by releasing them after battle. Seriously. I just went through a massive war with Battania as Vlandia as well. My city of Lagata didn't get touched for the whole war while I was off fighting the Sturgians.

    Problem is if you dont have good relations with the lords before they start raiding you, you never will, because you lose relations when they raid you, its a brutal loop.
  18. Resolved Icons not showing

    Also having this issue, it shows up after about an hour of play and goes away if you restart the game completely.
  19. Bandit spawn rate issue

    I am having a similar issue except I'm getting masses of sea raiders in their spawn zones, but not bandits of any type in other spawn zones.
  20. A fully independent clan?

    I had heaps of these type of clans inhabiting my game by the time i most recently reached complete conquest, when i won the end game mission of restoring the empire and defeating all enemies, at least 8 of these clans joined the empire along with a few other empire clans. Made the rest of the conquest a cake walk but i feel most of them should have dissapeared long before this happened, if they have no base and no source of income they should deteriorate until they expire.
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