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  1. Maximus Cathode

    MP Captain

    @Callum Do you have the area of each captain's mode map? In square meters possibly? Or do you have images of each map from a birds eye view? If you could provide the community with this our bug reporting would be more accurate. Thanks guys! Love the game!
  2. Maximus Cathode

    MP Captain

    Hi guys, my friends and I keep getting faction loops. For example, we will be playing Batannia for 3+ games. Last night my team of 6 friends played against @Grendelfromdc @.Brandis and their team of 6 for a total of 4 games. My team was stuck on a Khuziat loop for 3 games in a row. This kills morale and causes players to leave the game. Please fix the faction loops.

    A suggestion is to allow the team leader to select faction type. Or simply make the random selection not select a faction previously selected.

    Thanks guys. Looking forward to watching this game progress!
  3. Maximus Cathode

    Clan Warrior

    I'm not talking about the Savage, I am talking about the Clan Warrior.

    It is beneficial to have different two-handed units. Such as Sturgian warriors with 2h ax and Berzerkers. Or Vlandian Peasants w/ billhooks and Volgiers.
  4. Maximus Cathode

    Clan Warrior

    which gamemode are we talking about? They got a 110 savage that already fills the 2h role.
    Captains Mode. Thanks for that. I'll update my reply.
  5. Maximus Cathode

    Clan Warrior

    In Captains Mode, a two-handed weapon would be a good addition to the Clan Warrior. Something similar to the two-handed ax like Sturgian Warriors carry would do fine. I'm sure you are all very aware but Battania's over all damage dealing potential is considerably lower than the other factions in Captains Mode.
  6. Maximus Cathode

    Captain Streets of Syllianon

    I agree with @Grendelfromdc. It is so constricted and small that 75% of the unit list is not usable. Please put single player maps into multiplayer. Give us the country side to fight in.
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