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  1. Anbusan

    Не могу создать королевство 1.4.1.

    Столкнулся с тем что игра крашится при нажатии на кнопку создания королевства, так что сам жду следующий бета патч
  2. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    Ive changed Monchug apperience


  3. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    He ya
    Do you recognize her? Yes, this is Yana

    And from now on, you just can't unsee THIS!!


  4. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    Yeah, when you're in the edit character screen (after pressing v) you can just edit as you wish and click control+c, the code can be pasted into lords.xml like usual with control+v.

    Edit: Of course, it's better to do it in the character creation as you said since you can edit both lords and ladies then.

    Listen, I got the idea here to release my version of the Lords into the Nexus. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone is interested ))))) but still
  5. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    Yeah, when you're in the edit character screen (after pressing v) you can just edit as you wish and click control+c, the code can be pasted into lords.xml like usual with control+v.

    Edit: Of course, it's better to do it in the character creation as you said since you can edit both lords and ladies then.

    Hey, ma man, check it out! Seems to be less Khuzait, but who cares now! ))) I've tryid even change her Trait, ehh
  6. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    Horrible change for sure but you can fix it. Revert to an older version, go into Modules/SandBox/ModuleData and save a copy of lords.xml to a different folder before you update again, search for whoever you didn't like the changes to. Copy their body properties and paste it in the same location of the new lords.xml file. Or you could just use this key for Abagai if that was the only one you had a problem with:
    <BodyProperties version="4" weight="0.5" build="0.5" key="0011FC0FC0B4300AF97613A1E4410600CF306C0A60EF0500F3B81E14741610460167761406016000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034C42083" />

    Does this mean that in this way you can change the appearance of any Noble with your own version (which you create when editing your character)??
  7. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    Horrible change for sure but you can fix it. Revert to an older version, go into Modules/SandBox/ModuleData and save a copy of lords.xml to a different folder before you update again, search for whoever you didn't like the changes to. Copy their body properties and paste it in the same location of the new lords.xml file. Or you could just use this key for Abagai if that was the only one you had a problem with:
    <BodyProperties version="4" weight="0.5" build="0.5" key="0011FC0FC0B4300AF97613A1E4410600CF306C0A60EF0500F3B81E14741610460167761406016000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034C42083" />

    OMG!! Mate, huge thank you!!
  8. Anbusan

    Компаньен ушел выполнять миссию и не вернулся

    Есть/был такой баг, когда отправляешь компаньона на миссию и пока он выполняет ее меняешь "государственность". Т.е. переходишь в статус наемника, вассала, создаешь королевство. либо от всего этого отказываешься и снова уходишь во фриланс.

    По моему уже пофиксили
  9. Anbusan

    Как установить патчи?

    Нигде нет ни раздела Свойства игры ни Раздела Бета-версии. Можно скрин?

    Заходит в Steam
    > Нажимаете правой кнопкой на названии игры (в списке игры, слева)
    > Свойства
    > Выбираете крайнюю левую вкладку "Beta-версии"
    > из выпадающего меню выбираете нужную версию.

    На настоящий момент версия "Основной ветка" игры - e.1.2.1 . Если же Вас интересует актуальная "BETA-ветка" игры то у нее версия e.1.3.0 . После выбора Steam автоматический начнет загрузку выбранной версии. Ориентировочно 2+ Гб.
  10. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    Well people, that is totaly broked up

    My character changed gender. Now this Temun man is woman :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Totally this is bug but still funny to see

  11. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    As for changing appearance, you can do that. Install e1.2.0 through Steam,Use Detailed Character Creation in 1.2.0 and copy Abagai's appearance code when modifying her appearance, then download e1.3.0 again and use that code on her.

    PM me if for whatever reason you want me to fetch it for you.
    Thank you, mate!
    I have old save file with previous appearance "cute vers of Abagai" - loadable. It works on 1.3.0 so there is no need of Installing 1.2.0 vers.
    Just didn't try to use Detailed Character Creation before and it's seems tedious to me. Well, time to try to use it!
  12. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    Actually I like the new one more. She looks more appriopriate. And maybe it is possible, that she's lost her initial armour in some battle and bought the one you see her with? Or maybe there's some space for randomization when they spawn? I am not sure if she's one of the main clan members, but maybe she's randomly generated just as wanderers are?
    I've started several NewGames for checking and noticed that Armor is some kind of randomed. For Many nobles (checked on Lienna, Svana). She is the daughter of the head of the Arkit tribe.
  13. Anbusan

    Lord's Changed (secretly)

    Faced some changes. I play beta 1.3.0 from the moment of availability. Yesterday, suddenly creating a new game, I discovered that the appearance of the Nobles was changed. When they managed to make changes, and is there an opportunity to roll back to previous appearance (I miss Abagai) Befor...
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