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  1. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    Since we are on the mod topic, I would suggest adding some universal statistics for others to get entertained. You don't need TCP for that actually but since you already have the connection and names etc, you can create some statistic page, with information like "100000 looters killed in Calradia so far, 1,020,003,200,201 gold spend on butter, 1000 villages sacked" etc Or more specific when you enter a town "Player XXX won the latest tournament in here", "XXX taken prisoner" etc

    It would give some No Man's Sky vibe, Multiplayer but not actually Multiplayer, which might be good.

    This is very similar to my next update on the client side which I am going to push today if I can fix some minor bugs. What it does is basically when you win a tournament, get wounded, marry someone etc. there will be announcements on the chat like "X married with Y, dont forget to congratulate them!". I can easily save them to a permanent database with sqllite than store them on a page but I really suck at front end stuff so no promise on how the quality of the page's rendering lol. This update also includes stuff like interaction between players. Such as sending each other in-game dinars. This it to experiment with the current architecture's ability on player-to-player interaction.
    As I've mentioned before, this mod is a huge chance for me to test things out & improve where needed, before using it on a big project ^^
  2. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    True but this also depends on your implementation and use case. What I was planning was communication channel among friends and such, not like an entire Bannerlord Universe. So use-case wouldn't be exposing something to random hackers but perhaps your bad-boy friends at most.
    You can achieve this via two ways, one would be simplest one, with a pop-up, saying that "This is your IP, give that to whoever wanna join" then the host can act like "controller". Or you could have a very lightweight holder for those interactions where the host can make a request to a server get's and unique identifier and then provides that ID to others and whenever others want to join they can query the lightweight server and gets corresponding address internally. This also gives you the chance to create chat rooms, lobbies etc really easily.

    Regarding Unique Identifier, my suggestion would be this ( from CodeProject which I'm using partially same for some of my projects as well )
    using System;
    using System.Management;
    using System.Security.Cryptography;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Text;
    namespace Security
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a 16 byte Unique Identification code of a computer
        /// Example: 4876-8DB5-EE85-69D3-FE52-8CF7-395D-2EA9
        /// </summary>
        public class FingerPrint
            private static string fingerPrint = string.Empty;
            public static string Value()
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fingerPrint))
                    fingerPrint = GetHash("CPU >> " + cpuId() + "\nBIOS >> " +
                biosId() + "\nBASE >> " + baseId()
                                //+"\nDISK >> "+ diskId() + "\nVIDEO >> " +
                videoId() +"\nMAC >> "+ macId()
                return fingerPrint;
            private static string GetHash(string s)
                MD5 sec = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
                ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding();
                byte[] bt = enc.GetBytes(s);
                return GetHexString(sec.ComputeHash(bt));
            private static string GetHexString(byte[] bt)
                string s = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < bt.Length; i++)
                    byte b = bt[i];
                    int n, n1, n2;
                    n = (int)b;
                    n1 = n & 15;
                    n2 = (n >> 4) & 15;
                    if (n2 > 9)
                        s += ((char)(n2 - 10 + (int)'A')).ToString();
                        s += n2.ToString();
                    if (n1 > 9)
                        s += ((char)(n1 - 10 + (int)'A')).ToString();
                        s += n1.ToString();
                    if ((i + 1) != bt.Length && (i + 1) % 2 == 0) s += "-";
                return s;
            #region Original Device ID Getting Code
            //Return a hardware identifier
            private static string identifier
            (string wmiClass, string wmiProperty, string wmiMustBeTrue)
                string result = "";
                System.Management.ManagementClass mc =
            new System.Management.ManagementClass(wmiClass);
                System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
                foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject mo in moc)
                    if (mo[wmiMustBeTrue].ToString() == "True")
                        //Only get the first one
                        if (result == "")
                                result = mo[wmiProperty].ToString();
                return result;
            //Return a hardware identifier
            private static string identifier(string wmiClass, string wmiProperty)
                string result = "";
                System.Management.ManagementClass mc =
            new System.Management.ManagementClass(wmiClass);
                System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
                foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject mo in moc)
                    //Only get the first one
                    if (result == "")
                            result = mo[wmiProperty].ToString();
                return result;
            private static string cpuId()
                //Uses first CPU identifier available in order of preference
                //Don't get all identifiers, as it is very time consuming
                string retVal = identifier("Win32_Processor", "UniqueId");
                if (retVal == "") //If no UniqueID, use ProcessorID
                    retVal = identifier("Win32_Processor", "ProcessorId");
                    if (retVal == "") //If no ProcessorId, use Name
                        retVal = identifier("Win32_Processor", "Name");
                        if (retVal == "") //If no Name, use Manufacturer
                            retVal = identifier("Win32_Processor", "Manufacturer");
                        //Add clock speed for extra security
                        retVal += identifier("Win32_Processor", "MaxClockSpeed");
                return retVal;
            //BIOS Identifier
            private static string biosId()
                return identifier("Win32_BIOS", "Manufacturer")
                + identifier("Win32_BIOS", "SMBIOSBIOSVersion")
                + identifier("Win32_BIOS", "IdentificationCode")
                + identifier("Win32_BIOS", "SerialNumber")
                + identifier("Win32_BIOS", "ReleaseDate")
                + identifier("Win32_BIOS", "Version");
            //Main physical hard drive ID
            private static string diskId()
                return identifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "Model")
                + identifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "Manufacturer")
                + identifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "Signature")
                + identifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "TotalHeads");
            //Motherboard ID
            private static string baseId()
                return identifier("Win32_BaseBoard", "Model")
                + identifier("Win32_BaseBoard", "Manufacturer")
                + identifier("Win32_BaseBoard", "Name")
                + identifier("Win32_BaseBoard", "SerialNumber");
            //Primary video controller ID
            private static string videoId()
                return identifier("Win32_VideoController", "DriverVersion")
                + identifier("Win32_VideoController", "Name");
            //First enabled network card ID
            private static string macId()
                return identifier("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration",
                    "MACAddress", "IPEnabled");
    Or if you don't wanna stir things up, just use System.Management put some semi-unique information together with IP to make sure.

    A similar P2P approach that we have used for a previous game project was like this;

    We were using P2P networking for cost and monetary reasons but letting players send connection requests to each other via their IPs is waaay behind of 2018(that was the date of the project). So we decided to implement a veeeery lightweight matchmaking server. We built it on Node.js. What it did basically is that, it kept the record of online lobbies and the players inside them. When a user wanted to see active game lobbies to join, they send a request to our matchmaking server. It does send a json list back and the client deserializes it. After choosing the server they wanted to join they send a request again to ask for the ip of that server, we send it back and they send a handshake request to the so called lobby(client server). After connecting to that server they send another request to our matchmaking server stating that all is okay, than server drops the active connection. Also in order not to keep the connection if it timed out or failed or their pc crashed for some unknown reason, server sent a ping every 1 minute and expected a pong(usual stuff lol).

    Edit: I wasn't part of the team who did developed P2P architecture, I was in the team who did the matchmaking server. Sadly, I never worked on a P2P project lol.
  3. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    It's always great to see initiatives like this. I would say this is one step towards achieving Co-op in the future. And it's great to see that Ra'Jiska already checked it out. Really appreciated that you put server code as well.

    Just to test a few stuff, I was planning exactly same - messaging - but with P2P architecture by saving myself from the server load and such. And it kinda feels more secure in that way. And I was planning some P2P VoIP for Multiplayer as well.
    But regardless, this looks fairly good. What is the peak for active users so far?

    The highest number I have seen so far was 26 users. Technically I don't believe P2P is more secure as you are exposing the IP's of the players to others. With a server in the middle you can decide on who gets what and how they get it. Regardless though the actual server is not designed for mods or chat applications but rather for games so that's why it is important to be able to control all the data in the network to me.
    Also, yeah Ra'Jiska made me realize a lot of issues that could've been gone unnoticed other wise. As I always say, things may work really well in test/dev environment but when you get to the production stage you will face issues that you have never expected that could've risen during development. Thats why it is really important to always get feedback from outside and Ra'Jiska helped a lot with that ^^

    Also currently I am rewriting the entire TCP implementation to make it work async as it was the intended end goal from the beginning.
  4. EmreBugday

    How to create custom UI

    We can modify the layout of the UI with xml but the viewmodel that is feeding that UI is the problem. Many modder and myself are trying to find a solution to this.

    Yeah, editing the XML is pretty straightforward but anything else than that.. that is an another question...
  5. EmreBugday

    How to create custom UI

    This has nothing to do with what we are trying to solve, not even close. This is a blog post explaining why they have chosen to create their own UI library. There is not even a single word in there explaining how can we utilize the functions of the such library called Gauntlet.
  6. EmreBugday

    How to create custom UI

    Still looking into this. Doesn't anybody know how to draw custom UI into scren?
  7. EmreBugday

    Github license for Mods?

    MIT is generally like "Take it and do whatever you want with it. I dont care oh also I dont accept any liability." type of licence. So using it wouldnt cause you any harm
  8. EmreBugday

    Singe player için Online Chat modu

    Aga co-op modunu ne zaman yapıyorsun :grin: TW seni işe alsın bence :grin:

    Co-op tarzı bir projeye ayıracak vaktim yok ne yazık ki, işten boş zaman buldukça uğraşabiliyorum sadece. UDP protokolünü entegre ettikten sonra belki basit bir 1v1 düello entegrasyonu yapmayı deneyebilirim ama o bile çok zaman alıcakken CO-OP entegrasyonu bende çıkmaz hocam ne yazık ki :grin:
  9. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    Finally, you do not need to configure a firewall but a proper input sanitization in your code, which clearly is not the case yet.

    Edit: The no message spam you have received sounds like a common socket closure improper check. You must be reading message from a socket that has actually been closed

    Yeah, this is definitely the case. I am planning to add a counter if the user sends more than x amount of data per x second their connection will be terminated by the server.

    For the socket closure check, yeah I have been waiting for an a little bit bigger update to push those changes to the current server as I need to restart the server for it to take effect and restarting the server means people needing to relaunch their games etc. But here is the reason for that

    I am manually setting a bool to keep client connected/ or terminated. This has some flaws such as you have mentioned. Simply checking if the client is connected via the socket itself will be a better way of checking connectivity. If not connected than stop listening anymore.
    I was aware of this issue but waiting for just a little bit bigger update to push them all together, never thought of a scenario like this would occur lol

    Thanks for the heads up though, you scared me a lot but also revealed a major flaw in the server code lol :grin:

    Edit: Memory dump is also seems to be related to the socket not being closed on the server side as the keepConnection bool sems to turn true indefinetly ends keeps sending datas to everyone lol
  10. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    I am sorry for double posting but this is an important update which needs to be seen by all the users of my mod.
    • Server seemed to have crashed today approximately at 1:30PM GMT+03:00 but due to GNU Screen instance not outputting .NET Core console logs I simple don't know the god damn reason.
    • This is what caused the crash:
      • This is the reason why server crashes;
        • These are what caused the crash: *snip* ||| *snip* ||| *snip*
        • Someone or some bug in the client overloaded the server and forced it to dump memory.
        • Since the person who sent those loads of empty bytes to the server also attempted to connect from a second client(as you can see from the screenshots above, the ip is the same but the port isn't. This means that he opened 2 different connections from 1 pc. Also since there is no log of him disconnecting, this proves that the person intentionally opened 2 clients.
          • Now there 2 steps taken during the first initial connection. First is (::0c0+Name) data which renames the client in the server. Second is (::0c1+Bannerlord) which indicates that client is connecting from a Bannerlord client. The person who sent these loads of datas only send (::0c0) so this means he did not use the Bannerlord client instead used my old client that is on my GitHub page. This yet again implicates his intentions.

    These issues will be handled as soon as possible. Server code is pretty fresh at this point and with problems like these it will mature up. These are the datas I could find while working atm(Hell yeah multi tasking!). After I finish my work for the day I will be able to deep dive into this mess and implement a proper firewall system for incoming of spam and empty datas. Soon there will also be version controlling system implemented to make sure that only up-to date users can join the server so that they can't abuse the old bugs/glitches that are present in old clients. This might push back some of quality of life features that I have been working on a little bit later in the release schedule, just to let you all know.
  11. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    I see. Well, I was more interested in keeping an eye on the security and vulnerability aspect of the project. Concerning your licensing problem, I don't know much about it but you may be interested by having a look at the CC-BY-NC license which allows open source and prevents commercial use.

    I have edited the post with an update but it seems I was late, I made the repo public

    Edit: Never mind, I made it public. It's still really on early stages so it wouldn't matter a thing. I really stuck at this legal stuff so it will probably take ages for me to find a proper licence I might as well keep it public in these early development stages...
    Here is the repo
  12. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    No problem. Is the server side code no more open source ? Wanted to check a few things :smile:

    Yeah, I am planning to turn the server side into a commercial project for multiplayer games in the future(after implementing UDP and after making everything %100 async). Until I can find a proper licence which prevents people from using the server for commercial purposes without my permission I plan to keep it private for a while.

    Edit: Never mind, I made it public. It's still really on early stages so it wouldn't matter a thing. I really stuck at this legal stuff so it will probably take ages for me to find a proper licence I might as well keep it public in these early development stages...
    Here is the repo
  13. EmreBugday

    SP Native Kingdom Creator for Bannerlord

    Just tried it, crashed the Game @ loading, didn't like the mod. Version 038

    Mod only works with the latest beta branch.
  14. EmreBugday

    Singe player için Online Chat modu

    Herkese selam olsun güzel Calradia halkı! Bir yeni mod ile daha karşınızdayım. Aslında bu modun hikayesi biraz geriye dayanıyor, bir süredir kendi network altyapımı geliştiriyodum online oyunlarda kullanmak için. Network geliştirmenin en önemli aşamalarından biriside stress testtir. Bende kendi...
  15. EmreBugday

    [Tutorial]Bannerlord İçin Mod Nasıl Yapılır

    dostum emeğine sağlık ben ve 8 arkadaşım modlamadan çok anlamıyorduk sen bize ışık oldun sağol. Mod yapımına ufaktan acemice başladık hakkımızda hayırlısı :grin:
    Yardımcı olabildiysem ne mutlu bana :grin:

    Bu arada forumdaki arkadaşlar mod yapımcılarını bir araya getirmek için bir discord açmışlar bende girdim, herkesin bakmasını tavsiye ederim
  16. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    Associate an ID to each client. When you want to PM you send it to the client ID. You can achieve that by assigning an incrementing ID for each connection (whatch out for overflow), or CRC32 for IP + Port of your client.

    I am already using unqiue identifiers to identify users at the server logic. I simply use their ip+port as their unique identifier as it is the most unique thing that I can get lol.
    My main design issue regarding PM's is lets say that I want to send a PM to you I need to type /pm Ra'Jiska but what if there are multiple people with that name. I don't want to reserve user names as that would require user authentication and I dont want to store passwords on my server.

    Edit: Oh I understood what you said now. Okay. You are saying that people should type the incrementing int as their /pm [identifier]. That makes sense. How couldn't I think that lol. Simple solution thanks m8
  17. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    Planned Features:
    • Moderation tools and perms
      • This issue has to be tackled as early as possible to prevent any toxicity. This is my first priority at the moment.
    • Implementing UI
      • This the second highest in the priority list. I couldn't understand how bannerlord handles UI even though I checked their source code and tried to reverse engineer most of the stuff. If I can figure out how to do some UI on Bannerlord than I can start implement a lot quality of life improvements into the mod itself.
    • Chat rooms
      • Simple as it sounds. If this mod goes off in active users than we will definitely need chat rooms to prevent chaos. Especially for language specific chatting.
    • Commands:
      • /help :To see all the commands
      • /block : To not receive any messages from specific person
      • [DONE]/whoisonline :To see the names of the online players
      • [DONE]/onlinecount
      • [DONE]/pm :To send a private message to someone.
      • [DONE] /rename new name: to change your name.
    • [DONE]Switch to Tmux from Screen for terminal instance handling. Screen seems to be not outputting .net Core outputs correctly.

    • [SOLVED]Server does not output logs to the console if it is running on a GNU Screen instance. This makes debugging almost impossible. This needs to be resolved ASAP.
    • [SOLVED]Server seemed to have crashed today approximately at 1:30PM GMT+03:00 but due to GNU Screen instance not outputting .NET Core console logs I simple don't know the god damn reason.

    20.04.2020 09:46 GMT+3:
    Major improvements regarding server security. Still has some long way to go. Check out the GitHub page if you want to help me make it even more secure!
  18. EmreBugday

    SP MP Native Online Chat for Singeplayer

    I have been working on my own network architecture to use on my various projects. This mod has been a creation based on that network architecture. In fact, it runs on it. With this mod enabled your are connected into a global network architecture. Within this architecture you can speak with...
  19. EmreBugday

    [Tutorial]Bannerlord İçin Mod Nasıl Yapılır

    Emeğinize sağlık türkçe forum için önemli şeyler bunlar. Yukarıda bir arkadaş da demiş ben de mod yapımı için bi tutorial başlatmıştım. İleride beraber bir şeyler yapabiliriz istersen. Devamı gelecekse merakla bekliyor olacağım... Saygılar.

    Tabiki neden olmasın. Bu aralar bir network mimarisi projesi üzerinde çalışıyorum üstüne bir de home office iş binince vakit olarak çok kısıtlıyım. Bu yüzden forumlara çok vakit ayıramıyorum ne yazık ki. Network projem bittikten sonra bir de bannerlord için network tutorialı çekmeyi düşünüyorum. Nasıl implemente edilmeli, oyun'un thread safe olmadığını göz önünde bulundurarak multi therad bir network altyapısı client tarafında nasıl çalışmalı vesayre gibi bir tutorial çekmek var aslında aklımda ama dediğim gibi zamanım çok kısıtlı bu aralar, kalan boş vaktimi de kendi bireysel projemi bitirmeye adadığım için aktif olamıyorum pek.

    Hocam Nacizane bir feedbackim olacaktı. Warband yapımından bildiğiniz gibi krallık kurmak için bir kale veya şehir ele geçirmemiz gerekiyor. Yaptığınız bu modda öyle bir gereklilik olabilir.
    Hocam bu gelen son beta patchinden sonra modun uyumluluğu tamamen bozulmuş durumda, eklemesi çok zor değil aslında dediğin şeyi ama şuanda ne yazık ki uyumluluk sorununa bakıcak dahi vaktim yok :/ Vaktim boşaldığında eklemeyi düşünüyorum bu özelliği ama aklımda. Benim yerime yapmak isteyen varsa kod zaten github'da mevzut. Basit bir şekilde MainHero'nun veya PlayerClan'ın Settlements sayısının 0'ın üstünde olup olmadığını kontrol etmeleri yetecektir ama yeni patch ile oluşan uyumluluk sorunu düzelmedikten sonra bu güncellemenin pek bir olayı da yok aslında :grin:
  20. EmreBugday

    [Tutorial]Bannerlord İçin Mod Nasıl Yapılır

    Herkese güzel yorumları için çok teşekkür ederim, topluluğa bir artım olabildiyse ne mutlu bana ^^

    Böyle bir konu daha vardı. Oradaki arkadaşla birlikte daha çok ders yapabilirsiniz, hatta discord vs açıp ilgilenenleri toplayabilir, modlar için takımlar oluşturabilirsiniz aslında.
    Konu linki:ımı-dersleri.405378/
    Bence çok mantıklı bir fikir, neden olmasın ? ?

    Ayrıca videoyu youtube a eklersen çok daha iyi olur çünkü twitch videoyu uzun süre tutmuyor bildiğim kadarıyla. Çok emek var, silinip gitmesin.
    Ne yazık ki youtube'a yayında çalan şarkıların teliflerinden dolayı ekleyemiyorum ?
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