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  1. Specimen1334

    Has anyone managed to take out a fully-stacked Steppe Bandit Hideout?

    The issue is that you can only take in like 9 units with you.
    I didnt realise, gathered up 25 units to take on a Hideout of 20, then got slaughtered. Was like WTF just happened.. oh right it only let me bring in a third of my units.. which since I am USELESS with a sword, and spent all my points in bows, is never gunna happen, especially when I dont even get to choose which men to bring into the fight with me.
    Besides if I have a bigger army why can't I just storm the damn place and crush them. If its concerns of "realism" in that they will split if they hear an army coming, you simply surround their encampment with squads and each squad sneaks as close as they can, before charging. Is easy enough to explain.
  2. Specimen1334

    Quest Issue and some suggestions.

    Hey there, I am currently undertaking a Family Feud quest, running the latest patches and everything of course, and in the quest I am up to the part when I go talk to the wronged party in an attempt to make things right. I have the murderer in my party already, I go to the village specified...
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