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  1. jisiting2960


    是不是这个游戏公司被土耳其国营了啊,私人公司一般除了作死以外,不会有这种事。 波兰蠢驴被国营了也这个要死不活的样子,又混了一年,除了修BUG,这些开发人员都静默了, 是公司要黄了还是没给他们发工资,就让他们这么心安理得的摸鱼啊,这公司的总监是忙着投身房地产拔不出来了? 那大写字楼还没建完那,还是物价膨胀让他血本无归了,准备躺平啊。不是土耳其500强么,不是那个新办公楼都搬进去了么,咋的,办公环境变好了,反而下不出来蛋了啊,真是山猪吃不了细糠啊。 气死我了这么多年了,该给我们一个结果了啊,怎么钱赚够了,对钱不感兴趣了啊?
  2. jisiting2960


    我希望在部队和人物移动时,在地面形成脚印等痕迹,至少要5秒以后慢慢消失。 衣服装备最好有动态污渍,比如灰尘等在衣服上慢慢累积,使每个NPC的衣服都有一些不一样, 在战斗时候刀剑等让衣服出现划痕, 破损(通过遮罩系统,使衣服有划痕或者破损效果),还有头盔可以打开放下遮住脸和漏出脸的动画系统,另外脚步(包括人和马)、城镇里声音等还是太单调,尤其是混合音,衣服甲片等声音基本没有应该同时和人们说话、喘粗气、或者咒骂、嘀咕、脚步轻重等声音混合在一起,另外火焰,水体等物理效果还没有,比如火焰在衣服上烧着,焚烧房屋,...
  3. jisiting2960


    哈哈 你好啊群主。大概有3,4个城镇吧 ,都是巴丹尼亚的城镇,都是那样的,只要测试员进去一看就知道了 ,比如马鲁纳斯城,彭·坎诺克,没进城镇地面木头就是蓝色的 ,城市里更是如此。 肖农城镇的风车, 那个火炬 你从侧面看, 那里是悬空的, 离墙面得有2米远, 没有贴合墙壁上。瓦兰迪亚的加伦城没有做GI光照, 达努斯提卡也是一样,(城门洞口等位置都没有反射等阴影,)。还有部分城堡的城墙是部分透明的,就是城墙一块块的,有的地方透明,明显是贴图错误(不是特意设置的,明显是粗心大意),还有很多细节的额地方一言难尽,比如草丛都长在道路中间位置和城门守卫身边,看似设计师想体现城镇荒芜,我看是随心所欲,还有树都贴着城墙,我一个外行都知道树不能在城墙边防止越墙或者敌人打探, 结果这些树就是生命力顽强的四处放, 不但不符合实际,还一点装饰美感都没有。不过要表扬美工,除了有些细节没有考虑好,在大方向上美工还是画的很到位,那些雾啊 ,远景啊什么的挺有韵味的,最美的城镇就数巴丹尼亚了这几个城镇了,真是美极了,可以看能出设计师在这个国家用心做了,我们玩家能感受出来。瓦兰迪亚的城镇有几个居然是大下坡的,我真怕雨水倒灌,把这个城给淹了,视觉上也应该是城堡在半山腰啊,这样才壮观,真不理解。只是人物还是很呆板,互动太少,这里要向上古卷轴学习。草丛随着大风摇曳时候,那个草丛的动画一看就是新手做的,那草骨折了都不能那么生拉硬拽,希望在动画上要有点耐心,那些花啊 小草啊 都是纸片,太影响代入感了。
  4. jisiting2960


    现在进去我倒是没有错误,但是冬天的天气里进城后,地面的木头都是蓝色的。这个城市很漂亮 ,但是风车那里的火炬没有贴在墙上,而是悬空的, 你可以换个角度看就看到这个火炬离墙壁有好远的距离,看的我好难受。另外只要是冬天进去就下雪, 我认为不太对劲,还有有的城镇进去后那个士兵手里的武器旗帜特别坚挺,比我的帐篷还硬。
  5. jisiting2960

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    Actually, I just want to say not to always fix crashes and add some practical content. It's been 4 years, and so many updates are sorry for the time and trust of players. I also want to know that you haven't ignored the elephant in the room, but I still don't know whether you are paying attention to some or all of this elephant. So far, there are still many errors in your entry into the town, and the weather system is not very flexible, I really hope to play a satisfactory game as soon as possible. Compared to the ancient 5 more than 10 years ago, we can't keep up, and even the third wizard can't catch up. This is really unacceptable. How many skilled workers are there in your code team?
  6. jisiting2960

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    Do you really play video games? I play all types of games, and there have always been crashes regardless of the game or company. For example, the second expansion of The Witcher 3 created a crash that systematically arrived in the capital of the base game... However, do you believe that the devs of The Witcher are painters ?
    It's unfortunately logical and normal to break when you change things. Your code is linked to hundreds of other codes, themselves linked to hundreds of other codes, ultimately linked to hundreds of possible materials...I work in web-data (not for Taleworlds) but it It's the same logic. It is impossible to think of everything, you create and then you make the corrections.
    I not only play games, but also many games. You explain to me that all games have crashes, so there's no need for you to explain. I am talking about thousands of crashes in a game, and it has been fixing crashes from 2020 to 2024. These thousands of crashes are all in one game, not tens of thousands of games, understand what I mean? May I ask in which game have you ever experienced such a brainless breakdown, such as the Great Escort, the Wizard 3, and the Heavenly Kingdom Saving You? Have you ever encountered thousands of people? You started drawing big pancakes in 2016, but by 2024, this pancake has not been made yet, and you have educated me?
  7. jisiting2960

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    Major updates, crashes and fixes, and the game will henceforth be called“Developer's guide, how to create crashes” to allow you to develop a game until retirement and avoid being fired,Because this kind of divine code can not be created by anyone except you, and the later ones dare not touch it either. The boss sees that although you gritted your teeth, he does not dare to provoke you either. You and the boss have reached a horrible balance, and no one dares to provoke anyone, this is the highest level of code creation.From 2020 -- 2024, you said you could do this, 99% is fix it, you're too strong, Warcraft laid off zero people, a, can you get some normal people over here, make us players feel better?
  8. jisiting2960

    Some improvement suggestions

    There are too many and disorderly grasslands inside many towns, especially on the main road and on both sides of the city gate, which are too high and cover the gatekeepers, which is not in line with the actual situation of people coming and going. It should be removed. In addition, when the...
  9. jisiting2960

    【转载】隆重介绍两位新任社区经理 bFaceIII 和 Piconi | 隆重介紹兩位新晉社區經理 bFaceIII 和 Piconi

    谢谢,其实即使我不大声呼吁,估计正式版3年后也该把这个天气系统放出来了, 但总之还是有点开心, 不过我进了城镇和村庄后, 这个雨天就和“逗你玩”差不多,希望以后得DLC能增加后续效果和功能吧,看看DLC能弥补多少, 要是这个天气系统没有在后续DLC中改进, 我也没有买的必要了 。
  10. jisiting2960

    【转载】隆重介绍两位新任社区经理 bFaceIII 和 Piconi | 隆重介紹兩位新晉社區經理 bFaceIII 和 Piconi

    欢迎欢迎热烈欢迎,麻烦和TW官网说说,天气系统有点粗糙,对于一个2023年的游戏 ,这个天气系统更像是上世纪90年代的产物, 僵硬,没有活力,天空也没什么变化, 下雨还不能湿身,另外外边下雨, 棚子里也一样下雨,这个雨滴更像是在我的屏幕前用笔刷在那刷出来的, 假的不能再假了, NPC也没有任何感受到狂风暴雨的感受,城镇里的NPC在大雨里闲庭信步,该卖啥还卖啥, 牛逼PLUS,也没有动态天气,下雨天的光照也很差,总体来说 有点糙, 不是我心里想的那种效果 。另外晚上的月亮居然也没有全部画出来, 这里我觉得是引擎限制了美工, 而不是美工的锅,总之感官很差。
  11. jisiting2960

    How dare you release this semi-finished weather system? That's disgusting!

    On rainy days, I went to various villages and towns to see, but I didn't show it to me. I vomited, made various errors, and made various graphical errors. Apart from nausea, I also had a chill. Do you update the weather system in 5 months and it looks like this? Have you guys tested yet? What do...
  12. jisiting2960

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

    Is it due to dynamic weather? Has the moon been fixed at night? Can clothes get wet on rainy days? But it's great. Finally, it's updated
  13. jisiting2960


    神奇夫妇也不再神奇了么, 最大的价值可就是玩家觉得这对夫妇的传奇经历 ,这么快就脱离人民群众了? 这比政党执政腐败的还快啊
  14. jisiting2960


    怎么还不更新啊, 这都5个月了 , 难道是想一鼓作气直接把游戏BUG全都修复, 然后直接来DLC? 倒是快一点啊, 我想看看官方说的房间里的大象, 他们到底是关注到了多大的大象,我们这一直说全局实施光照, 动态天气 昼夜循环 下雨湿身效果 这只是视觉上的 ,还有游戏性上的NPC互动, NPC寻路计算 等等 基础性的 也不知道什么样了 ? 6.1 儿童节都过了 也没个说法 ?
  15. jisiting2960

    【转载|未经社区验证】霸主多人联机抗 DDoS 攻击 Mod | 多人連線防範 DDoS 攻擊模組 | Bannerlord Firewall

    土耳其的这个小团体居然攻击自己国家在国际上有盛名的游戏? 这脑袋里塞的是大便么?这是怎么想的,如果我们国家有骑砍2这么享受盛名的游戏,敢在我们国家攻击, 我们玩家把他屎打出来,不想着给自己国家添砖加瓦, 还想着拆台,咋想的
  16. jisiting2960


    太厉害了 ,太详细了 , 太棒了! 我们这里的实体店都卖INTEL不卖AMD CPU,当时买的时候贪图省事, 不然我就网上买ZEN3 5950X,我估计就没有任何问题了,期待未来的大更新,我每天都来网上看呢
  17. jisiting2960


    我买了13600KF,2K分辨率时候在自定义2000人大战时候(两边都是500匹马)帧数有时候会低于80帧, 我是32G内存 ,1T固态硬盘, 4070TI显卡,我发现似乎是CPU能力不够,所以我想让版主帮我问一下, 是不是大小核心并不适用于骑砍2呢, 需要用AMD的大核心才更好一些? 这样我好把主板和CPU给卖了换成AMD的全大核心X3D的CPU,我看线程好像都沾满了,但是核心是不是少了, 6个大核心顶不住吧?在这个游戏里是不是13700KF要比13600KF表现好很多? 另外骑砍2现在的优化有问题, 我32G内存有好多都空闲了, 我的内存现在是DDR4 4133HZ (16G X...
  18. jisiting2960

    Somewhat technical question, wouldnt this game benefit from using atlas textures?

    I heard about the texture flow technology used by the company. I don't know if it's what you said
  19. jisiting2960

    Patch Notes v1.2.3 ...?

    It is better to add dynamic weather and day-night cycle, and the moon at night should have moonlight, the stars should also be more refined, rain should have wet effect, and fire should have the physical effect of lighting buildings
  20. jisiting2960

    What about the excessive performance of my computer configuration? Can we add the wet effect, day and night circulation and dynamic weather?

    13600KF,32G DRM, 4070TI,1TSSD,I am the computer for this game alone. There is no pressure. I hope to make rainy days more precise. There is also dynamic weather, day and night cycle, and wet body with rain. I hope to see these technologies appear in the game as soon as possible. In addition, I...
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