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  1. dorens

    Party wages are too high in 1.5.6 beta

    the idea to make the castles more meaningful.
    add NPCs to the castle, from which it will be possible to recruit units from secondary factions
  2. dorens

    recruitment of units of minor factions

    gentlemen developers. Maybe you should think about adding an NPC to the castle, who will be able to recruit units of secondary factions. for example in the castles of Sturgia to hire lake rats or skoldeboard?
  3. dorens

    Minor factions,will they have their own troop trees,and how will they function?

    you cannot join them. minor factions have their own clans, which means they must have their own possessions. and their line of troops. for example, Sturgia itself does not have Huscarls, but Skoldebrotva has it.
  4. dorens

    A correction about the Sturgian army

    I also remind you that, according to the developers, the game takes place in the 6-12th centuries
    According developers, Sturgia should be kind of mix of Vaegirs and Nords, from which later will form Vaegirs. So, one can easily guess time period on which Sturgia is based (9-10 centuries Rus state) Plus we have only leaked concept art of Sturgians.

    dear ...
    please read one more time the developers blog about Sturgia. you want a greater influence from the nords in this fraction. But this is not a Nordic faction, nor a mixture of Vaegirs and Nords. For the Nords, there is one mini faction - Skoldebrod. it is in this mini-faction that it will be possible to hire Khuskarlov. So the developers decided.
     If you carefully read the Story of the Temporary Years, it indicates that they sent (the union of tribes) overseas, to the Vikings - to Russia. and further clarification is that the Vikings were of different nations, some Swedes, some Normans, Gotlanders, Angles. the place where they came from is unknown, and the island that you cited as an example is not suitable, since its current name appears in the sources only in the 13th century. in Swedish, there is no root with the word Rus, it came from Finnish, Ruotsi - a man sitting at the oar (rowers). Ruotsi - Russia. Until the middle of the 10th century, their influence (the Varangians) was strong in military affairs on the Slavic and not only tribes. Wall of shields, and only foot order. In the center of the army stood the prince's squad, on the flanks of the union of tribes (light infantry). The Vikings used horses mainly for movement. But after the campaign of Svyatoslav in Bulgaria, the army of Russia begins to undergo strong changes. Cavalry comes first. Since the main rival are the Pechenegs. and the wall of shields is losing its advantages, a new military estate appears. Prince's squad becomes almost the entire cavalry. and the pedestrian army remains behind the cities. and this is the end of the 10th century. And not Varangian influence begins to prevail, but the Byzantine-steppe one. also, do not forget, almost all weapons were imported from France, Byzantium, normal ores, there were no weapons for manufacturing weapons in Russia. also, do not forget the influence of the Khazars, who kept half of Russia in tributaries until they were destroyed by Svyataslav.
  5. dorens

    A correction about the Sturgian army

    fractions in the game are based on 8-11 centuries. so the influence in Sturgia should be not only Scandinavian, but also Khazar, Byzantine and Pecheneg. From the 10th century, Russia was faced with the steppe peoples, and this had a huge impact on it. The squad became predominantly equestrian. The Scandinavians quickly mixed with the peoples inhabiting the territory of ancient Russia, and after two or three generations the names of the princes were mostly Slavic.
  6. dorens

    Culture of Sturgia

    Slavs bowed to Perun and Veles. the Vikings are Odin and Thor. so why did the Rus swear by perun when concluding an agreement with Byzantium?
  7. dorens

    Sieges problems i have seen during gamescom 2019 single player playthrough

    Dear forum users, sieges and storming castles have become much better. if you did not pay attention, then the consistency of the game was at the easiest level. therefore, there were so few defenders on the walls. therefore, locks are so easily grabbed. developers need to fix AI, and optimization. If the people drive the route to reality, the development will drag on for another 10 years. sorry for bad English.
  8. dorens

    Dev Blog 01/08/19

    dear community members! stop crying and complaining, this one got access to the test, I want it too! Why did they get those who can't play? they took just those who know how to play very well, the game has changed, this is not Warband. to get used to the new mechanics of the game. Be patient, and also get access, and when you try it yourself, then criticize.
  9. dorens

    Dev Blog 11/07/19

    Sturgians have their ulfkhednary, on the second screenshot a man with a wolf skin on his head. In the first screenshot, ulfedar of the Batanians.
    the Sturgian faction was simply mixed to please the Nordic and Slavic communities. therefore, such confusion has come out.
  10. dorens

    Sturgia - Make up your mind about this faction.

    From the end of the 9th to the beginning of the 10th century, the influence of Scandinavia on Kievan Rus was great, since the ruling party in Rus was Varangian. And they significantly changed the army. And while they themselves quickly adopted and mixed with the Slavic culture. Especially after the adoption of Christianity, since that time, the difference between Rus and the Scandinavians has increased rapidly. But since the city of Kiev (the capital of Russia) borders on the steppe, the army quickly changed to a more mobile, mounted squad. Similarly, the army included the remains of the Khuzars (mounted archers) and the Polovtsians (also equestrian). The foot ranks of troops remained more in the north near Polotsk, Novgorod.
    Yes, I, too, cut a few eyes the names of lords and nps, the names of towns and villages with castles, the names of units. But this is just a game. So naobort, it will be interesting to play for Sturgia, because of its diversity
  11. dorens

    Dev Blog 09/08/18

    DtheHun said:
    While weapons won't suffer durability loss, material is just a texture issue. I think, it's possible to have some grainy steel blades.

    Simply, if you look at the history, then such weapons were considered very rare and expensive. It would be nice if the developers added the creation of such weapons in the form of a quest at the forge (for example, to collect 4 pieces of iron and 4 pieces of coal, pay 5,000 denarii and wait for a couple of weeks). I think this would have further diversified the immersion in the game ...
  12. dorens

    Dev Blog 09/08/18

    Good day! Sorry for bad English (I use an interpreter). I do not know where to write. The question of crafting weapons. Will there be swords from Damascus steel or bulat?
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