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  1. CrEaToXx

    Bohemunds Schmiede

    Die letzten beiden Rüstungen gehören vor allem nicht ins Mittelalter. Das sind frühe Renaissancerüstungen, die für gewöhnlich während der Eroberung Amerikas und der Reconquista getragen wurden, ergo vom spanischen Adel. Maßentaugliche Rüstungen hatten generell nicht viel Metallanteil.

    Mal hier schauen...

    ...euch wird auffallen, dass viele der Rüstungen, insbesondere am Hinterteil, nur aus Stoff und Leder bestehen. Wer historischen Vollkontakt betreibt, weiss das im Kampf Vollmetallrüstungen für die Infanterie sinnfrei sind. Auf dem Pferd sind es schon wieder anders aus, da die Reiterei mit viel höheren Einschlagskräften zu tun hatte. Da machte dann hochlegierter Stahl auch Sinn.
  2. CrEaToXx

    [Tutorial]M&B Warband - Modding on Steroids - Essential steps for newbies!

    As said I replaced video nr.4 with a better version, plus I finally found a decent way to "brush" vertex count by using the sculpt tool with the simplifie/dyntopo function in Blender. Next video maybe tomorrow or sunday. Unfortunately there's some real life stuff I have to forward, keeping me busy this whole week already, but progress will be made, I promise.

    Wish me luck, I compete my first Triathlon tomorrow... :razz:
  3. CrEaToXx

    [Tutorial]M&B Warband - Modding on Steroids - Essential steps for newbies!

    Duh said:
    I usually leave new tutorials, code and resource topics in the main section for a bit to give them additional exposure. If you would like me to move it right away, I dont mind either though. Just let me know.

    Uh, my bad. I thought you already pushed it over. Could have sworn I saw it in the tutorial section for a second.

    However, updated with a additional section, steroid text based instruction for setting up enviroment. More things will fly in, give me some time.
  4. CrEaToXx

    [Tutorial]M&B Warband - Modding on Steroids - Essential steps for newbies!

    Duh said:
    Welcome to the forum :smile:

    Thanks a lot dear Sir, for welcoming and pushing the thread over... :smile:
  5. CrEaToXx

    [Tutorial]M&B Warband - Modding on Steroids - Essential steps for newbies!

    Yeah, I'm probably supposed to remove and redo video nr.4 anyways, as it was done in haste without a script. It's also a week ago, since then I refined my skills in Blender.

    I understand the capacity of MeshLab, but waiting for hours to forward overall decimation is a no brainer. I might start using it once I found a capable way of creating highly resoluted and vertexed maps, and decimate them in Blender more decently. The variant I was trying a week ago is pretty much obsolete, stupid to begin with. Actually the solution came to me when watching video 4 again yesterday. Why start adding high detail and lot of vertexes, and then use decimation for individual reduction, if working the other way around, by adding low detail and low vertex count, and then specificaly increase detail/vertex with subdivide? You'd need to shape out coastlines, AI-travel routes, mountain range etc. anyways. So as I said, nr.4 is supposed to be remade. And just as the other videos it needs a underlying, well thought out script with hours of additionally testing various workflow variants.

    Possible variants I'd need to test:

    1. high detail/vertex, split import into Blender, using vertex grouped material selection to decimate all various material layers then rejoin all layers with CTRL-J before exporting the map as a whole
    2. low detail/vertex, fixed import into Blender, add detail/routes etc. with subdivide function
    3. testing general workflow in Wings3D and Meshlab...possible other modeler software?

    It also appears I should add a additional standardized section with links and what not, for people not wanting to watch videos, as well as just reading thorugh the other threads I based most of experience on...which I could basically forward now...:smile:

    BTW your link in is missing a closing /
    That's why it adds the module folder name to the file name and dumps the compiled files in the folder above your module folder.

    That's done in purpose as I want it to go there. No convenience in cluttering up my module folder... :lol:
  6. CrEaToXx

    [Tutorial]M&B Warband - Modding on Steroids - Essential steps for newbies!

    EmielRegis said:
    Didn't knew martians are modding warband. :iamamoron:
    Btw you should indicate what your tutorial covers in title. "Modding on Steroids"  tells nothing to newbie whos looking for world map editing help.
    Video is surprisingly well done for a tutorial. Only thing I would personally add are english subtitles for people not so good with understanding spoken english.

    There isn't a single subject. Step by step I will ad more videos, probably covering more subjects. It does start with a focus on world mapping though.

    Good idea with the subtitles. Updated the threads title... :smile:
  7. CrEaToXx

    [Tutorial]M&B Warband - Modding on Steroids - Essential steps for newbies!

    I. Introduction II. How to set up modable enviroment Media section II. Create your own World map III. Map performance, bug fixing and game import IIII. Blender - edit vertex count [/spoiler] FAQ
  8. CrEaToXx

    Blender - empty faces on map and crash when reexporting to Thorgrims map editor!

    NPC99 said:
    CrEaToXx said:
    You missunderstood. I was testing and ended up with 220.000. For sure I'm aiming for a number lower then 150.000 or even 100.000. My rig would handle a 150.000-200.000 map without problems I figure. Everything beyond would be madness though... :lol:

    You said vertices. There are normally twice as many faces as vertices.

    150,000-200,000 faces should be ok if you don't spawn too many parties.

    Hmmm, you might catch me on that one and see me stand corrected, but I disagree. I did multiple stress tests, and a up to date high end computer should easily manage 150.000 vertices, and the corresponding number of faces(280-300.000?).

    Performance in Thorgrims pretty much equals the one in game. Though, I have to admit, as a newbie I'm probably not experienced enough to take everything into account that potentially could decrease performance. I did a stress test on a 150.000 vertices map, deliberately placed forests everywhere, and all graphical setting raised to ultra, plus I'm also using a ENB. There was no drop in framerate, and no crashes in about 2 hours of testing. Things got really sluggish beyond 200.000-250.000 vertices I figure.

    Is there a comprehensive list of what exactly impacts performance of the game, and its percentage? That would be useful to know. I guess more scripts would lower performance. Higher vertex count for sure. But how exactly do the factions impact performance?

    Btw. while we're talking the subject of performance. Is M&B Warband running on a 64 bit engine? Which DX does it use?
  9. CrEaToXx

    Blender - empty faces on map and crash when reexporting to Thorgrims map editor!

    You missunderstood. I was testing and ended up with 220.000. For sure I'm aiming for a number lower then 150.000 or even 100.000. My rig would handle a 150.000-200.000 map without problems I figure. Everything beyond would be madness though... :lol:
  10. CrEaToXx

    Burnt on Cartographer

    Interestingly I read around "The Forge" that Cartographer was more ideal than Thorgrim's map editor, your discussion seem to contradict that. I was actually planning on using Blender.
    So what is the best method of entirely editing the world map? I'd want to be on the right track before continuing my project.

    I'd say it's all personal preference. Cartographer and Blender are indeed the best solution, but they are not necessarily the most fluid one. Working with Blender is far more complex then you need when starting to shape the map. I use Thorgrims for map creation with high vertices count and resolution, then I use cartographers to ensure inbetween compatibility and convergence, and finally I'm using to iron out the details of the map. But if you start a huge map with high vertices count on Blender, you're going to tear your hair out due to the sluggish performance, and thus not being capable of proper workflow.

    You can ineed use only carto and blender, but for me, I just started using Blender, and the tool is so complex, learning curve is very low. Figure something new almost every minute, forcing me to start over because of more efficiency. One thing I haven't figured though, is how would I up or down the resolution(size) of the map in Blender in general. Plus if I'd figure at one point, there's some threads that suggest scaling the map leads to messed up textures because they don't automatically compress.

    So the main reason for using Throgrims is, while it does not have the complexity of Blender, it is far more easy to use...:wink:
  11. CrEaToXx

    Blender - empty faces on map and crash when reexporting to Thorgrims map editor!

    Yeah, thanks, already tried that. Tried Wings3D and also MeshLab you just recommended. Compared to Blender they are all horribly slow.

    However, I seem to have found the solution. When applying selections to vertex groups, you can not apply from material selection. Using any of the selection tools(circle, border), and then apply the selected vertices to the vertex group, used in decimation modifier, results in the map being perfectly exported. It will automatically fix all vertices across the whole map as well to keep distribution equal, which it wasn't when selecting via material. I was able to cut my vertices count from 760.000 to 220.000, just by "dirty" selection of water tiles for testing purposes.

    Adding complexity back in later for ai path shouldn't be a problem when using subdivide. The good thing is, coast lines, rivers and mountains kept there complexity, so I do not have to do anything regarding those.

    Thanks for your input guys.
  12. CrEaToXx

    Blender - empty faces on map and crash when reexporting to Thorgrims map editor!

    I think I solved the "hole" issue. It happened because I imported the .obj into blender with seperated materials, and not the map as whole. But a new problem occured, exporting from blender after decimation and then back into cartographer/Thorgrims. Cartographer imports and also saves, but in game I got those ugly white edges around coast triangles, and Thorgrims refuses to import.

    The particular error message i'm getting when trying to import into Thorgrims is something like:

    Missing UV or normal maps, importing aborted!

    So obviously it's because of messed up textures, respectively non fixed UV's/normal maps. Internet says using decimation with vertex group/triangulate should fix any of these problems. But it doesn't. Then internet recommends using the planar decimation, which basically freezes Blender, because my map is so huge.

    The stupid thing is, limited dissolve works perfectly fine, but it totally screws up the textures, and doesn't allow for much configuration, as almost every single face will be removed. I'm tearing my hair trying to get this working. There has to be a function which auto corrects UV's/normals on faces, but I can't find it... :roll:

  13. CrEaToXx

    Blender - empty faces on map and crash when reexporting to Thorgrims map editor!

    NPC99 said:
    I've not used Blender for mapping even though I have imported maps into it. I didn't get on with its controls.

    However, I have used MeshLab's quadratic decimation to reduce the number of game map faces/triangles in uncharted oceans to reduce the map's processing load. After retriangulation its obj file imported back into Thorgrim's without any holes like yours. I did it without materials, which requires a full terrain repaint in Thorgrims (or a reimport of the original colour map bmp).

    Hmmm, how were you catching only ocean tiles without materials?
  14. CrEaToXx

    Burnt on Cartographer

    NPC99 said:
    CrEaToXx said:
    NPC99 said:
    Cartographer only uses files common to both Warband and M&B so can be used for either.

    The cartographer.conf.ini file must be set up to point at your module system where it can load/modify/save It then relies on your module systems to point at the correct directory/folder for the compiled mod where it will find map.txt for editing.

    It should pick up font_data.xml from the Warband's data folder, but if not, copy it from there into your mod's data folder. It should also pick up from Warband's textures folder, but if not, copy it from there into your mod's textures folder.

    Wait till he figures how painful working with Blender is...:smile:

    I confess that I now only work with Thorgrims even though I did download & check out Swyter's Cartographer & Bloodpass's Editor at the same time.

    Do the same. Thorgrims is just so much more convenient for tile editing and landscaping. I've huge problems reimporting map into thorgrims when use decimation in blender right now. But without a 1920x1580 map might not be possible at all...:smile:
  15. CrEaToXx

    Mount&Blade Cartographer | Just my own spin-off...

    Edit: Please ignore, found a solution:

    Ok, since I couldn't get a answer on my own thread, I just point out the question here.

    Did anyone ever used the decimator in Blender to reduce vert count of the map, and then reimported into cartographer? I made sure to follow...

    ...exactly multiple times. Made sure all import/export settings are correct. The import works, can save the map, but when in game, some of the decimated faces show as plank white triangles. Also, I can not load the modified map into Thorgrims editor after.

    Please, I'm just urging for a convenient way to reduce vert count for water. Dealing with 700.000+ verts and 1.8 million faces. Reducing them manually is completely no go...:smile:
  16. CrEaToXx

    Burnt on Cartographer

    NPC99 said:
    Cartographer only uses files common to both Warband and M&B so can be used for either.

    The cartographer.conf.ini file must be set up to point at your module system where it can load/modify/save It then relies on your module systems to point at the correct directory/folder for the compiled mod where it will find map.txt for editing.

    It should pick up font_data.xml from the Warband's data folder, but if not, copy it from there into your mod's data folder. It should also pick up from Warband's textures folder, but if not, copy it from there into your mod's textures folder.

    Wait till he figures how painful working with Blender is...:smile:
  17. CrEaToXx

    Burnt on Cartographer

    andbev said:
    Right I did see those two posts prior and attempted to edit the lua code to ignore the xml and dds but apparently they are needed with the log saying something about global variables.
    I do have the latest version 2014.05.22

    No you don't. Download the repository, that's the latest version...:wink:

    Make sure to copy source module files into your custom module forlder for easy backup, and easy linking. I'll provide a comprehensive video tutorial during the next copple of days covering Gimp, Thorgrims, Cartographers, Blender and Wings3D.

    Setting up the enviroment is a Pita first time around, but once done it's all easy peasy. Just make sure to exactly follow every single detailed step. That's my carto .ini:

    -- swyter's cartographer
    -- for those entertaining moments when you have to configure something, oh, so l33t!
    cartographer.conf =
      --# use \\ or / for path separators but don't even thing about single backlashes like this one: \
      msysparties = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\MountBlade Warband\\Modules\\EuropaMod\\Module_system 1.171\\",
      --# set to false if the extra comment at the right when saving parties bothers you, in case you're a neat freak
      sprevcoords = true

    That's the

    # Point export_dir to the folder you will be keeping your module
    # Make sure you use forward slashes (/) and NOT backward slashes (\)
    export_dir = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/MountBlade Warband/Modules/EuropaMod"
    #export_dir = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/Native/"
  18. CrEaToXx

    Blender - empty faces on map and crash when reexporting to Thorgrims map editor!

    Hey everyone, I'm currently trying to get myself readied up for modding/mapping the game. I usually start by fiddeling around with various available tools, and try creating things. At the moment I'm building a map using Blender, and I stumbled across a problem, related to either dissovling...
  19. CrEaToXx

    Troops do not consume food!

    Cpt. Nemo said:
    It should be slowly depleted, yes. Check the numbers on the food items in your inventory, the ones being consumed should look like 35/40 or something.

    Uh, I feel stupid now. I did notice those numbers, but I wasn't taking into account they could actually display the quantity of food units. I thought every unit in your inventory counts as single one... :smile:

    Thanks for clearing that up friend.
  20. CrEaToXx

    Troops do not consume food!

    Anyone ever noticed that food in your inventory will never be consumed? According to the wiki every unit of food should be eaten at least every 14 hours, when having at least 3 troops, and thus be removed from your inventory, which doesn't happen ever. Am I getting something wrong here? I have...
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