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  1. Launcher chargement infini

    Peut être qu'une réinstallation toute propre pourra résoudre le problème.
  2. BL [Terminée] VF de Banner Kings 1.2.7.x

    Bonjour à tous,

    Savez vous si la dernière traduction en date (merci à l'auteur pour son boulot) sera compatible sans trop de bobos avec la version actuelle ( ?

    Merci d'avance.
  3. BL Mod europe AD ou autre

    Bonjour à tous et merci pour vos réponses. Je n'ai plus qu'a attendre des jours meilleurs et un rebond la communauté, puisse t'il venir un jour.

    Pour Tech Loky, je ne connais pas et je ne trouve rien à ce sujet sur Nexus. Qu'est ce donc cette bête là ^^ ?
  4. BL Mod europe AD ou autre

    Bonjour à tous, Le forum FR est déserté, ce qui me fait craindre le pire pour le futur de Bannerlord et de la traduction des mods. Je me permet de poser tout de même une petite question à la communauté : Sur Warband, j'ai particulièrement apprécié les mod "moyenâgeux" du type "Anno dominici"...
  5. BL [Terminée] VF de Banner Kings 1.2.6.x

    Merci pour cette implication dans la traduction de tant et tant de mods.
    Nous sommes peut être peu nombreux à passer par ici mais un seul tout petit DL peut parfois représenter des centaines heures pour une seule personne, qui n’existeraient pas sans trad dans notre belle langue.
    Une expérience, des émotions ou simplement une évasion d'une centaine d'heures, dans la vie de quelqu'un, ce n'est pas anodin quoi qu'il arrive. Ça compte et le boulot n'est pas fait pour rien.

    Donc merci encore et bon courage pour d'autres traductions, Banner King est un mod qui le méritait.
  6. In Progress Names of vagabons and notables removed (French translation)

    Summary: Hello, I upgraded to beta 1.10 following the enticing update. However, there is a problem with the French localization, all the vagabons, towns and villages notables no longer have names, they only appear with their nickname (example: "exiled") Hoping that the final version of the patch...
  7. High death counts makes me lose heart

    The question has been debated many times, I also think that the deaths are too frequent and should be rare, significant and therefore memorable.

    It should be at least customizable but better yet, linked to more elaborate mechanisms as suggested in other posts.
  8. Beta Patch Notes e1.6.3

    That's why exist the dynastic and marriage system , no? So Calradia won't be empty
    If 2 year old babies can lead armies, yes, it won't be empty.

    Otherwise, they will never have time to come of age before their elders have all fallen in battle.

    With an average of 7 deaths per year, that is 126 deaths in 18 years, do you really think that the clans can handle such a carnage?
  9. Editing Death Rate

    In case somebody wonders how to edit the death rate:

    Download DnSpy. Open Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord > bin > Win64_Shipping_Client > TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.dll

    And then open: Taleworlds.CampaignSystem.SandBox.GameComponents.Map > DefaultPartyHealingModel > GetSurvivalChance

    ExplainedNumber explainedNumber = new ExplainedNumber(character.IsHero ? 10f : 1f, false, null);

    Replace the 10f with a higher number for lower death rate or lower number for higher death rate (20 = 5%, 5=20%)
    Thank you very much for this tip.

    Should we keep the "f"? Or just replace "10f" with a number without the "f"?
    If I understand the logic correctly, for a 2% rate for example, we put "50f"?
  10. Beta Patch Notes e1.6.3

    I agree, I suggested this before. It makes sense for me for a lord/companion/ and PLAYER to have deep wounds after falling in battle, needing rest to recover. The solution is so simple, start death chance of every significant NPC at 0%, then after falling in battle he gets a WOUNDED status (if not enough time passes/if the player or npc doesn't rest enough so that the wounds heal then this death chance goes UP to 2% or 5%, so next time he falls in battle he has a serious chance of death (also if the lord/companion is IMPRISONED that time doesn't count as "resting"). If he survives falling in battle again then this chance goes up even further. That way reckless lords will die more often and cautious lords would survive longer, as it makes sense. Same for the player, good cautious players will live longer, giving the game a WELL NEEDED challenge and consequences (so it's not totally BORING, because please take note that GOOD players will barely lose ANY battles in their campaigns, the game is not hard at all. We are talking about players that have mastered masterpieces likes the Prophesy of Pendor mod in Warband and such, which was one of the more challenging ones, which also made it the most fun).

    Also times of peace will actually mean a damn, because it can save lords from dying, and it can give the AI another reason to propose peace ("we are in danger of being overrun/our lords are wounded and tired" etc).

    This is the absolute best way to implement this imo, I don't know why it's not taken into consideration already... Deaths should be more rare and feel more significant, and feel like they can be avoided for the player and his companions, and it not being just a simple dice roll. If you want to go even more in-depth the type of armor you're wearing should also reduce deep wounds chance (heavy armor is less chances for being wounded etc, you can make this chance something like: 70% chance to be deeply wounded after falling in battle for light armor, 50% for medium armor, and only 30% for heavy armor). This can also make armor feel more significant, and make the penalties to movement speed actually worth it. Low tier clan leaders would have lighter armor than high tier clan leaders, so this makes for a system where the top dogs that have more economy etc actually have more survivability as a whole, making gameplay a lot more dynamic so that low tier lords die more often and high tier clan lords are more hardy and you can actually remember them throughout your campaign more because their presence is consistent and they're not replaced every year.

    @Dejan if you could please forward to the devs ideas like this, I think such ideas could make the game a ton better. It's more in-depth but not too complicated. Players would 100% love it in comparison to a simple death chance you have no control over, I'm 100% sure of that, I promise you.
    I totally agree, it is even obvious.

    Anything that can weight this absurd and arbitrary rate is welcome.

    Especially since, again, it would make the game more interesting and balanced. Wars and changes would be less frantic (due to rest/convalescence times)

    There would be more rest, so time would pass faster, the dynastic system would make more sense and the lords would have time to have a real place, a real history, without being immortal.

    In short, given the disagreements on this, the death rate and the way it occurs should be precisely adjustable so that each player can find his own way.

    But to all those who think that this rate is too low, do you really want an empty Caladria after a few years?
    It's mathematical, with 5 - 10 deaths per year as desired apparently (or 4, 5 deaths in 5 hours of play as seen above), you imagine what it is after a campaign of 50H or 100H? Do the calculation...
    The current system does not allow the replacement of these deaths with the arrival of new generations. It MUST be adjusted!
    And preferably with a smarter mechanic than a simple die roll.
  11. Beta Patch Notes e1.6.3

    We aimed for 5 - 10 hero deaths per year in total (simulation + mission). The base value is indeed 2% but this is then modified with hero level, medicine level and specific perks.
    I think that 2% is still way too high.

    If you imagine between 5 and 10 deaths per year, let's say 7 on average.

    So that's 70 dead lords in 10 years and 126 dead lords in 18 years, by the time the children grow up and replace the dead ones.

    I'm not even sure if there are that many in all factions, it's going to be very quiet on the map...

    Moreover, no player will get attached to the characters since they will all die one after the other very quickly, each companion/lord will be just a vulgar "bots" without any flavor, a name vaguely heard once during a battle and replaced by another bots which will itself die very quickly.

    Yes, the dynastic aspect and death is a really nice feature, bringing another dimension to the games. But it must be customizable by the player (with much more precision than now) and must be RARE to be memorable and have a real emotional impact.

    Why not implement some kind of injury system as suggested in another post? Falling in battle would require some sort of recovery/rest to heal without which future battles would increase the risk of dying.
    Fallen and defeated lords would have to rest in a fiefdom or could take up arms again, but with great additional risk.

    This would make combat victories impactful, with real consequences, rather than having defeated lords reappear on the map 3 minutes later with a small, fresh troop after fighting to defeat them.

    That's my opinion anyway, sorry for my English.
  12. Editing Death Rate

    I now have death chance modded to 2%
    Which console mod or command are you using please? Currently at 10% it is complete genocide and the player's faction (as well as the others that are often at war with it) are TOTALLY disappearing after a few years. During the great battles, it is 4, 5 or 6 lords who die each time and as they are frequent, it is completely abused and unbalanced for me.

    thanks in advance and sorry for my english
  13. BL VF EA Bannerlord [Terminée]

    Voici si cela peut vous aider :

  14. BL VF EA Bannerlord [Terminée]


    La partie a été démarré en Beta 1.6.2 et j'utilise la trad de la même version. Seul une mise à jour (celle ayant généré les messages d'erreur ERROR: LINK_AND_FACTION) a été faite depuis la création de la partie.

    J'ai, bien évidement, mis à jour la trad via l’installeur (ce qui a résolu les problèmes d'affichages de variables mentionnées plus haut).
    Ce n'est pas très gênant en tout cas, c'était juste pour vous le signaler.

    Bonne journée :wink:
  15. BL VF EA Bannerlord [Terminée]

    Deux petites remontées :

    - Lors de la mort d'un seigneur (et cela arrive très souvent avec le système actuel ^_^), il y a le même type d'erreur 'Error faction short not set before quelque chose" sur chaque fiche du défunt dans l'encyclopédie au niveau du nom de la faction.

    - Également, un petit message d'erreur "text with id str_weapon_usage doesn't exist" dans la description de quelques armes (Le pila pour donner un exemple, mais je crois qu'il y en a une ou deux autres)

    Rien de bien méchant en tout cas.

    Bon courage et encore merci pour les maj de trad rapides au gré des versions :wink:
  16. Death in battle - make it an optional setting! Context:

    Do you know of a mod or console command that allows you to change or remove this death rate (without removing old age death or births)?

    I did not find. It’s a slaughter with every big battle and the clans are all dangerously depopulated to the point of completely "breaking" the game.
    Anyway, it's currently unplayable and it's true that it's strange that TW doesn't work faster on this high priority imbalance in my opinion. Thanks in advance
  17. How do I turn off automatic recruiting?

    The option has been removed since the update a few days ago. I don't know why but it seemed to be bugging
  18. BL VF EA Bannerlord [Terminée]

    Bonjour à tous,

    Encore une fois, merci à l'équipe de traduction de maintenir la trad à jour et ce rapidement. Sachez que vos efforts ne sont pas vains et apportent de la joie dans de nombreux foyers francophones et anglophobes.

    Je m'étais pourtant juré, il y a plusieurs mois, de ne plus toucher à Bannerlord avant sa sortie définitive, mais j'ai craqué et me voici de nouveau en train de télécharger goulument votre traduction.

    Je sais que vous n'êtes pas contre des retours utilisateurs, donc en voici un petit car d'entrée de jeu, je ne suis pas sûr de bien comprendre une traduction :

    Lors du choix de la culture du personnage lors de sa création, un malus de la culture impériale est décrite ainsi :

    "Les foyers des villages augmentent de 20 % en moins"

    J'imagine que cela veut dire que la croissance démographique des villages est 20 % plus lente ? ou alors est ce autre chose ?

    Bref, c'est un détail mais j'imagine qu'il y a peut être une meilleure tournure ?

    Quoi qu'il en soit, merci encore et bonne (et longue) continuation :wink:.
  19. BL VF EA Bannerlord [Terminée]

    Bonsoir à tous,

    Allez vous continuer à vous baser sur la beta pour la trad (actuellement passé en 1.5.7) ? Ou vous resterez sur la branche principale dorénavant ?

    Et en effet, encore merci pour le suivi très rapide et l'esprit de partage.
  20. Resolved Since the last patch, companions no longer gain stewardship experience while being governors.

    Prosperity varies between +8 and -20 in the fiefdoms observed depending on the events (looting of villages, wars, quests of notables, etc.)
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