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  1. Saxon with a Seax

    African Armored Infantry

    Hey everyone. I just had a question about how common it was for infantrymen in Pre-Colonial Sub-Saharan Africa to wear body armor. Now I know that in the Sahelian states it was quite common for cavalrymen to wear various forms of armour, from padded cloth to chain mail and even iron cuirasses...
  2. Saxon with a Seax

    The role of Raiding in medieval warfare

    Now I know this question is extremely broad, but can anyone outline anything specific about the role of raiding in warfare, from let's say 500-1500 in Europe (although interesting points from other times and places would be welcome), other than the Chevauchée of the Hundred Years War because...
  3. Saxon with a Seax

    Great Societal Collapses

    So who can think of all the different times when a fairly large and advanced human society declined into one with a decentralised subsistence level economy. As well as the rather complex "Fall of Rome", the first clear cut example that comes into my head is the collapse of the metropolitan Mayan...
  4. Saxon with a Seax

    Yugoslavia WW2 Documentaries

    I'm just wondering if there are any good documentaries out there about (as the title suggests) Yugoslavia during WW2, preferably focusing on the atrocities committed by the Ustase, Chetniks and any other major parties during the war. By good I'm looking for something accurate, as unbiased as...
  5. Saxon with a Seax

    Weird Historical Amour and Weapons

    As the title suggests this is where you share any bizarre weapons or armour you may have found, as well as any context for them. Stuff that was actually used in battle is preferred (by me at least) but ceremonial and experimental designs work as well
  6. Saxon with a Seax

    South east Asian military

    Once again, I ask for any decent information on the armour, weapons and military strategy and tactics of the various civilisations of pre-colonial South East Asia. Thank you for any replies
  7. Saxon with a Seax

    Differences between the forms of medieval feudalism

    I remember reading somewhere that the feudal system, based on more or less giving out land (often to loyal followers) in exchange for service, varied throughout the different states, stating specifically that French feudalism was different from English feudalism. This makes sense, but I would...
  8. Saxon with a Seax

    Trans-Saharan Empires

    Another question about something I'm having trouble on the rest of the internet! This time its about the Trans-Saharan empires like Mali and Ghana. Anyone got any good pics or info Thanks!
  9. Saxon with a Seax

    Medieval South Slavs and Bulgarians

    Just wondering of anyone had any good pictures or information on South Slavs (like the Serbs) or Bulgarians (not their nomadic Bulgar ancestors/cousins) anywhere from the  first Slavic migrations into the Balkans to Ottoman takeover. Thanks and please excuse me if I made any mistakes in this...
  10. Saxon with a Seax

    Vandal Kingdom in North Africa

    Does anyone know much about the vandals during their stay in Africa, and if it had much impact on the local people or did things for them stay largely the same except that their rulers now spoke funny and wore funny clothes
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