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  1. Lord_Ulrich

    6 months into EA and devs still do not understand what ruins their game.

    Yeah very dissapointed. Hopefully mods will revive it one day as the devs seem unable/unwilling.
  2. Lord_Ulrich

    [BL] Warbanner - Bringing Warband to Bannerlord

    I also am dissapointed by the class system and hope you succeed in this mod.
  3. Lord_Ulrich

    Statement Regarding Plans For MP Vol.2

    Went to check for players on friday, 2 tdm servers (no friendly fire) very sad state of affairs. I really liked the concept of captain mode but it got old fast due to badly balanced factions. 2 friends of mine bought game as well and are no longer playing. Multiplayer needs big reboot or at least give modders tools. MP feels dead :sad: Please don't waste this opportunity to make mp as great as warbands was.
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