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  1. James-Antenor

    TLD (The Last Days, LOTR mod) for M&B 1.011 Info

    Kamos32 said:
    James-Antenor said:
    I get an error message when i start the game  :sad:

    get_shader failed for: windy-flora

    I have redownloaded the mod again to make sure there was no problem there, but I get the same error again.
    Any way to solve this ???

    You using the default M&B or the iron launcher?(check the module files for TLD)
    Using the iron launcher tends to do it.

    I have tryed both, neither seem to work...  :sad:
    What do you mean by manually moving the files ?
  2. James-Antenor

    TLD (The Last Days, LOTR mod) for M&B 1.011 Info

    I get an error message when i start the game  :sad:

    get_shader failed for: windy-flora

    I have redownloaded the mod again to make sure there was no problem there, but I get the same error again.
    Any way to solve this ???
  3. James-Antenor

    Countdown to 268 B.C. v1.98 for WARBAND (updated 6/3)

    I know these kind of questions are not appreciated, but by pure curiosity and interest...
    Obviously quite a lot of the work on this module has been achieved, and little remains, and I was curious how long will the remaining take, roughly ?
    Sorry and my faithfull regards.  :smile:
    (Hope the English is ok)
  4. James-Antenor

    [Warband] The Lunar War - Crosshair Contest!

    About the poll, recon fighters don't normally go around with snipers, they mainly use assault rifles and scout the enemy without being seen, so tha they can report intell on the enemy back to HQ; sniper rifles usally belong (well they obviously belong to the state - they are used by if you prefere) to the snipers... But then again I suppose that it's a game and why the hell not  :twisted:

    EDIT : Sorry I meant Recon soliders
  5. James-Antenor


    Non mais attention, pour dire
    Wietse said:
    Je parle un petit peu Francais...  :mrgreen: Mais c'est ne pas fantastique.
    sans faute, je pense qu'il est forcement capable de demander "comment traduit-on 'cow' en français?"
    Mais serieusement quoi, c'est quoi cette jeunesse?! Le mec il vient sur le forum pour demander une traduction, mais n'importe quoi !
    Surtout que tout ça ce n'était que vis-à-vis d'un frommage :roll: Mais serieux c'est du foutage de gueule :evil: !!! Babou pas content !!!

    Mais serieusement je vais vous envoyer achmed pour s'en occuper de vous!!!
  6. James-Antenor

    [M] ElvenPath - Forgotten Realms Mod 0.3.1 - TEASER / GAMEPLAY POLL

    Ibanez said:
    First of all, I would to precise that I don't quite think that you know me well enough to state that kind of comment :???:
    Secondly, do you list guys all around the world? where do you get your info :mrgreen: ?
    Thirdly, I think that my english for a frenchman is quite good, and the french have a reputation, maybe one that I might be able to uphold with mademoiselle Ibanez?...or not.
    Fourthly, I'm quite stubborn, mainly on the dertermation side of things, so either you crack or I'll die first, or I'll get bored of this game
    Lastly, I hope that you did not find me rude or too direct for such comments, but then again what do expect I'm french :cool: But if you did so, my apologies mademoiselle 
    And last but not least, not very pertinant the ignore list :???: If you want to get a message through, there is always a way :wink:
    Mes sincères pardons, de mon plus grand respect, pour mon intrusion mademoiselle  :wink:
  7. James-Antenor

    SP Other The Quest For the Holy Grail - A monty python Warband mod

    Ibanez said:
    lol this is awesome! Can't wait. The quest "Bring a shrubbery to knights who say nee" will be fun!
    Technically it's Ni, and after the knights who say "ecky ecky ecky futangzumbangzizshwoay"... Ni!
    Then the second quest from the knights who recently said Ni demand you to cut down the mightest tree in the forest with... a herring !

    EDIT: Aaannndd.... another shrubbery!!!
  8. James-Antenor

    Call for Character Bios for Custom Battle

    Here goes nothing I suppose  :mrgreen:

    James Alexander Antenor :

    Level 28, knight on foot,

    Face Key :
    As a young boy, James Alexander grew up in the land Utopy (To the east of Caladria) and became very academic and a very quick learner. His father, a rich merchant, tougt him trading, and how to manage his money, and his oncle, a smith and captain of the local lord, tougt him how to make armour and weapon and how to use them. He grew up, peacefully, as a smith and selling his products to any and everyone, and becoming very popular in his town. He married a young noble lady of the name of Rachela, and decised to travel west with her and a handful of servants until they would find the perfect location to install build a house, start a familly, and assure an income to live on. Crossing the montains they arrived in the desert of Caladria, and seeing montains to the north, they headed north. But a week later near the village of Dirigh Aban they were attacked by a kergit raiding party, Rachela was riden down before him, and his servants abused of and excuted without mercy, he was able to kill couple of them with his sword before being struck by two light arrows, but James Antenor, unlike the others, survived his wounds, and swore to his lover to destroy, and erase all kergits from this world, and the world with them if it got in his way of vengence! After a couple of years of being a mercenary in Vaegir territory, and being in many battles (the most famous being Ismirala Castle, Tibault Castle, the battle of the twin montains) he found love again, with the beautiful Angelique, and had a child with her, Elouan. But the couple not being married her father proclaimed that the child was a bastard, and chased him from town sword in his hand. James Alexander, outside of town, killed his step-father in a duel, and rode off west, knowing that he could no longer stay after such an act. He stayed a mercenary in Swadian territory and after the defending the walls of Ryibelet castle,slaying many men in the process, became known as the "hundred man slayer", the "spear cracker", the "Rhodok wraith" and many more over-valourising names. Oviously such popularity came to the ears of all, and to please his people, and hearing that Princess Issola was gaining popularity in the North, King Harlaus invited James Alexander Antenor to dine with him, and in front of the town, proclaimed him knight and protector of Swadia the next day, giving to him 100 of his best knights to command, his first mission to gain control in the north...
    But not forgotting his promess his beloved Rachela, and his power in Caladria, who knows what James Alexander Antenor is capable of?
    STR 18
    AGI  15
    INT  21
    CHA 21

    Ironflesh 6
    Power strike 6
    Power throw 2
    Power draw 2
    Weapon Master 5
    Shield 2
    Athletics 5
    Riding 4
    Horse archery 0
    Looting 2
    Trainer 5
    Tracking 1
    Tractics 5
    Pathfinding 1
    Spotting 1
    Inventory Man. 1
    Wound treatment 0
    Surgery 2
    First Aid 0
    Engineer 2
    Persuasion 4
    Prisoner Man. 1
    Leadership 4
    Trade 4

    One Handed Weapon 152
    Two Handed Weapon 278
    Polearm 31
    Archery 58
    Crossbows 37
    Throwing 36
    Guard Helmet, Surcoat over mail, Reinforced Gauntlets, Iron Greaves, Tempered Great sword, Heavy One Handed Battle Axe, Reinforced Heavy Kite shield

  9. James-Antenor


    Aremys said:
    Je m'appelle pas Aremys donc le pseudo
    Je m'en doute bien, c'était bien mettre en valeur mon argument, c'est à dire ce n'est parce que quelque chose est marqué noir sur blanc que c'est forcement vrai.
    Daeran said:
    Au vu de ça signature Il est très certainement Hollandais/Flamand.
    Comme j'ai précisé j'avais un signature, j'ai un pseudo qui fait penser à de l'anglais, mais ce n'est que mirage et illusion.
    J'avais ceci en signature auparavent: What kind of a man is a man, who can not make the world a better place. Ce n'est pas une phrase qui détermine nos racines ! Je pourrais le traduire dans d'autres langues, ce n'est pas pour autant que je change de nationnalité !
    Wieste aurait pu être en russe qui aimait l'allemand, donc il aurait marqué une phrase en allemand pour se plaire plaisir !
    Tu vois ce que je veux dire quoi...
  10. James-Antenor


    Wietse said:
    Je parle un petit peu Francais...  :mrgreen: Mais c'est ne pas fantastique.
    Sache que ton français me paraît très correcte, ne t'en fais pas. Maintenant si je me suis exprimé de cette façon c'est parce que c'est ton anglais qui me chagrine! On est sur un forum français, essaies du moins de t'exprimer en français dès le début même si c'est faux  :wink:

    EDIT: parler faussement la langue ce n'est qu'une détail en fin de compte (à remarquer qu'il y a en moyenne une faute dans un phrase sur deux), mais en introduissant une autre et en plus qu'elle est mal fausse... c'est autre chose
  11. James-Antenor


    Aremys said:
    Il est peut être espagnol et a parlé en anglais  :wink:
    Míriel said:
    Il a seulement treize ans, il habite Hilversum aux pays-bas...
    Il a fait preuve de respect en s'exprimant dans notre langue[...]
    Daeran said:
    James, je ne pense pas qu'il faille être aussi dur avec lui. Au vu de ça signature Il est très certainement Hollandais/Flamand. L'anglais n'est donc pas sa langue maternelle.
    Ok déjà prémièrement, il n'est pas anglophone de base, mes excuses pour cela, et il a essayé de parler notre langue, oui très respectueux, en revanche il n'a pas abordé la conversation en français je te ferais remarqué  :wink:
    Pourtant les néerlandais s'exprimant très bien en anglais en général, non ? J'ai tenu des conversations en anglais avec des gamins de 8 à 9 ans, et on n'avait pas vraiment de mal à se comprendre. Cependant j'ai eu des conversations sur le forum anglophone, et il y a pas mal de monde qui s'expriment avec de fautes de grammaire basique! Donc pour moi ce n'est pas vraiment une excuse :roll:
    Après il faut être logique, créer un nouveau thread pour demander une question conne comme de traduire vache, je suis désolé mais dictionnaire de primaire aurait pu lui suffir !
    Donc je demanderais pardon à Wieste d'avoir répondu avec une certaine agressivité (si tu le trouve Daeran - au passage pour un français, James n'est pas commun comme prénom et j'avais une signature écrit en anglais avant ce n'est pas pour autant que j'étais anglais ! donc le coté "Au vu de ça signature" - je crois que je pourrais te faire des remarques similaires), mais pas pour les mots dont j'ai employé, voilà c'est tout.

  12. James-Antenor


    Comment dire, je n'ai pas très bien compris ton âge (en supposant que c'est ce que tu voulais exprimé - ou peut-être as-tu des problèmes de dos, va savoir! - ouais c'est gigantesquement génial...), j'estime que "dos" voudrait dire douze ?

    Wietse said:
    Je m'appele Wietse, j'ai dos ans et c'est tres genial!
    A vrai dire, c'est bien de vouloir essayer à t'exprimer dans d'autres langues, en revanche (supposant que ta langue maternelle en étant l'anglais) il faudrait déjà pouvoir t'exprimer correctement dans ta langue, non ? :roll:

    Wietse said:
    that was this question about

    EDIT : That was what this question was about - c'est que tu voulais dire, non?
  13. James-Antenor

    World War One (Great War) Mod for Warband! (Looking for Help!)


    Great model of a Lee Enfield SMLE Mk.III Lucke :cool:

    Just one little thing maybe  :roll:
    Do you think that you could add the muzzle cap ?  :oops:
  14. James-Antenor

    [Warband] The Lunar War - Crosshair Contest!

    The Lunar War
    An old step for man, a new step for human warfare...
  15. James-Antenor

    I dont understand this genre at all..

    Articulo34 said:
    Queen Pinky said:
    I haven't tried this but there is "fire" and "hold your fire commands". Would these help volley?
    The first time, more or less yes. But after that if you use "hold your fire" they wont reload, and if you press "fire" again they will reload and fire as soon as they track a target, some will be faster than others breaking the volley.
    Actually, having the same class of men helps (same rank = same équipement). Make a line of infantry (all on the same class) - hold fire until the enemy is about 50 mètres away and then fire at will - that roughly allows you 2 to 3 near perfect volleys before bayonet charging.
    Very effective  :twisted:
    Evilknightz said:
    I mean volleys, They get out of sync like insanely so that they fire one after the other and not one boom and 20 dead which is MUCH more entertaining
    You may not get 20 in the first volley but you get at least a dozen or so, depending on the size of the opposing force, but on the second you your chances  :twisted:

    Anyway great mod  :grin:
  16. James-Antenor

    SP Modern Mud, Steel, and Blood! A WW1 Mod for warband!!! (Recruiting, need coder!)

    That is a good point, french movies in general are... ok (to be patriotic  :roll:)

    EDIT: also have you had a look at the site I passed you hulksmash ?
  17. James-Antenor

    SP Modern Mud, Steel, and Blood! A WW1 Mod for warband!!! (Recruiting, need coder!)

    Skot the Sanguine said:
    James-Antenor said:
    And that my English seems all right for someone who is French.

    I can think of no greater complement than to say I thought you were a native speaker, which I indeed did.  Mais, je parle en peu Francais aussi.  Unfortunately it has been about a decade since I have tried to in earnest...  :grin:

    (What more, the fact that you knew what sanguine meant...which I think most English speakers really don' also good proof of your ability in English).

    Sanguine is a french word  :wink: "sanguin" from the word "sang" - which means blood  :wink:
    So actually it wasn't that hard to figure out  :grin:
    And I must thank you for your compliments, I personnally write better than I speak, and I type better than I write :lol:
    Mais si tu veux avoir une conversation en français, cela me ferait moins réflèchir c'est sûr  :lol:
    Rare are the french on this forum, and the few rare that are on the forum mainly talk bla bla (I suppose that's what a forum is for), never the less I prefer the english moving (flamming  :twisted:) and action orientated* side of the forum. Even if it means communicating in English  :oops:

    *meaning that at least someone can alternate the game files to make different modules  :roll:
  18. James-Antenor

    SP Modern Mud, Steel, and Blood! A WW1 Mod for warband!!! (Recruiting, need coder!)

    Then I must thank you O bloody one  :lol:
    But I must say in my defence that I was not looking to write an essay on the early 20th century.
    And that my English seems all right for someone who is French.
  19. James-Antenor

    SP Modern Mud, Steel, and Blood! A WW1 Mod for warband!!! (Recruiting, need coder!)

    Yes, obviously if you want to go into the detail of the summary  :eek:
    As you said the first part was correct, after I just wasn't motivated to type it all out so i briefed it  :grin:
    Clearly you were  :lol:
    I believe that it is fairly visible no ?
  20. James-Antenor

    SP Modern Mud, Steel, and Blood! A WW1 Mod for warband!!! (Recruiting, need coder!)

    I would have added Russia, but note that Russia leaves the wars to start a civil war in 1917.
    In my opnion Serbia would be an important faction or even sub-faction to have in this mod, considering that serbia started this war, well one serb did as least...  :lol:
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