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  1. Sanctus Ferri

    B Tutorial Module System [HOW TO] Compile script on Linux

    When I try to run that script (modified for the correct directory), I get the following errors: line 2: cd: $'/home/lhossangren/source\r': No such file or directory
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or directorypy
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    ': [Errno 2] No such file or
    rm: cannot remove '*.pyc'$'\r': No such file or directory line 33: $'echo\r': command not found
    ______________________________ line 35: $'echo\r': command not found
    Script processing has ended. line 37: $'\r': command not found

    I don't understand why it keeps telling me all the files don't exist.  I have Python 2.7.3 installed, and it is the default option when I check which Python.  ( I also have 3.8 ).
  2. Sanctus Ferri

    An observation on the effects of height, in regard to character creation.

    FlashHeart07 said:
    But are there not sources stating that the Vikings where considerably larger and stronger than people from other countries? Though their sources might be incorrect, there have been documentaries regarding the Vikings with archaeological evidence (skeletons of vikings) showing highly developed muscles and in the texts of Ibn Fadlan also suggested that the Vikings where bigger than most other people. The amount of strength and stamina it would require to row a boat across the distances that they did would also require and with time develop bigger muscles.

    Well, you seem to be associating strength and size again.  There is certainly evidence that they were larger then, just as they still are today.  But stronger?  No, I'm not personally aware of any such study, and in fact, I'm not sure how one might measure that from what remains after so long.  I don't think we've enough preserved remains to make even the most cursory attempt to address their muscle development.  We have, what, half a dozen vaguely decently preserved people from that era?  I am utterly unfamiliar with Ibn Fadlan, so without more study, I am not fit to comment on what he said.  However, off the top of my head, the period account that comes to mind featured the Saxons complaining not about their Norse rivals being stronger, but rather about them having unfairly superior grooming habits, such as brushing their hair(!), which was causing them to be more attractive to Anglo-Saxon women then their apparently less dapper countrymen.  Not exactly the popular stereotype, is it? 

    In any case, as I said, a taller person will already be devoting a certain portion of body weight to extra structure such as bones that play no direct role in strength, and, longer limbs mean somewhat more muscle power must be devoted to the additional torque required by that length, meaning slightly less overall muscle efficiency.  Longer bodies also reduce circulatory efficiency due to longer pathways, which in turn reduces the rate at which oxygen, enzymes and proteins can be delivered to muscles. 

    As to the development caused by their lifestyle, yes, certainly, but then again, people in previous eras as a whole were stronger because of such.  The typical 18th century milkmaid would make an average modern infantryman look like quite a weakling.  But was the Norse lifestyle significantly more strength intensive than those of other contemporary peoples?  Would sailors be stronger than say, farmers?  Historically, agricultural workers have been one of the stronger segments of society, especially before trains, tractors and automobiles.  And would strength be the predominant advantage?  One could argue that a sailor might be more agile and/or intelligent than a farmer, considering the skills involved in operating and navigating a longship. 
  3. Sanctus Ferri

    An observation on the effects of height, in regard to character creation.

    Idibil said:
    However, if you let it, I will take note about your observation for future projects.
    Thank you!

    Certainly.  I've enjoyed your work, and it was the interest in history shown in these projects which made me think you might find the observation interesting.  I do hope you will continue to develop mods like these.
  4. Sanctus Ferri

    An observation on the effects of height, in regard to character creation.

    So, as it stands, tall people get a strength bonus.  Allow me to suggest that this is not necessarily accurate, as a matter of human biodynamics.  On the basis of statistical correlation, people of average height tend to be the strongest.  I believe this has to do with leverage issues. ...
  5. Sanctus Ferri

    Getting Compile error for and undefined name.

    slot_party_last_in_combat              = 68 #used for AI
    slot_party_last_in_home_center        = 69 #used for AI
    slot_party_leader_last_courted        = 70 #used for AI
    slot_party_last_in_any_center          = 71 #used for AI
    slot_town_slave_market                = 72
    slave_market_parties_begin  = "p_town_slave_market_2"
    slave_market_parties_end    = "p_salt_mine"
    Okay, now that I changed the right, (too many open in editor) that worked. Thank you very much.  Now, why did that work?  I'd like to understand this better.
  6. Sanctus Ferri

    Getting Compile error for and undefined name.

    Numerically, as I assume you mean, it follows right after the last used party slot:

    slot_party_last_in_any_center          = 71 #used for AI

    slot_castle_exterior    = slot_town_center

    #slot_town_rebellion_contact  = 76
    #trs_not_yet_approached  = 0
    #trs_approached_before  = 1
    #trs_approached_recently = 2

    # Test : Slave Market Begin ########################
    slot_town_slave_market = 72
    slave_market_parties_begin = "p_town_slave_market_2"
    slave_market_parties_end = "p_salt_mine"
    # Test : Slave Market End #########################
  7. Sanctus Ferri

    Getting Compile error for and undefined name.

    I've been trying to modify the well-used Geoffrey Ashe Tavern Recruitment code to make slave traders buy and sell slaves, rather than just buy, and I keep getting the error: NameError: 'name 'slot_town_slave_market' is not defined.  Code as follows:
  8. Sanctus Ferri

    Slowing down campaign travel

    If you want to make travel actually take longer in game time, open up scripts.txt of whatever module you are using, and add

    game_get_party_speed_multiplier -1
    2 23 2 1224979098644774912 1 2075 100,

    but replace the 100 at the end with whatever percentage you'd like, i.e: if you want travel to take 10 times as long, you make it 10 for 10%. 

    The module system likes to put it just before npc_get_troop_wage -1, (line 277 in Native) but I don't think it matters.  However, you are also going to want to edit module.ini, time_multiplier =, as mentioned above, which affects game speed as you perceive it, rather than as the game sees it.  If you don't, everyone will crawl across the map agonisingly.  You will want to increase it in proportion to the amount you are decreasing the first value to keep people moving across the map at the same speed to you, although much past 2.5 and it starts to get kind of jittery on my machine. 
  9. Sanctus Ferri

    SP Native Mini Mod: BattleWounds

    I was planning on using the numerical position method to estimate head/torso/left arm/right arm/left leg/right leg- I had no idea WSE could help me tell bone position...and sadly WSE is doesn't totally work with the latest Warband, correct?

    Ah yes, at the point ti_on_agent_hit happens I can only find damage dealt before armour is taken out, right?  I was hoping Battle Wounds might have a workaround for that, since it seems to calculate effects off damage taken.  If only there was a trigger to the effect of on_agent_hp_change or something.  That seems to be the main difficulty.  The rest seemed (relatively) simple, granted that given my level of experience with scripting nothing is simple.  :smile:  Once I have the damage value, (and location and type from methods mentioned), I think I just have to store the damage value, damage type and location of each hit, allocate any immediate penalties, have a script to monitor stored wounds on the agent and assess blood loss from each every time increment x, and at the end of the battle check the stored wounds and 'roll' for chance of death to be implemented at time y (a formula based on the wound, medical skills, and if I can figure out how, battle result,) infection (which, aside from influencing chance of death, would really work just like blood loss, but with a different time increment) possibility of permanent injury, and implementation of temporary penalties; basically very much like Chel's wound script but on a per wound basis, and regardless of state of consciousness.  I suppose I'd only bother tracking bleeding and infection out of battle on heroes.  For other troops it would just affect chance of death.  Eventually I was going to try and work in a "Perform First Aid' action in battle to try and mitigate bloodloss, but given how often you get the time to do that, it wasn't a high priority.  The only thing currently troubling me about all that is whether storing that data for every wound on every agent in the battle will use up more free slots than I have to store stuff, and/or cause the game to become unmanageably slow.

    Currently, I wasn't much concerned with any graphical representations of anything.  Just having someone run slower and have poorer balance and such from taking an arrow to the leg would make me happy.  I'm similarly not too concerned with how aware the player is of specific injury effects during battle.  I might have a message display some info, but then again maybe not.  If I did, and they missed it, well, people often remain unaware of injuries while preoccupied with fighting, and otherwise, it's not like people have damage readouts flash across their eyes in real life.  I rather like the idea of the effects only subtly presenting themselves as ability degradation.  At the end of the battle, when there was actually time to assess such things, would seem like a good enough time to list the specific information. 
  10. Sanctus Ferri

    SP Native Mini Mod: BattleWounds

    Well, I may as well try both, thanks. 

    Actually, the part of the script I am most interested in is the idea of having effects come from individual wounds.  I'm trying to write a script that takes each individual hit, assesses it by severity, location and type, and applies an immediate series of penalties for shock and pain, long term penalties while healing (with individual healing rates), and possibility of permanent penalties, while also having a rate/chance of blood loss and possibility of infection.  I have the basic mechanics of the system worked out, but I'm still trying to get a feel for writing the actual script.  In particular, I am trying to wrap my head around how to keep track of effects from each wound separately, and I am hoping this script will be a learning tool to get me started on my own. 
  11. Sanctus Ferri

    Altering the Healing Rate

    Okay, so following that idea, is there a trigger for an agent gaining hp, such that I could set hp back to what they were every time hp was gained from healing, until an allotted time had passed?
  12. Sanctus Ferri

    SP Native Mini Mod: BattleWounds

    From looking at the module files, it looks like Brytenwalda uses a truncated version of Chels' wound script that drops the death option.  I checked around for a mod that had Rongar's Battle Wounds, but sadly found none yet.  Thanks for the thought. 
  13. Sanctus Ferri

    SP Native Mini Mod: BattleWounds

    Sorry for the thread necromancy, but: is the Battle Wounds Script still available?  The links above no longer work.
  14. Sanctus Ferri

    Altering the Healing Rate

    Interesting.  That makes things a little more challenging.  Perhaps I could just add a large amount to both hp and weapon damage and thus scale down the value of 1 hp, to compensate.  Anyway, thanks very much for the quick response MadVader.  Your knowledge is much appreciated.
  15. Sanctus Ferri

    Altering the Healing Rate

    Would someone be so kind as to point out where I can find the script that controls a player's healing rate?  I would like to slow it down a quite bit, and make getting hurt a bit more inconvenient and realistic.  I feel this must have been discussed somewhere already, but all searches, on this...
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