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  1. Syrdar

    -- Official Unofficial 'Ask Questions About Warband Singleplayer Here' Thread --

    I was playing the Old Mount and Blade (ASOIF and POP mods) and I decided to take a look at Warband (for that reason I downloaded the demo). The first thing I noticed is,when I'm mounted, when I move the mouse the character looks in that direction and changes the direction of the attack (the movement and the attack are very weird). There is some way to disable that behavior (like the old M&B)?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Syrdar

    Dudas sobre misiones (Con foto)

    Hola, esta mision es particularmente fea y nunca la pude resolver a la perfección.
    El punto es que cuando te la dan, y al salir de la ciudad donde te la dieron, veras una tropa salir rápidamente hacia una dirección. No hay formas de perseguirlos, así que tendras que dirigirte en esa dirección. En el mapa (no es en la ciudades ni castillos) veras que hay un grupo que está parado. Ese grupo esta formado por unos guardias y algo así como "Strange townsmen" o algo parecido. Tendras que esperar a que haya dos unidades llamadas "Strange ..." además de los guardias comunes.
    Cuando esten los dos atacalos y tendras que capturarlos vivos, o sea que tendras que cambiar a armas que no maten.  Cuando los captures llevalos al lord que te dió lo mision (recuerda que tienes que capturar a los que dicen "Strange" o algo así, los guardias no sirven).

    Espero que te ayude, por mi parte nunca la pude terminar al 100% (solo capture vivo a uno solo).

  3. Syrdar

    reclutar tropas

    Cuando comienzo un juego decido a que facción deseo pertenecer y en base a eso recluto las tropas de esa facción solamente. Con esa politica tambien armo ejercitos "neutrales" o sea compuestos por tropas mercenarias y de "Sword Sisters".
  4. Syrdar

    Rotten tomatoes: M&B taglines

    M&B - A game where you can get Frodogorn gored in the anus by an elephant
    M&B - Rhodoks wants to suck your spear
    M&B - Kergs loves the horse
  5. Syrdar

    Concurso del Tagline de la boxed versión

    Gente, Armagan posteo un concurso en el que se pueden sugerir los taglines de la versión en caja de M&B:,42278.0.html Según lo que cuenta al ganador le van a enviar un juego original. PD: Parece que el concurso termina mañana.
  6. Syrdar

    Mount&Blade Tagline Contest

    M&B - Shape a new Calradia with YOUR sword.
    M&B - Ride to your destiny . (cheesy ****)
    M&B - Calradia needs a future, Calradia needs you . (and uncle Sam too)
    M&B - Your destiny, Calradia's future
    Death, War, Famine, Conquest and YOU - M&B
    M&B - King or thief, I up to YOU. 
    M&B - Live as a soldier, Die as King. 
    M&B - Trample the fate and take your destiny with your Sword, 

  7. Syrdar

    ¡Nueva version del Mount & Blade! (1.011)

    Según lo que comento Armagan en el release notes del .960, esta es la última versión antes de 1.0 (esta planeada para septiembre). Sin embargo se nota que siguen trabajando ya que han salido algunas capturas de pantalla en las que se ven nuevas armaduras y algunas pantallas cambiadas/mejoradas.,40954.0.html

  8. Syrdar

    Poll: Most Anticipated Mod

    Mmm ... it's not listed and I know that this mod is discontinued, but I really want to see Fantasy Mod fully working in M&B 1.0.
  9. Syrdar

    exportar personaje

    girarcat said:
    weno, si ke lo tengo en directorios distintos, pero todos dentro de la C. Voy a probarlo. gracias!!

    Mira, yo tenia problemas al tratar de recuperar un personaje importado, lo arregle copiando el archivo al directorio de la instalación nueva.
    Por otro lado acabo de verificar y el directorio es: c:\mount&blade960\charExport (sin el native) y los archvos del personaje son con el nombre con extensión txt *ejemplo: paquito.txt)
  10. Syrdar

    exportar personaje

    Buenas, has instalado la nueva version en el mismo directorio o en otro directorio distinto? Porque el archivo que te genera con el personaje te lo deja en el directorio donde esta instalado el juego.
    Ejempllo: tenias instalado el .951 en c:\mount&blade951 el archivo de exportacion esta en un dir como c:\mount&blade951\native\charExport (o algo asi). Si la nueva version la instalaste en c:\mount&blade960 tendras que copiar el archivo al dir  c:\mount&blade960\native\charExport (o algo asi) para que funcione (ahora estoy en el trabajo así que no te puedo dar con el exactitud el nombre del directorio donde estan los personajes exportados. El archivo tiene el nombre del personaje).
  11. Syrdar

    ajuda com quest

    jackbing said:

    intão eu tava jogano na versão 0.955, agora atualizei pra 0.960  =D
    eu acho que ta tudo certo, talvez seja bug da versao anterior mesmo
    mto obrigado ^^

    aproveitando o esse mesmo topico pra evitar food, gostaria de tirar mais umas duvidas
    1. Para que server a Honra (Honor)?
    2. Como funciona esse negocio de marshall?
    3. Estou fazendo a quest dos claimants, para os meus lords obedecerem minha orden precisa de que? relacionamento bom?
    4. Na versão 0.960 a quest dos claimants esta completa?  :cry:

    Se alguem souber da uma força pra mim ai    :grin:
    Vlw ai gentee

    1. La verdad que nadie sabe exactamente, hay personas que dice que el honor mejora la relación con algunos Lores, pero no lo verifique nunca.
    2. Cuando sos marshall le podes dar ordenes a los lores (como que te sigan, ataquen ciudades, patrullen o vayan a cierto lugar). Para ser Marshall tenes que tener mucha reputación y vas a ser propuesto por el rey junto a otro lord y vas a tener que ganar la eleccion (dicen que los lores te votan teniendo en cuenta  tú relación con ellos, pero la verdad que es aleatorio, o sea que si no ganas reintenta cargando la partida.
    Lo interesante de Marshall es que puedes organizar una "campaña" y los lores vendran a ti, pudiendo formar un ejercito bastante grande como para tomar los castillos facilmente.
    3. Cuando ayudas a los claimants ya comienzas como Marshall (una vez que has tomado todos los castillos y eliminas la faccion enemiga, dejas de ser marshall y vas a tener que ganar la eleccion para serlo) y ademas cada vez que tomas un castillo puedes elegir a quien darselo.
    Cuando comienzas el quest estas solo con el claimant, puedes intentar convencer a otros lords que se unan a la rebelion (en lo que juega la persuacion, el tipo de argumento que usas para convencerlos, si ya tienes a un lord "no apreciado por el" en la rebelion y un valor aleatorio). Como dije antes, cada vez que tomas un castillo puedes elegir a quien darselo, eso genera que se enojen algunos lores (perderas relacion con ellos), alguien escribio que si tu relacion es pesima -20 el lord puede llegarse a ir a otra faccion.
    4. Yo no tube problemas cuando ayude a los Nords y los Swadians.
  12. Syrdar

    ajuda com quest

    Que versión de juego esta usando? En la ultima .960 ese quest anda bien. Una cosa a tener en cuenta es que cuando termina la rebelion y eliminas la facción original (o sea que tu facción de deja de llamarse "Swadian Rebels" y pasa a ser "Swadian, cambiando de color rojo al habitual anaranjado) puede que dejes de ser el Marshall de la facción, por lo tanto ya no te van a obedecer más (o sea que cuando hables ya no vas a poderle dar mas ordenes y la unica opcion que tendras es pedirles si quieren ayudarte). Si esto te ocurrio tendras que esperar a que te vuelvan a elegir como marshall.
    Antes solia haber un bug por el cual cuando dabas una orden te decian que no podian llevarla a cabo (como "Ve a la ciudad X"), en esos casos les ordenaba que me siguieran y cerca de esa ciudad me obedecian, o a tal caso daba la orden de que se cancelaba la campaña y cada uno se iva para su lado.
    Espero que esto te ayude/
  13. Syrdar

    Desert Faction

    Jacobthewise said:
    Just wondering will we ever get a faction who are in the desert we have nice green fields the stepps and snow would be cool to have some desert ? maybe a another nation ? anyway just asking.I would love to see some desert area with a few citys.

    I don't know if this is the answer you are looking for, but I played "A song of Ice and Fire" module (.903) and I remember fighting in a desert.
  14. Syrdar


    Lizard_man said:
    i have also become marshall, i can organize war parties but when i attack a city its only my army that fights, no one backs me up even though there with me, anyone know how to get them to back you ?????

    Usually when I want some backup troops to conquer a City (being Marshall) I talk with the lord and say "Follow me". I go to the city and I start the siege, if the lord arrives when the laders are ready I attack and the Lord joins in the assault (sometimes the allied lord moves slower than me, so I have to wait a little for him).

    This kind of help is usefull when you support a claimant (and you have 50 troops ) to take enemy cities.
  15. Syrdar

    Big Armies... too big

    Ramidel said:
    Syrdar, those of us who want the AI to play by the rules are generally the ones who don't want to need a Lord to assist us in a damn 1v1 battle.

    I liked .950 party sizes instead the new .952 sizes. Now you can take any enemy army alone when you start (I saw most of the enemy lords have 50~60 troops). In .950 I had to wait until I was powerful enough to take enemy Lords (before my savegame was corrupted I had an army of 160 soldiers - 3 hurrahs for Armagan for the new "Save As" option). Also when you defeat a Lord in .950 they respawn with few troops not the 600 they had. In my current .952 game I supported the Nord Claimant and I defeated the Nord king (and all lords that not supported my cause) in 20 game days.
    Also, I think a Lord that have been in charge of a city for 10 years must have a huge army, when you start you can command 10 soldiers and after a year you can command ~150 soldiers. So I think that is fair to give a lord a huge army (like someone said: a lord with a flief and army of 50~70 troops, a lord with a castle 100~200, a lord with a city 200~300 and the King 400~600). In .052 you can see lords armies with 30~50 troops and deserters parties with 60~80 soldiers, and thats unfair.
    The main problem that I found with huge armies was the issue of the time it takes to end the battle, let’s say that I'm fighting with 160 troops against 600. First round -1~-3 advantage, this means I will kill like 70~80 enemy troops, second round between 50~60 troops, and from the 3rd round I will kill 30 enemies... this means like 15~16 more fights. I spent like 1/2~1 hour fighting each of those "epic" battles (AutoCalc needs to be redone, really sucks).
  16. Syrdar

    Minor Suggestions involving Persuasion/ Messages

    I always loved to play with armies of valkiries (Sword Sisters) and the only way to get "Peasant Womans" is attacking a enemy party with those girls as prisioners.
    Since you can find those parties of escaping farmers it would be nice if you can "persuade" them to join you (like: "Do you want money fame and glory??. Join me and the world will be yours !!".
    Same applies to those "deserters" parties (if you have more troops can be like: "Join me or die." or "You can wash your cowandice fighting with honor, join me and you will be redemeed !!"). Perhaps this can give you some honor points.
    Regarding bandits and looters parties, you can try to persuade them to give you money/items in exchange for their freedom/lives (if you outnumber them). This will make lose some honor points.
  17. Syrdar

    Kidnapped Girl glitch

    Anyone knows what needs to be changed in order to allow the leveling and changing of equipment of the kidnapped gilr?  (I mean when you talk to her the options "I need to check you equipment" and "Tell me how you doing" -or something like that-). If I have to hang with her at least she can be useful (she is at level 19 now).
  18. Syrdar

    Big Armies... too big

    I think that BIG armies add a "new level" to the game. Let me explain, when you start you can handle small parties of looters and sea raiders, then you can start raiding villages and fighting enemy lords with small parties, after that you start taking castles (and protecting your own castle/flief) and after that you take cities (the last step).
    With this new feature (war campaigns aka:big armies) you have a new level, to defeat those armies.
    When I started the new game in .950 I saw a Kerghit lord with 600 troops and I said "WTF !! how I'm supposed to beat this with 40~50 soldiers??". So, I had to flee and see how they took my only castle, I was not happy at all but I said "You horse-lickers you shall pay for this!!". I started gaining renown and reputation in my faction until one day my beloved king offered to me the Marshall rank .... then revenge was mine ... I took a lord as assistant and I started taking all castles and cities... until a savegame bug killed my game... but that's another story. At that time I had 140 soldiers and my assistant had 240 soldiers with 840 prisioners. Perhaps when the amount of prisioners surpases the amount of soldiers a "prisioner caravan" can be created and sent to the Lord castle/city (the player can do the same -create the prisioner caravan assigning the amount of guards and destination).
  19. Syrdar

    Savegame Problem

    Thanks Archonsod, before bother the devs I will try a thing I have read in the forums (copying the savegame into desktop deleting the .950 directory and reinstalling the game). If this does not works I will send the file pointing to this thread.
  20. Syrdar

    Savegame Problem

    I have the same problem in my savegame on .950, after loading the game I wait 3 times (press space 3 times) and the app crashes to desktop. I tried everything (like changing from dx9 to dx7, disabling everything,etc) and keeps crashing. This happened after I fought 600 nords troops commanded by their king. The strange thing is when you check the messages in the "Message Log" (this log in the "Quest" screen) and there says something like "King xxx has been" and the message is uncomplete.
    There is some way to recorver/fix it? This RGL error is not funny but you can restart the app and you can keep playing, but losing a savegame is very nasty and is very frustrating to lose soo many hours of playing.
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