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  1. pecheurman

    Importing a tweak from VC to AWOIAF and changing it.

    gonna try compile and insert it thanks kalarhan hopefully it will work
  2. pecheurman

    Importing a tweak from VC to AWOIAF and changing it.

    Please mark this thread as solved
    but it was not solved? there probably a way to make two custom dlga work, and someone who maybe already did this could help me?
    no one told its not possible, so I don't understand why would this thread be solved in any way but if someone explain why wouldn't it be possible?
    if someone explain me why its not possible, having two custom dlga in conversation.txt. then I would mark it solved.
    but that not the case.

    but if you insist on it I won't go against the wall.
  3. pecheurman

    Importing a tweak from VC to AWOIAF and changing it.

    ok so I got it, actually searching a bit.

    I got what the problem. you can't add more than 1 custom dlga in conversation.txt

    or atleast not without the source code of the mod, and AWOIAF creator didn't give sources code (those why I can't add two custom dlga.)
    that what I understood. I did get what the codes meant, I could even make different character with different UI id have the same option. and it worked,
    it really look like I just can't add more than one custom dlga even tho the two dlga could work at the same time, like if there was a limit.

    that probably something I need to change in another file, I tried to add the customs dialogue id (lair_captain_add_troops) in dialogue dialog_states.txt to maybe make it seen by the game as not a custom dlga but an compiled one. but without success...

    (for example I made the cook give me troops... and it worked: (
    dlga_lair_cook:lair_add_troops 69631 2646  0 Give_me_100_Archer_for_twenty_thousand.  2647  2 1610 3 648518346341351424 360287970189639725 100 1529 2 360287970189639680 20000 0 NO_VOICEOVER

    "648518346341351424" is the party id (its the same not matter what the mod)
    "360287970189639680" is the player id
    "360287970189639725" is the troop id.
    "1610" is the "add_troop_to_party" command
    "2646 + 2647" is the ui id
    "lair_add_troops" is the custom dialogue id
    "dlga_lair_cook" is the cook main dialogue ui id.
    "100" the number of troop
    "1529" is the "remove_money" command

    "2" is number of operation
    "3" number of parameter following

    I nailed it, and again I could make it work with many character dialogue in the game, only not when there was more than 1 dialogue added, even if it was to different character

    I tried to have both the option (both cook and captain) but not its just not possible, I have to remove one of the option or I get the error even if both work individually (when the other is not in the file).

    the two code are working, and are right, the problem is that those two cannot be together even tho they have different dlga id.
    so the only explanation is that the code are not recognized when there is more than one. maybe I need to add the custom dlga id to another file for the game to recognize and locate it normally.

    that the thing I don't get how to do, I believe there is a way, I just don't get what file to edit, but that probably not in conversation.txt
    maybe when there only 1 custom(new) dlga without set path the game get it.

    (and of course, Like I said in previous post dialog count is not the problem each time I add a new dialog are add +1 to the dialog count.
    also its not a problem with the empty space in the end of the line as I said in first post and take care of it in the begin, and if I would **** up on this I wouldn't be able to have even 1 option working. (also not updating dialog count don't make the game crash with rgl error, it just don't take the dialogue itself into account and you won't see it in the game.)

    and thanks kalarhan for trying to help me!
  4. pecheurman

    Importing a tweak from VC to AWOIAF and changing it.

    first thanks for the fast answer kalarhan.
    the thing is kraggrim only posted the code in plain text and I don't really get how to reproduce it with python in the, never coded in python gonna have a bunch to learn...
    and it work when there is one option, tried with multiple troop id it work like a charm, it make the error only when I try to have two option at the same time. (cause i want to be able to recruit multiple unit not only one).
    I probably messing one number, but I don't get which one, also weird it work perfectly with one and not with 2 option
    maybe the code was not made for multiple use in mind.
    hopefully kraggrim put some light on it
    thanks for the answer tho.
  5. pecheurman

    Importing a tweak from VC to AWOIAF and changing it.

    so I did add a tweak on AWOIAF (game of thrones mod based on brytenwalda/VC) from kraggrim this tweak add a dialogue with the lair captain to be able to recruit soldier directly. this is the code(original one from kraggrim for viking conquest): dlga_lair_captain:lair_captain_add_troops 69631...
  6. pecheurman

    Ironsights for l'Aigle [WIP]

    Articulo34 said:
    deadknight said:
    That's a nonsense. If we speak english we are a britt ? (go tell that to the Irish or americans)
    No it aint. That´s a fact, like gravity or saying Lakers suck.

    i'm proud to be a frog :smile:, but what you are?
  7. pecheurman

    Ironsights for l'Aigle [WIP]

    deadknight said:
    Articulo34 said:
    deadknight said:
    Articulo34 said:
    Frogs? Here? We need Sharpe!

    I'm not a frog, I'm corsican and half spanish. Don't like the rosbifs too much, but I admire two things of theirs:  old Royal Navy and Heavy Metal ! :twisted:
    If it speaks french, it´s a frog. But since you are not full Spaniard and you like heavy metal some leniency shall be granted.

    That's a nonsense. If we speak english we are a britt ? (go tell that to the Irish or americans)

    pecheurman> Mon cas est un peu plus compliqué que ça. Je suis né en France, et 6 mois plus tard mes parents sont revenus en Espagne où j'ai grandi jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Et vu que mon héritage est Corse et qu'on me disait qu'on est donc pas vraiment français... mais bon, de toute façon la notion de pays est quelque chose de récent, à la base on est tous un mélange de cultures diverses, et c'est tant mieux !

    je suis d'accord, suffit d'etre citoyen de cette planete :razz: et c'est bien mieux.
    c'est un peux comme moi, je suis nee en france et a l'age de 11 ans je suis venue vivre en israel.donc double citoyennete. pas besoin de choisir.
    c'est juste que selon la lois francaise, une fois nee en france ou avoir des parent francais, fait de toi un francais :smile:.
    donc tu es espagnol-francais,(la corse est francaise...) enfin on s'en fou.
  8. pecheurman

    Ironsights for l'Aigle [WIP]

    deadknight said:
    Articulo34 said:
    Frogs? Here? We need Sharpe!

    I'm not a frog, I'm corsican and half spanish. Don't like the rosbifs too much, but I admire two things of theirs:  old Royal Navy and Heavy Metal ! :twisted:

    un petit corse :razz: mais bon etant corse tu es francais :smile: perso je le suis, je suis nee en france, je vais pas dire que je suis moitier allemand moitier marocain xD. si on est nee en france on l'est :razz:.
  9. pecheurman

    Ironsights for l'Aigle [WIP]

    Articulo34 said:
    Frogs? Here? We need Sharpe!

    omelette au fromage will kill you all and destroy sharpe. don't try ;P
  10. pecheurman

    Ironsights for l'Aigle [WIP]

    Vraelomon said:
    See what you made him do, deadknight?

    ^^ is my fault :razz:

    I just said that for a better experience, and to put cavalry down(less op). I did:
    put 10-5 precision more for almost every fireweapons.
    add 200 musketry skill for all long-range unit.
    put most of horse HP to 40-50(and 60-80 for cuirrassier.)
    enhance the musket/melee dammage(for musket+bayonet 100 point trust and 50 swing, for them without 20 trust 80-100 swing)
    and other tweak.
    (I did munally edit files, or you can use troop editor and morghs editor.)
    and lets not forgot the animation enhancement of sir. RanGer_SLO wich did an awesome work!link-
    and is save compatible.
  11. pecheurman

    Ironsights for l'Aigle [WIP]

    deadknight said:
    Merci, ça faisait longtemps que je voulais faire cette petite modification pour la native, mais vu le charabia informatique et mon niveau presque nul j'avais pas eu courage. Mais là je suis tombé sous le charme de ce mod, et bluffé par son degré d'authenticité je me suis dit que c'était obligé d'avoir une vraie visée !

    (Thanks, it's been a long time I wanted to make this small change to the native, but given the computer gibberish and my almost zero level I hadn't the courage. But then I fell in love with this mod, and amazed by the degree of authenticity I told myself that it was imperative to have a real sight !)

    oh et j'allais oublier sache si tu veux un conseil pour nerf la cav, j'ai(personnellement editer les dommages fait par le melee des mousquet.(pour les bayonette 100 et les swing 50), et les cav je l'est est toute mis a 40(sauf les cuirrassier sans arme longue portee que j'ai mis a 60-80)
    j'ai aussi augmentais les skills pour fusillier(mousquetaire) de 200(donc maintenant un jager veteran avec une carabine de precision aura 415 en musketry.

    aussi ameliorer les degat(de feu) d'une mousquet a 100-avec bayonette, 110 sans, et 150 pour les carabine/baker rifle.

    et bon enfin la c'est bien mieux balancer, la cav est toujours aussi forte, mais les infantrie tienne le coup.
    et les jager/95th regiment sont des unite d'elite.

    apres la bataille n'est pas un massacre hein. mais c'est bien plus amusant quand tes unite touche quelque chose.

    tu peux aussi augmentez la precision comme par exemple(80 pour mousquet avec bayo, 85 sans, et laisser les 100 pour jager et 95th(leur fusils).

    pas besoin que tu traduise je le ferais tout a l'heure en rentrant.
    voila aussi avec le mod d'animation les combat sont bien plus fun.

    j'ai chercher un moyen de faire que les marechal est leur armer composer de ou 80%inf tout le temp, la plus part des marechal avec full infantrie et quelque marechal avec full cav.
    (un peux comme TOTSK.)

    bonne journee.
  12. pecheurman

    Ironsights for l'Aigle [WIP]

    good work(bon boulot)
    perso j'ai passer 3 heure a ameliorer les stat des troops et des item. et je rever d'un mod de ce type, bonne continuation.
  13. pecheurman

    Capturing ships?

    kalarhan is right! stop to say that you can do an exploit, we can do an exploit anyway, is the game mechanic.
    if someone want to exploit, he can simply make a tweak, like for example showed in the page "82 tweaks"

    so please stop to speak about exploit, also you can also leave town attack bandit and take armor and sell them what the difference?
    the selling price has been very lowered. so is no more can be called an exploit?

    to fight bandit you can have with chance a little boat at price of 2800 to sell, is less than a viking armor!!!!

    so please lets not speak about exploit.

    also when in history were ship battle, they tryed to capture ship more than destroy it, because ship were very expansive.

    after we can set probability about the DIFFICULTY, so people who want a difficult game will choose difficult setting and will automatically set the rate to low.

    is don't understand people wich are yelling "exploit!" its mount & blade, you can do 10,000,000 exploit in one battle or on mission, people wich want to exploit can do it right now, and more fast than you can imagine.

    maybe devs should put an option in the camp menu/game option to change higher rate of capturing. I think its would be good.
  14. pecheurman

    Capturing ships?

    kalarhan said:
    I will wait for a more experienced modding, or player to explain us how the probability rate is defined.

    one of the game developers is not good enough?  :shock:

    oh I didn't know that phaiak was a devlopper, now I know :smile:.
  15. pecheurman

    Capturing ships?

    like said above i would be not able to see those code if i wasn't using the beta patch.

    anyway, thank for phaiak reply, I actually waiting for more information before editing anything. but i don't think that those line really affecting the game, you can back everything anyway.(is in menu.txt)

    also exploit is possible anyway, you can change the ammount of money lord give you when he not giving you a captured fief, and almost every quest. you can (for e.x) put 1,000,000 money for completing a cattle quest.

    so exploit is about the willing of the player, changing ship rate actually not helping in exploit.(by knowing you can have millions of money without cheating and having steam achievement and everything.

    so I actually don't love exploit at all, I just want to the game being more "realistic" like what kalarhan said, their chance rate would be much better that the actual one.

    but i'm not sure that those code line is those who define the probability.
    because like you can see those line are about AFTER the battle ended, and you get the capturing ship UI.

    so maybe is somewhere else(or maybe is in those line) I will wait for a more experienced modding, or player to explain us how the probability rate is defined.
  16. pecheurman

    Capturing ships?

    i have 10 looting skill i see no difference.
  17. pecheurman

    Capturing ships?

    yes you right the possibility to capture ship is totally random, that mean is not about (if you fight 8 ship you have more chance to have ship) actually fighting fisherman have more chance to capture any ship.

    maybe someone can explain us how to tweak this to have more chance to have a ship because is getting bored to not having any ship after fighting groups of 10 ship.

    menu_ship_capture 0 You_are_able_to_capture_one_of_the_enemy's_ships._It's_a_{s2}._But_due_to_the_fight_the_'{s1}'_is_in_a_bad_condition._Do_you_want_to_add_this_ship_to_your_fleet? none 39 2133 2 1224979098644774912 0 4 0 31 2 144115188075856230 1 2133 2 1224979098644774912 1 5 0 2170 3 1224979098644774913 1369094286720630822 360287970189639680 2107 2 1224979098644774913 2 2110 2 1224979098644774913 7 2106 2 1224979098644774913 1 2120 3 1224979098644774914 301 1224979098644774913 521 3 1224979098644774915 648518346341351424 1224979098644774914 2147483679 2 1224979098644774915 0 2133 2 1224979098644774912 1 5 0 1685 3 1224979098644774916 648518346341351424 1369094286720630806 2120 3 1224979098644774917 10 1224979098644774916 2136 3 1224979098644774918 1 101 32 2 1224979098644774918 1224979098644774917 2133 2 1224979098644774912 1 3 0 4 0 2147483679 2 1224979098644774912 0 2060 1 864691128455135278 5 0 4 0 39 0 2133 2 1224979098644774919 504403158265495652 5 0 2133 2 1224979098644774919 504403158265495651 3 0 526 3 144115188075857092 1224979098644774919 31 2136 3 144115188075857093 216172782113787098 216172782113787121 2136 3 144115188075857094 5 15 526 3 144115188075857095 1224979098644774919 51 2031 1 1441151880758558799 2320 2 1 144115188075857093 1 2 936748722493063227 144115188075857092 2320 2 2 72057594037927943 3 0 2
    mno_capture  0  Add_the_ship_to_your_fleet.  16 2133 2 1224979098644774912 0 6 3 1224979098644774913 301 308 31 2 1224979098644774912 0 521 3 1224979098644774914 648518346341351424 1224979098644774913 2147483681 3 1224979098644774914 1 10 501 3 648518346341351424 1224979098644774913 144115188075857092 2121 3 1224979098644774915 1224979098644774913 301 2120 3 1224979098644774916 311 1224979098644774915 501 3 648518346341351424 1224979098644774916 144115188075857093 2120 3 1224979098644774917 321 1224979098644774915 501 3 648518346341351424 1224979098644774917 144115188075857094 2120 3 1224979098644774918 331 1224979098644774915 501 3 648518346341351424 1224979098644774918 144115188075857095 2133 2 1224979098644774912 1 3 0 2060 1 864691128455135278  .  mno_leave  0  Leave_the_ship_behind.  1 2060 1 864691128455135278  .
  18. pecheurman

    volontaire bataillon mod mount and musquet

    Zayr said:
    Il y a plusieurs régiments ayant leur thread de présentation et recrutement ici:,139.0.html
    merci frero
  19. pecheurman

    WB Tutoriel : Configurer son module system

    lolitablue said:
    pecheurman said:
    a oui je l'ai bien renomee pecheur (la deuxieme native(copier)) maintenant l'adress donne sa C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\mountblade warband\Modules\pecheur
    je les bien mis dans le repertoir(module)de warband la ou ya tout les mod comme native(meme si c'est pas un mod)
    en gros je comprend pas pourquoi sa marche pas j'ai manquer quelque chose?
    (j'ai python)

    Chez moi ça marche, mais... je mets le répertoire Mount&Blade Warband directement à la racine du disque C:

    Voilà mon chemin... écrit dans le fichier
    export_dir="C:/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/Roma/"

    Et une fois la compil effectuée je copie et colle le module vers:
    Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/common/... etc...

    Si ça peut aider un tant soit peu...
    merci mais je le savais seulement j'avait essayer de faire cour et aller droit au but :wink:
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