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  1. Soeldner

    Random war declarations and timer on story line

    The war declarations has to do with the conspiracy quest i think, atleast i read that in another post.

    How do you handle the situation? Or not yet in that state of the game? :smile:
  2. Soeldner

    Companions. Do they run out of arrows and do they use bows from horseback?

    What is this question seriously? You slow down the process for serious requests and game enhancements. This is just a petty question you could easily solve by yourself. Take a companion, put him on a horse with a bow, hunt some looters and encircle them... Until he runs out of ammo. Yes, all units run out of ammo. That's why there are perks for it (increasing maximal ammo for units). And that was a thing in M&B forever, also tactical wise in sieges et cetera (running out of ammo as a thing). Sorry, but look at the amount of topics.. Would be great, if they would be quality and not quantity questions.
  3. Soeldner

    Random war declarations and timer on story line

    Well, I haven't been able to really understand the conspiracy thing (No idea how to "stop it") or unite the empire yet.

    Also, my brothers seems to have forgotten about me :ROFLMAO:

    So yes, I'd say the main story quest needs some work.

    Do you also have random war declarations of your Kingdom by itself? It ruins me right now, because I buy the peace, then just out nowhere my Faction declares war again (few days later) and I lose all my shops and businesses again. I need those in order to pay for my army, otherwise the enemy crushes me. Costed me around 100k by now, could break my game. How should I fight the kingdoms, if I can't pay my soldiers?
  4. Soeldner

    Resolved Switch the hit indicator off

    You mean the hp reduction number? If you mean that then indeed it would be nice to have an option to disable that.

    EDIT: I think I know what you mean now, the hit indicator when you shoot a ranged weapon. Sorry just rarely use range weapon, so took me a while to nice it. Indeed nothing for that that I can see.

    It's also in melee if you hit/kill enemies, you get a confirmation on your cross hair. I don't even use the cross hair basically, though I get those confirmations of hits/kills (white is a hit, red is a kill).
    Disabling that would be cool for my style of gameplay.
  5. Soeldner

    Random war declarations and timer on story line

    Hello Bannerlords and Ladies, just to be clear, I fairly enjoy the game. Great job and feel. BUT, two major things are a bit annoying: 1. Why is the main story line timed? The quest to "unite the Empire" or similiar just got failed, but the conspiracy quest keeps popping up again and again. I...
  6. Soeldner

    Seit Patch e1.0.9: Crashes vor Gefechten

    Wie oben geschildert: Seit dem neuesten Patch crasht mein Game regelmäßig vor Gefechten... Hat noch wer solche Probleme?
  7. Soeldner

    Resolved Switch the hit indicator off

    Already done. Attack direction and all other stuff is off for me. "Damage taken" is for the player taking damage resulting in a red outline on the screen. It's not the hit indicator. That is currently not in the menue.
  8. Soeldner

    Resolved Switch the hit indicator off

    Hello community, if the hit indicator could be switched off, that would be great. I play with a very minimalistic HUD, so that doesn't fit. Anybody else feeling that way? Thank you & otherwise I fairly enjoy the game. Amazing fun... S.
  9. Soeldner

    Organize a feast: Script Error?

    Ehm... How this happens? I got no virus, no spyware, ... Or happens it just while playing? Is there no other way? Or maybe I could wait and bug fixes... Don't know.
    Because I got this character for about 600 days now. -_-
    Thanks for quick answer, ... But no alternative then new game and if it happens again reinstall? :sad:
  10. Soeldner

    Organize a feast: Script Error?

    Hey guys, I'm sorry if there's a thread with this topic existing, but I didn't found it with search. My problem is that I want to host a feast. I get the mission: "Organize a feast" or similiar name. So my wife tells me about storage and inventory and how the feast's gonna be and I say: "Let's...
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