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  1. Marcquez

    [1.5.6) What are the most profitable workshops?

    I think I know what is happening in Rovalt.
    When I started the smithy, I bought over the existing one from Drusabalda the Ironmonger.
    She immediately opened a new Smithy where before there was a pottery.
    Something I noticed today, when I wanted to physically visit the workshop in the town view.

    As there are 2 smithies competing, the profits are probably gone.

    I have checked my oil press in Jaculan and this one remained at one.
    Merovic the oil presser did not create another oil press workshop after I bought him out.

    Did not try to set up a smithy elsewhere yet, though
  2. Marcquez

    [1.5.6) What are the most profitable workshops?

    I mainly seem to have issues with the smithy workshop in Rovalt, as it is not giving me anything.
    Even though there is a village providing iron ore. Really don't get why that one is failing :smile:

    Tops 50 gold, compared to the other that give met between 100 and 200. (1.5.7)
    Most of the time 0 or below 10 even...
  3. Marcquez

    [Dev responds] No patch for 2 days

    Actually home settlement is very important variable for this problem. You can select home settlement according to possible risks. For now thats all you can do later more options can be added.
    Wouldn't having "roads" to travel on predict better where the caravan would go and also help in knowing what t protect
    Would alos look nice to have some roads over the campaign map etc.
  4. Marcquez

    Patch Notes e1.0.11 / Beta Hotfix

    Beta feedback:
    For me, the troops level a bit too quickly now.
    They seem to go to top tier troops in no time, while my own character is still in rags :smile:
  5. Marcquez

    Show off your Bannerlord faces!

    Here is my character so far.


    <BodyProperties version="4" age="25.84" weight="0.5" build="0.5" key="001C1C0898FC05CD98839A57A6C67AAA3FDE75287264AA28B8214A38A985A85A01B776130BB7DD3500000000000000000000000000000000000000005D7C7002" />
  6. Marcquez

    Patch Notes e1.0.11 / Beta Hotfix


    Right now i got my Steward to 1023 for some reason.1 hour in game +255 party size XD. I dont want to restart. I spend 1 hour to make pretty face XD
    ctrl+c in the character screen and then paste it in a notepad.
    Start a new game, then paste that code when creating a character and tadaa, your character is there :wink:
  7. Marcquez

    Dark Ages Medieval 1066 Anno Domini

    Will the map be limited to england or cover a wider area of Europe?
  8. Marcquez

    [BL] Post & Find Mod Ideas

    Is anyone working on a mod like 1257 AD, but for Bannerlord?
    A real europe/middle eastern map which has crusader items involved.
  9. Marcquez

    MP Antiquity Caesar's Rome: Multiplayer Battle Mod

    Why not combine forces with the other Roman periodic mod?
    Could be epic :smile:
  10. Marcquez

    SP - General [Suggestion] Unit behavior based on their proficiency or "Tactics" skill

    I like it to be honest.
    Slows the pace down a bit and gives a better feeling of progression.
  11. Marcquez

    SP - General Slow down battles to make them feel epic and realistic

    Main objective of infantry should be to hold the enemy infantry in place while cavalry and archers get the opportunity to flank imo. There also seems to be very little difference between elite infantry and recruits, sure the better units will win in a 1v1 scenario but as soon as they are outnumbered they will die stupidly quick because the enemy clips through them and surrounds them. A formation of elite infantry should be able to hold out against a much larger force of lesser units as long as they have some cavalry and archer support imo.
    And especially in a tight location where a small portion faces off to each other.
    Like the pass that was defended by the Spartans.
  12. Marcquez

    The Big Problem with Combat -- Unit collision and mass

    its a hard thing to balance - I would love large battles to take time so I can play with tactics and all that but then there is so much fighting in this game, if every battle took ages it would get really old really fast : /
    Then you autoresolve some.
    Would love to be in fights longer
  13. Marcquez

    SP - World Map My thoughts on the Faction Snowball effect. Campaigns should go on forever!

    I completely agree with you.

    IMO, each faction should have some long-term targeted region, instead of desiring to own every settlement. Like, Vlandia to have "Greater Vlandia" dream, consisting western parts of Battania, Western Empire, Aserai.

    Sturgia would have a dream of taking control of northern territories of Vlandia, Battania, Northern Empire.

    Khuzait would have a dream of taking control of the parts of Northern Empire & Southern Empire until they reach foresty lands of Battania.

    Aserai would have a dream of taking control the lands around the lake that i don't know it's name.

    Empire factions would have a dream of taking control of the lands of other empire factions.

    Factions would stop advancing after they take their desired lands, and then try to hold them by defensive wars, or by investing in them to increase loyalty of settlements, so that they won't lose them with rebellions.

    All-out-of-war for the sake of genocidal world conquest isn't fun, and it's kinda dumb.
    Love this idea indeed.
    But they should only start "working" on their dream when war is required and not a constant fight until they have it.

    They also would need to implement an idea of 'borders' in the game, where kingdoms work with the landscape to fortify weak points in the map and fortify borders. The AI should then need to be able to recognise borders and what the best points are to defend them (build like a temporary fort (that could grow into a castle?) on the map where they think is required.

    Taking castles or cities would also need to have a penalty when they are surrounded by the enemy concerning supplies etc
    These should be surrounded by enemy and constantlyt harassed etc.
  14. Marcquez

    "I have gotten to 1100 successfully on my first attempt with only minor snowball"

    Thanks for looking into this DEM1L1CH and other people posting here.

    I did a few simulations on unmodded base patch 1.05 and the CWA mod version 0.1.0a.
    Modded patch 1.05 here: LINK
    CWA version 0.1.0a here: LINK

    I also tried a simulation of with the new version of CWA, version 0.2.1 with the default parameter values.
    However, i was unfortunately not able to replicate the results you were getting.
    I made a single simulation and the result was slightly better than running the game without CWA, but it did not make a huge difference:

    Map after 5 years (CWA default values)

    Map after 10 years (CWA default values)

    Notice that after 10 years Northern Empire is wiped, while Sturgia and Southern Empire are almost wiped. Its almost the same as in unmodded game, although more time passes before factions are wiped / almost wiped.
    If a very dynamic map if what you are looking for, then it seems both unmodded patch 1.05 and CWA are good choices currently.
    However if you prefer a more stable map for 10+ ingame years then that still seems hard to achieve, although the OP does indeed show it. Were any other mods used?

    I tried to tinker a bit with the parameter values in CWA version 0.2.1, to give a higher chance of peace between factions. It did create a more stable map for a longer time. The downside was, that wars were often very short, which may be immersion breaking and not as fun. Also the map is less dynamic.

    Map after 5 years (CWA modified values)

    Map after 10 years (CWA modified values)

    The modified parameter values used were:
    RaidImpact = 0.05
    SiegeImpact = 0.35
    CasualtyImpact = 300
    DailyCheckChance = 0.75
    AttritionNecessary = 0.45
    SuperiorMultiplier = 1.5
    InferiorMultiplier = 0.75

    Ind the end it is probably an individual preference which is better - a more dynamic map, or a more stable map.
    Really interesting read.
    I think sieges are over way too soon and should take days on end. If sieges would be way harder and have a big impact on finance and moral, the kingdoms would be slower in taking over and giving each other more time to rebuilt if required.
    The war could continue, but they would retreat to lick their wounds, while continue to protect the border.

    Wars should also be waged more around the border as a separated city should struggle to survive.

    But all these items are quite hard to accomplish I would think.
  15. Marcquez

    Loosing cavalry should yield horses

    Only if you have to buy back all the horses every time your cavalrymen get dehorsed but not killed...
  16. Marcquez

    Do you think the world map needs more features - like roads?

    • Looters/bandits could also be made to spawn away from roads more, to show that roads are safer, or have special "highway men" groups more rarely spawn on roads.
    Definitely roads, which can guide you quicker through forests and from city to city.
    But I think roads are a lot more dangerous as that is where the money is :smile:
    This would mean a higher risk of bandit attack/ambush.

    But it is easier to control as you know where to put patrols etc.
  17. Marcquez

    So after about 30+ hours of playing.

    You are correct! And the devs agree with you since the game did not, in fact, come out of EA yet.

    hahaha, classic :ROFLMAO:
  18. Marcquez

    SP Other Bannerlord Banner Editor Enhanced [BBEE]

    Best one I made so far

    Teutonic Knights crest

    Just copy paste the below in the banner modification screen to get the above:
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