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  1. Boozbaz

    Spelling error

    This should say "our" belts, not "are" belts. Also, is it just me or are the loading times worse than they were last year?
  2. Boozbaz

    Been gone for 4 months. How's the player traits system doing? (Honor, mercy, valor, etc)

    Isnt that Warframe as well? The endless grind. Protea took me ages.
    Yeah Destiny 2 and Warframe are basically the same thing.

    Joking aside, I am a very casual D2 player. Like all I do is run forward and shoot. I've relied a lot on other people to help with the stuff that requires more thinking.
  3. Boozbaz

    Been gone for 4 months. How's the player traits system doing? (Honor, mercy, valor, etc)

    They are the critical factor in whether or not persuasion works (i.e. whether or not you repeatedly savescum through certain conversations/quests).
    That's exactly it. That and back when I was playing, it was hard to track your progress on removing/gaining traits except through a mod that showed the information for you to see. Perhaps this is a system the developers intentionally want people to -not- understand so that they can't game it. But y' scumming is a thing. I just saw ZiggyD uploaded a video of Bannerlord and has made me come back to see if this has been addressed. I might just log in and play with how it is now.
  4. Boozbaz

    Been gone for 4 months. How's the player traits system doing? (Honor, mercy, valor, etc)

    also you have good taste in games - except... Destiny 2... really? bruh?
    Was bored of Warframe and followed my clan to D2. It's alright if you wanna just mindlessly log in and start shooting things....actually I should probably boot up Doom again, it's also good for that. Been playing a ton of POE lately though. Ah lots of good games to play. Seriously though...Taleworlds still haven't worked on this traits system? I was thinking about booting up Bannerlord but not feeling it if the traits system is still so uh..bad.
  5. Boozbaz

    Been gone for 4 months. How's the player traits system doing? (Honor, mercy, valor, etc)

    I'm back, it's been 4 months again. Has this system been fixed/updated?
  6. Boozbaz

    Been gone for 4 months. How's the player traits system doing? (Honor, mercy, valor, etc)

    In fact I'd think it more likely that traits are quietly deleted outright and never mentioned again.
    I'd rather have that than have the way it was when I was playing. Welp, back to Destiny 2 and Stellaris for me.
  7. Boozbaz

    Been gone for 4 months. How's the player traits system doing? (Honor, mercy, valor, etc)

    Last I played, I was having difficulty getting my character's Mercy trait up. I was trying to boost that stat so that I had better chances of convincing a certain noblewoman into marrying my character. The problem was that there was only one way to boost that stat, through a quest called...
  8. Boozbaz

    Been gone for 3 months. How's the player traits system doing? (Honor, mercy, valor, etc)

    I think a lot of you guys need to move on like I did. Go away for 3 months and come check back instead of spreading negativity on the forums. Cya guys in 3 months.
  9. Boozbaz

    Been gone for 3 months. How's the player traits system doing? (Honor, mercy, valor, etc)

    Last I played, I was having difficulty getting my character's Mercy trait up. I was trying to boost that stat so that I had better chances of convincing a certain noblewoman into marrying my character. The problem was that there was only one way to boost that stat, through a quest called...
  10. Boozbaz

    What's up with the purple items?

    Oh okay, thanks guys. I think this information needs to be more intuitive in the game. I wouldn't have figured that out on my own without having to ask here on the forums.
  11. Boozbaz

    What's up with the purple items?

    I know red means I don't have enough skill level to use it. But what's purple mean?
  12. Boozbaz

    How to gain Traits like Honor, Devious, Cruel, Mercy, Calculating, Generous, Closefisted, etc

    Interesting info, thanks for sharing.

    BTW I found in my Strugian play through that Sturgian villages will have the Headsman Needs Grain quest quite regularly if you were wondering.
    Good to know, thank you.
  13. Boozbaz

    How to gain Traits like Honor, Devious, Cruel, Mercy, Calculating, Generous, Closefisted, etc

    Well I finally figured out how to navigate these dang files. I noticed that there are plenty of ways to gain Honor. There's plenty of way to lose positive traits. And there's very few ways to gain certain traits like Mercy. There's only one way to gain Mercy as far as I can see, and that's to complete the "Headman Needs Grain" quest...and that's if you manage to find that quest. Welp, this is good to know. I'll post a screenshot, this just confirms what others have been saying. You can see you lose 1,000 honor for executing a noble, and the rest of the traits are there for regular actions. For each individual quest, I'd need to dig around but I think one or two other people have also looked in the game files and found information regarding all of this, and posted it elsewhere.

  14. Boozbaz

    How to gain Traits like Honor, Devious, Cruel, Mercy, Calculating, Generous, Closefisted, etc

    I'm trying to shape my character to have specific traits like Mercy, Generous, etc. I know of a few ways to change these stats, but it's quite slow without knowing and utilizing all the different quests and mechanics in the game. I have found 2 places that offer information on how to gain...
  15. Boozbaz

    Taleworlds, where is the Transparency & Communication? :(

    This is normal for Taleworlds. I remember when I first heard that they were working on a sequel to Warband. Years passed. Then this early access came out. Now here we are. I remember back when I was excited and waiting for the sequel to Warband, I would check their blog, I would scour the internet for details on what the developments were. I found nothing, and then I just gave up and moved along. Some companies don't really say much. Look at the developers of No Mans Sky. They went silent and now they follow a philosophy where they don't say much, they just quietly work on their game and occasionally release a nice flashy update. It works for them.
  16. Boozbaz

    Need help with realistic difficulty

    Don't give up on those Mamelukes, they're wonderful for harder bandit lairs.
    Yes they are. They're very versatile :smile:

    Thanks for all the detailed command advice. I noticed you said Sea Riders and not Sea Raiders. I didn't realize there was a difference.
  17. Boozbaz

    Need help with realistic difficulty

    If a few recruits get left behind, struggle to level and die off over time, that's better than a party wipe.
    That's the trick. I'm trying to develop enough skill and game knowledge to never have a party wipe. If I can manage that (and that is something I have control over), then I can earnestly level them up (albeit at a glacial pace) and then take them on to the next level of fighting without losing them. The only thing is that since I'm not save scumming - one mistake can be brutally punishing. I need to get better at knowing when and how to retreat, as well as knowing what I can feasibly take on with very few losses - but that takes time and experience with the troops I'm using.

    You can still break them out and use your more experienced troops to draw agro before sending your recruits in around the end of the shield line to flank if you want to keep giving them love to get stragglers off level 1.
    That's a good idea, and probably way more feasible once the party size reaches around 200. I am playing on realistic and if I take myself on a horse out there to draw attention away from the recruits, I very well could get taken out by ranged attacks. Thanks for the tip! :smile:

    If you want to pick up a stock of survivable troops from somewhere else that you don't need to replenish regularly, go for Khuzait horse archers. Ranged attack and cavalry at level 2, can't beat it for survivability.
    Also good advice, thank you. I was thinking of dipping back into the desert for the Aserai Marmaluke Heavy Cavalry (super versatile unit). But rather than fall on an old crutch, I think I'll just bite the bullet and learn how to go all out with what's available in the area I'm roaming around in. :smile: I might go try out those Khurzait horse archers if I lose my patience though haha :smile:
  18. Boozbaz

    Vland troops are extremely good.

    Do the crossbows do blunt damage? If they do, they can be helpful for knocking out enemies and turning them into prisoners. I think Vlads also have tier 5 blunt melee user too. Good for roleplaying mercenaries that take live prisoners back for sale. Also good for capturing and forcing certain bandit type enemies into joining your army. If I recall correctly I did this to amass an army of sea raiders in Warband.
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