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  • Users: Roady
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  1. why is money so hard to get?

    get your prisoner skill up some and you can make 20 denar per prisoner you sell. I've had the most success with this as a combat character.
    If you decide to train trade and inventory management, mr_cheat's explaination works well too.

    If you're leaving a tourney with less money after a win, talk to the tourney npc again, he gives you the winnings afterward.
  2. Sword and Shield with .710?

    Innocence said:
    If you want the old system back, simply set both blocking and attacking to Auto in Options
    They already were set that way.
    I'm not talking about the directional controls.
  3. Sword and Shield with .710?

    My fustrating experience with the new combat system (upgraded from .704 to .711) is that I click the mouse buttons and nothing happens.

    in .704 if I click a mouse button i knew I would attack or block, now in .711 i find myself getting dismounted more often and when I stand and right click, my character won't raise his shield at all until I reclick (1 or more times). Same with attacking after I release the right mouse button.

    I'm not saying I want the .704 combat sytem back, but if I'm holding down a mouse button, I expect the character to perform the action I desire, not wait for me to repeat myself. I get enough of that with troop commands.

    Perhaps M&B could check a flag variable to see if a block/attack was performed after the last mouse/key press, and if not perform 1 block/attack until the mouse/key is released and pressed again.
  4. HElp me plz plz plz

    save files before v.710 are incompatible, not sure about .710 & .711
  5. Playing Shields in the Arena

    Can 'O' Soup said:
    Be more specific. Not about the movie, but about the setup of the shield contest.
    There's not much more to say, it's a 1 vs 1 contest, instead of KO'ing each other, you fight until someone's shield is broke, the loser gets another shield until the winner breaks 3 shields.

    It was a great scene in 13th Warrior, but I don't see much point to have it in M&B since we can knock each other out.
    The shield contest in 13th Warrior was so contestants could fight without killing each other.
  6. Towns deter bandits/enemies/factions.

    Can 'O' Soup said:
    If the bandits came close and got killed by milita the quest would be pointless because it would be too easy. All you'd have to do is lure the bandits through the town.

    Actually, that's probably why there is no milita like that. It would be too easy to deal with quest battles like that.
    If the bandits were scripted/coded poorly, otherwise they'd notice they're riding close to town and stop chasing you.
    That exploit isn't hard to solve.
    If bandits are within 10 units(or whatever) of town, they stop and turn tail.
  7. Fast and fun combat

    A possible balance for heavy weapons can be that you can swing it faster, but after the swing, you're open to attacks until your weapon loses enough momentum that you can parry or swing again.
    If an opponent is hit, that opening doesn't quite matter because they're stunned/on the ground, but if they dodge/block/parry then they can exploit the opening in your defense.

    If/when stamina is introduced, heavy weapons can have rebound attacks where you swing left and once the weapon is slowed, rebound with a swing to the right.
    Stamina lost from the attack would prevent prolonged use of such an attack.
  8. Towns deter bandits/enemies/factions.

    I've seen a few war parties pop out of a town and take off; not sure if they were visiting or spawned from the town, but I figure if the town has a militia, they aren't gonna leave the city unprotected to kill some troublesome bandits, however, if the bandits come to the militia (in range of town), the militia will accomodate them with a fight or scare them away and return to town.
  9. Towns deter bandits/enemies/factions.

    I used the search function and checked the suggestion sticky and didn't see this idea posted :cool: As I ride around the travel map, I pick up pursuing banits & marauders, and if I ride through a town (not into), they'll follow me right through. I would think that towns would have some beef...
  10. v.711 Mounted at salt mine...

    Perhaps the distance to interact with npcs while mounted could be increased?

    Don't get me wrong, I like that I can ride into the salt mine, but I find the effort tedious of riding up against the npc, trying to get the "talk" option to show instead of "dismount" or even dismounting each time I visit the salt mines to avoid the former.
    I visit the salt mines often.

    Anyway, <3 teh M&B, keep up the good work ^^
  11. v.711 Mounted at salt mine...

    Not sure this is a bug, but I upgrade from v.704 to v.711 and noticed each time I visit the salt mines to sell slaves that I'm always mounted, which isn't all bad except I have to ride up against the npcs to get the "talk" option and I usually end up dismounting instead because I'm looking down...
  12. A hero needs a cape

    Roach said:
    A cloak is a shaped piece of clothing, a bit like a poncho open at the front, with or without a hood, sometimes with a detachable one.

    A cape is just a square of material hung over the shoulders and fastened at the neck.

    Or is it the other way around?
    That's my understanding kinda.
    I do remember reading and looking at pictures of nobles or generals wearing "capes", but I always figured they were cloaks pinned behind the shoulders since there was so much material, and they could drap the sides over their shoulders and it'd be a cloak.
    But my understanding is based on fiction :/
  13. collect the loot from the battlefield

    I don't see much of a problem with M&B's battlefield loot.
    Whenever I start a character, I'll eventually hunt down some sea raiders to get a chain mail tunic.
    The bandits tend to drop gear similar to what they wear/wield.
    Although I have yet to see a dark knight leave me any of their armor after a fight :/
  14. Simple commands for your followers

    Kelpo said:
    Roady said:
    Commands can be linked to the leadership skill.
    • Leadership 0-1 = Hold, Charge, Follow, Mount, Dismount, Goto for all troops.
    • Leadership 2-3 = Hold, Charge, Follow, Mount, Dismount, Goto for troop groups.
    • Leadership 4+ = Guard, Waypoints, Formations.
    I dunno if that makes a whole lot of sense. You don't have to be an expert leader to know some basic commands, but you do need some authority to get your troops to obey quickly enough, so maybe that could be affected.
    I was thinking along the lines of roleplaying where my character has little understanding of warfare and limited tactics/strategy and progresses to a veteran with better understanding of tactics/strategy.

    Kelpo said:
    Roady said:
    I'd also like the heroes to have a more complex AI than regular npcs and be able to place them in charge of a squad and perform flanking maneuvers, etc.
    Until we have morale and the heroes can inspire their squad to fight more bravely, I don't see the point in having squad leaders.
    The point of this idea is to allow more complex AI's to be written that would otherwise be detrimental to the game's performance if every npc on the battlefield used those AI's, but since my idea related to the topic a bit, I decided to mention it here.
  15. A hero needs a cape

    My vote's with cloaks and tabards.
    I'm not into playing any superman mods.
  16. Possible Improvement for Couched Lances

    Tarrak said:
    But then it would also be nice if lances had ammo.
    Oh yea! Load my lance with a black powder tip, charge some fool, and BAM! watch the impact of the lance blow the cartridge and throw that fool through the air!
    No more fool stuck on my lance ^^ j/k

    Having lances shatter on impact would be a nice realistic addition, but I think I'd miss gallivanting across the battle field and annihilating npcs in my path.
  17. Copper - silver - gold

    Denars work fine for me.
    May as well change the money system a lil bit... support different denominations with modding capability.

    Vanilla M&B could have 1-piece, 5-piece, 10-piece denars.
    EQ/Wow fans can mod the money names and ratios to their liking then.
  18. Just a couple of ideas.

    Sharing your thoughts???!!! That's not funny :shock: Someone put Josh in an I-luv-me jacket! j/k ;p

    I really like the tournament idea, especially travelling from town to town as I win/lose.
    It sounds kinda like "A Knigh's Tale".
    Maybe even have an entry fee and the more prestigious events cost more, so even if you lose at one tourney(bad day or something), you can still move to the next town and enter another tourney.
  19. Simple commands for your followers

    I'd like to be able to set up my groups and initial commands for my troops on the travel map and/or on the page I choose to fight/run/watch.

    I want to be able to tell group 1 to guard group 2 in which case group 1 stands near group 2 between them and the enemy.

    Commands can be linked to the leadership skill.
    • Leadership 0-1 = Hold, Charge, Follow, Mount, Dismount, Goto for all troops.
    • Leadership 2-3 = Hold, Charge, Follow, Mount, Dismount, Goto for troop groups.
    • Leadership 4+ = Guard, Waypoints, Formations.
    I'd also like the heroes to have a more complex AI than regular npcs and be able to place them in charge of a squad and perform flanking maneuvers, etc.
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