clock4orange said:
Amtal said:
- allow the PlayerKing/Queen to pinpointselect fiefs for themselves when talking to the Minister . Just like "I want to grant one of my Vassals a fief", and then being able to select the Vassal, then the fief, I would love to be able to do that for myself ;
what do you mean?
if you take a city, just choose to decide later, go to minister and take it for yourself, later if you want to grand that fief to the lord, just talk to minister, choose the fief and lord, simple
Yeah I know

...what I mean is exactly as I wrote : I would really love an option to pick a specific fief at a certain point for myself through the minister .
For instance: I am taking Laria . I do not grab it for myself immediately after, as to not run into tax inefficiency, me wanting to get the small, free, immediate Garrison, and 2 more reasons XD . BUT I would want to get Troughbren and Erminade under my governance immediately, as to start working on their upgrades .
As it is now, when I go to my minister, I can tell him to give those 2 Villages to some Vassal(s), or I need to work through the Backlog of unassigned fiefs before my Minister tells me Troughbren/Erminade have no Lord and I can tell him "I want it for myself" .
What I want = "I want to assign a fief" -> "Erminade" -> " I want Erminade for myself ."