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  1. This game actually implemented what I wished for Bannerlord's spears


    We have reduced the maximum of units at any given time from 2000 to 40 to account all the new calculations.
  2. Patch Notes v1.1.0

    Thanks for the quick response, I'll try it out tonight but will most likely cheat to give myself reputation and troops to skip early game just to test out sieges & large battles.
  3. Patch Notes v1.1.0

    I haven't played in almost two years. Can someone tell me if there was improvements to battle reinforcement spawns and siege ai? There's too many patch notes to go through so would appreciate response from someone whom been following the game.
  4. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    I have never seen drastic battle before, I have to give it a try. I'll be on vacations for two weeks from 2 august so I'll be able to clock in some hours. Hopefully it is compatible with philo ai /siege fixes.
  5. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    Anyway before I go I must emphasis yet again how bad it would be for simply implementing RBM directly into the game. RBM does make the game easier on the player side, it seem your mod does not do anything to help out militia either) the game however already offers multiple ways of making the game easier ( cheats, campaign options, save scum, mods) but us players who want an harder game are **** out of luck. There needs to be a bigger different between tiers of units yes, but those armor values are not the solution. Lot of people may find it fun having undying units but I doubt it would be for very long.
  6. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    Well now we talking about specifics outside of just simply numbers that can change the scenario but people have nagged me previously for presenting realism as well such as stamina ect. We all can twist and present a million of variables to defend our point..
  7. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    Is what I meant, my bad. I just noticed your the author of RBM. Appreciate the your mode, the ai module, siege fixes and projectile/spear rework. I have less enthusiasm toward massive armor values.

    Have you tried modifying units health?
  8. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    Your reality is movies. Our reality, people get swarmed, lynched, mob'd. Even professional fighters preferably avoid taking on multiple opponents at once.
    Most likely scenario to happen to that legionnaire fighting 6 recruits, he gets tackled on, arms & legs restricted, shoved on floor with his head being continually bashed in. Perhaps he had time to have a swing or two and even got to injure/kill one.
  9. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    I'll try volunter mod next time I play philo even thought I hate the idea of just making the AI cheat.
  10. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    I find it pretty reasonable that 300 men beat 50 men. perhaps another medieval fighting expert can enlighten us how he can realistically fight 1v6.
  11. Low Tier units vs High Tier units

    Get yourself a quality computer:xf-wink:
  12. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    Experience gains being massively lowered for higher tier units is also a sound idea also elite units being super rare and more akin to battle hardened veterans too. Anything to give us more challenges. I want AI to matter, strategies to matter, formations to matters, different unit types to matter. Not invincible units for the sake of making battles longer. We have no way increase the difficulty of the game right now other than going out our way and refuse to use some implemented features & units and that is a problem. found what you were talking about, sounds nice but I'm too burned to play another campaign right now I'll give a try next patch.
  13. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    They already dont compete against your army .. how is a bunch of looters competing against your army are we even talking about mount&blade bannerlord?
  14. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    Your higher tier units are already more badass then lower ones in the current game. Realistic mode just further push it to exaggerated levels. The moment your opponent faction start losing they come back with their army compromised mostly of recruits from this point you can just f1 f3 a couple of tier 5 units, alt tab, watch youtube, tab back in with an ensured victory with 0 unit losses. If that sort of game play is enjoyable for you there's already campaign options to reduce damage taken from your units.

    I still think higher health values for higher tier units preferable to complete invincibility. Also a minor nerf to projectile damage.
    Another point for different health value would be giving a reason to actually spend some focus points in combat skills because currently you can already 1-hit most units as a player.

    I find it weird how the idea of losing units is inacceptable when there so easily replaceable plus we've received a new way to quickly gain experience from discarding items. I know it is a single player and it's alright to enjoy having an easier time but like I said, the options are already there in the menu.
  15. How to make Bannerlord MP relevant again with one easy trick

    If I were to guess, the idea behind Captain Mode was to artificially create "esport environment". The class system, number of players, match making and very limited customizability points toward that.

    Thing is, esports always come naturally to games that are popular regardless of it's quality. It's been tried probably a hundred times in the past and it never has worked when it's being shoved down player's throat.

    Siege was the biggest disappointment for me when I tried MP. I had hoped for a massive fight between a dozen players and hundreds of ai troops added on top and not this.. point based team death match?
  16. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    Guys ok I get it, I'm not a medieval expert I already agreed that I was wrong. I know now people can be just as fast and agile wearing armor as those who do not. I don't know why must this conversation continue maybe you need your pp to be sucked on I don't know.

    Now just game play perspective; I know units are mostly made of papier mâché but RBM does a 180 degree turn and make em way too though.
    How is it fun having lower tiered units literally do 0 or just 1 damage to higher tier units?
  17. If ur an avid bannerlord comp player, how into martial arts r u IRL?

    I "knew" how to fight in high school like the majority of kids. I got my **** kicked in couple of times because my ego was bigger than I am. I've followed MMA for nearly a decade till GSP retirement. The lesson I've learned is, be very scared of getting into a situation with people that say they don't know how to fight. :>
  18. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    I wasn't looking to debate for hours on internet forums. I personally don't give much a damn about realism if it's in the way of game play.

    But okay, I was wrong to assume fighting in inflexible heavy armor could be anything but exhausting. I see now that gymnastics, pirouettes, backflips, whatever can be realistic. After all your video is video is proof of actual medieval battle and modern science & combat sports are irrevelant as you say.

    But if Taleworlds pay attention to this thread I want them to know RBM isn't perfect. I would hate for it to be directly implemented into the game.
  19. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    I've played with RMB weeks ago and have another problem with it other than massive battles being prone to crash (memory leak perhaps?)

    T5 Infantry being able to drink tea while 15 low tier units whack at him for a bunch of 0s, 1s damage. It doesn't sound very realistic to not get remotely hurt a little being hit by a slab of 4lb of metal repetitively. Nor does it create interesting game play winning a siege automatically the moment some of T5 infantry have successfully made it on top the ladder.

    The game currently does have a noticeable effect with armor it's part why legionnaires are the dominant infantry because they spawn with a mace 50% of the time. But units still die to easily to recruits and I think a very simplistic fixe would be to give more health to higher tier infantry so the armor augment their effective health. Arrows would still need to be nerfed thought.
  20. A few "points" on why combat(armour) is more satisfying when using realistic combat mod compared to vanilla

    That video is quite unrealistic thought, these guys performing 30 seconds stunts haven't been walking for days or several weeks. They don't give a single **** about energy conservation because they ain't in a life or death scenario and they have plentiful access to good food & water on demand. There's no way they can run and close the gap between them and somebody wearing no armor. So yes "kiting" is super legitimate just see what the best professional boxers do. Conservation of energy matters more than anything else.
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