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  1. OSP Medieval Crusaders Way to Expiation - OSP Pack

    There is some amazing stuff in here. Thank you so much for sharing it with the community.
  2. SP Native [WB] The Stone Wall Project 0.2

    I don't believe you can do that in Diplomacy, or at least, I can't find any way to do it. :/
  3. SP Native [WB] The Stone Wall Project 0.2

    Very keen to see where this goes. Might be interested in weaving what you do into my own mod, and exploring Diplomacy compatibility. :grin:
  4. OSP Dark Ages 3D Art Dark Age Pack- .160 Release Done

    Any chance of maces or hammers in a future release? :grin:
  5. LSP Musket Era 3D Art Ultimate 17th Century Pack

    Aha! Well! That was simple.
    Thank you jacobhinds! :grin:
  6. LSP Musket Era 3D Art Ultimate 17th Century Pack

    I notice the armours don't have a female vertex animation. How difficult would it be to make one for them? (For me or anyone else, although if you wanted to that'd be awesome)
  7. Moving Cities On Thorgrims

    produno said:
    You could press z anywhere on the map in Thorgrims to receive the co-ords, then just input them in your party modules file. Possibly not as accurate though.

    Somehow, not even this works on my Thorgim's. Cartographer can do coordinates too, though.
  8. Moving Cities On Thorgrims

    I have the same problem. I use Thorgim's for editing terrain, then load the map in Cartographer (should be under Unofficial Editing Tools) to move Parties around (like castles, villages, etc).
  9. [HELP] "Kingdom has failed to Respond..." Messages [SOLVED]

    I believe it's module_constants. I'm not at my computer to confirm, but that's my educated guess.
  10. OSP Fantasy Sword and Planet OSP

    Ah, I see. Still curious.
  11. OSP Fantasy Sword and Planet OSP


    Yes please.
  12. LSP Musket Era 3D Art Ultimate 17th Century Pack

    Woah, this is awesome! Thanks for sharing! :grin:
  13. OSP Other World Map From Canada to Mexico

    Can the game handle that much forest? D:
  14. New in ModuleSystem

    Aha, okay.
  15. Anyone Needs HELP for Models!??

    I shall keep this in mind! :grin:
    Do you have a portfolio or something I can look at?
  16. New in ModuleSystem

    Ah, I think I see the problem.

    What you want to try is inside module_troops, finding where it says man_face_middle_1. Copy that, and make a new entry called, I dunno, merchant_face_new_1, or perhaps merchant_face_carmota_1.

    Then, have it say = 0x0000000dc000210636db6db6db6db6db00000000001db6db0000000000000000, so it looks like:
    man_face_younger_2 = 0x000000003f0052064deeffffffffffff00000000001efff90000000000000000
    man_face_young_2   = 0x00000003bf0052064deeffffffffffff00000000001efff90000000000000000
    man_face_middle_2  = 0x00000007bf0052064deeffffffffffff00000000001efff90000000000000000
    man_face_old_2     = 0x0000000bff0052064deeffffffffffff00000000001efff90000000000000000
    man_face_older_2   = 0x0000000fff0052064deeffffffffffff00000000001efff90000000000000000
    merchant_face_1    = man_face_young_1
    merchant_face_2    = man_face_older_2
    merchant_face_new_1 = 0x0000000dc000210636db6db6db6db6db00000000001db6db0000000000000000
    woman_face_1    = 0x0000000000000001000000000000000000000000001c00000000000000000000
    woman_face_2    = 0x00000003bf0030067ff7fbffefff6dff00000000001f6dbf0000000000000000

    Now, on your merchant troop, change man_face_middle_1 to merchant_face_new_1, so it looks like:
    ["swadian_merchant", "Merchant of Praven", "{!}Prominent", tf_hero|tf_randomize_face, no_scene, reserved, fac_kingdom_4, [itm_dagger,itm_sword_two_handed_a,itm_courtly_outfit,itm_leather_boots], def_attrib|level(2), wp(20), knows_common, merchant_face_new_1, mercenary_face_2]

    I don't think you can just use a face code like that - you have to make a 'face entry', and then reference that in the troop.
  17. ModMerger problem

    I did this with the ModMerger files and the Freelancer files in my Module System folder (that is, the folder with all the .py scripts). I'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to work.
  18. ModMerger problem

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to merge Freelancer into my mod using ModMerger, but when I build the module, I get this: Does anybody know what's going on, and how I fix it?
  19. Need help on map design/adding things to a map.

    I'm working on my map with the terrain in Thorgrim's and Parties in Cartographer (,183658.0.html). Working well so far.

    Actually, if you don't mind, I'm still trying to figure out how to do Desert terrain in Thorgrim's Map Editor. Have you got a handle on that? If so, can you teach me? :grin:
  20. OSP Code Campaign [WIP] Way of the Sea - water travel -

    It all works! Haven't seen an NPC use it yet, but I only jumped in-game to test it briefly.
    You can sail around the map! So cool! :grin:

    One bug I did find was when you returned to shore, you're map icon changes from a guy on a horse to just a guy - I think it resets to the villager icon. Small thing, but worth mentioning.
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