Kynes said:
Ohh man. That's the whole point. Armagan changed the terrain editor so it was dependant on where you are in the world map. so if you're in a field on the map then it's fairly flat on the battlefield and if you're in a forest then the battlefield has got lots of trees etc etc.
If that were always or even mostly the case - that the battlefield represented our position on the world map - that would be great. One could anticipate that cavalry might not be as useful fighting in rough and steep terrain.
I've been playing enough of the new version battles to say that while I may think I'm on open grassland on the world map, the actual battlefield is likely to contain steep cliffs, ravines, dozens of hills, creeks, whathaveyou.
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any of these on the battlefields - the unexpected depression, the small clumps of trees, they do add to the variety and add potential tactical considerations - but I'm seeing much too much strange terrain.
Kynes said:
If you don't want to fight in the mountains then avoid the mountain bandits and the mountains themselves.
I think I checked the new version and you still can't enter the mountains anyway, but it is silly to allow mountain bandits the ability to carry mountains with them as appears to be the case: when you fight then, say on the plains near Praven, we shouldn't suddenly find ourselves in the mountains.
Kynes said:
They look a damn sight better than most of the terrain generated in pevious versions. the ground is uneven and detailed instead of rounded- where in the world have you seen hills that look like the terrain in .063?
It's still abysmal, and saying it's better than in the previous versions is weak praise.
Somebody here posted that it makes for "crazy battles" - and I suppose that's true if you're looking for insane geography, A.I. opponents plunging straight to their deaths, your troops spawning on the edge of a 200 foot precipice, traveling across a level grassland only to suddenly find yourself battling in the Alps - if that's what you're looking for, you've come to the right place.
What I'm looking for is this:
My warparty heading from Zendar to Praven, a mostly flat grassland region, encounters a small warparty of mountain bandits. The battlefield that appears is a relatively level plain, with a few stands of trees, some hillocks, perhaps a small stream and some boulders. If the battle occurs closer to the impassable mountains I would expect more hills and steeper inclines, but only if we're in that area and not because the mountain bandits brought it with them.
Armagan's made a big improvement in how the world map affects battlefield terrain and I applaud that. I'm glad to see the effort made. I've enjoyed the game for months and wanted something like this all along. However, that said, there's so much to be desired in how the battlefield terrain is generated. For me, the heart of Mount&Blade is the combat, and anything that makes combat more interesting, realistic, and thoughtful is going to have a huge effect on the game, much more than anything else.