Was inspired to write a little something on my favourite minor character
, do reprimand me if i get all the time lines and shtuf all wrong XD
Vilhjalmr the ginger
A sunny day 30 odd years ago , some 10 miles outside Wercheg, a young Nordic boy, perhaps in his early teens, with a crop of violent red hair tends to a filed while his father chops logs for the coming winter. Everything seems perfect and the two characters happy. But the heavily armed man appears, armed in a Huscarls helmet with an axe at his back and a sword at his belt. He is mounted on a white horse and, upon seeing the father, dismounts and approaches him. The two can be seen speaking in hushed voices; as if afraid the very trees are listening. The father nods, and with a solemn expression on his face enters his house, made in the traditional design, complete with the axe and shield above the hearth. The father exits the house after some time armed in a similar way to the messenger. He ruffle’s his sons fiery red hair and asks him to look after the hut for a while, and not to venture to far, grabs the family horse, off the traditional Nordic variety, unsuited for battle butt able to carry the heavy packs filled with rations, as well as the maill armoured warriors of the king.
Vilhjamr wakes up, it’s the same dream he has had since that day, 30 odd years ago in sunny Wercheg , the last time he saw his father before he was killed, without even hefting his axe, by a Laurian Arquebusier.