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  1. Aslaug

    South American Servers

    Ho boy, this has been a hell of a long time for "as soon as possible". I don't even belong to the group of players who are being locked out of the game because of this issue and I feel mad for them. I hate playing the game with small ping spikes for 5 minutes, nevermind that being my only option to play the game with 200 ping.
    Ty, it's literally unplayable. I've played whole first month of the BLord with 190ms, I uninstalled it after that, don't want to lose my hair, at least until we have own servers.
  2. Aslaug

    Bannerlord Argentina

    @Count Delinard Gracias, cuando tengamos servidores en SA, seguramente lo hagamos.
  3. Aslaug

    WRL Stream - Final

    we arrived just in time

    Stream starting now
    Malta vs Redemption WRL Week5
  4. Aslaug

    [WRL] Division A - Week 5

    Someone stream Malta vs R pls

    Starting now
  5. Aslaug

    MP Matchmaking servers for SA region


    It's horrible to have to prefire everytime i try to kill somebody bc of +150ms

    At least TDM server

  6. Aslaug

    Closed Some stairs are bugged / Giant Arrows

    I think I have nothing to add, it's clearly visible. Oh yes... ADD SERVERS FOR SA, please -STAIRS ARE BUGGED- -GIANT_ARROW.PNG-
  7. Aslaug

    Tardet's New Gambling House | SEMI FINALS are LIVE

    Your nickname: Aslaug
    Your current team in the WNL (if any): None
    Which match are you betting on: FTW vs. Unity
    Result: Unity win
    Bet amount: 25

    Your nickname: Aslaug
    Your current team in the WNL (if any): None
    Which match are you betting on: Dayne vs Invictus
    Result: Dayne win
    Bet amount: 15
  8. Aslaug

    [WLC] Grand Final & Bronze Match

    As part of the staff of the WLC, I came to put an end point to this discussion. We don't defend cheaters, but we don't have a decision to take, in this edition atleast.

    Now. . . As someone who has dedicated more than 7 years into this game, I think I have the necessary to have an opinion of my own. I know him since years ago, I spectated him a hundred times and I never saw something fishy in him, and yes, he always only aimed to the head, but I never really saw strange and characteristics movements from like an external program. In fact, always, when someone asked about my top 5 archers in SA, I always positioned him in top 1 or 2, always. I never had the motive to doubt of him, but now seeing them defending that obvious clip, I feel like they're closing their eyes on purpose. And don't tell me the "in here our archers have another playstyle, we do a lot of flicks and we're used to that", no, if there's someone who loves to uses flicks, it's me, and you guys are not gonna tell me what a flick is, because that clip, simply isn't one. Was it a cheat? Maybe, we'll never really know, but what I know, is that it wasn't a natural flick.
  9. Aslaug

    We want South American servers


    Maybe by the middle of early access we’ll be the only ones alive, one more reason to give us servers to SA & OC :ROFLMAO:

  10. Aslaug

    Petition for Australian/Oceania Servers

    Maybe by the middle of early access we’ll be the only ones alive, one more reason to give us servers to SA & OC :ROFLMAO:

  11. Aslaug

    Bannerlord Argentina

    Que joyita porfavor jajajaja
  12. Aslaug

    [WLC] Grand Final & Bronze Match

    If any SA team is ever stupid enough to sign up for an NA tournament they will be forced to play their matches the night of whichever garbage soccer teams are playing since apparently the night of the SUPER BOWL???? was the only available??????
    I couldn't play Nations Cup playoffs, because i was at the stadium watching my club, and... we lose both :xf-cry:

    I will listen to the match in the radio PORQUE A CHACA EL 6TO GRANDE NO SE LO DEJA NUNCA
    yo no soy como esos que se quedan en casa, escuchando la radio para ver lo que pasa ?.
  13. Aslaug

    [WLC] Grand Final & Bronze Match

    GRAND FINAL & BRONZE MATCH 31.1.2020 - 2.2.2020 Tie-Breaker map -.02.2020 - -:- | Referee: TBA Grand Final Fenox 18 - 15 Conquistadores -.02.2020 - -:- | Referee: TBA Bronze Match Vaporeso 0 - 20 Cinere Inexplicitus...
  14. Aslaug

    [WLC] Semi-Finals

    La Vaporeso 10 vs 15 Conquistadores

    Conquistadores leaved the server, default win (5-0) for VxE


    wp both, congratz @ Conquistadores ?
  15. Aslaug

    Bannerlord Argentina

    Seria una locura mover partes del foro nuestro, acá?
  16. Aslaug

    [WLC] Livestreams & VODs

    Semi Final: Fenox vs CNX

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