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  • Users: gongo
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  1. FULL-Version+SUBMOD 1257AD 1.13AP Repolished 1.4 New!

    i can't believe that someone continued the development of this mod!!
  2. FULL-Version+SUBMOD 1257AD 1.13AP Repolished 1.4 New!

    what are these submods?
  3. suggestion-problem

    hi, my monk charles, when i let my follower select items, prefers a spear instead a balanced spear, really better..why, do he think, as monk, to not deserve it?  :lol: then, i saw another mod that make possible to interrupt a loot of a village, can you make the same?
  4. Bellum Imperii: Previews & Dev Blogs

    hope the 1.4 will soon be out, can't wait
  5. Bellum Imperii: Bug + Glitch Reports

    athens sceme is broken. :cry:
  6. Bellum Imperii: Previews & Dev Blogs

    i just found this mod.


  7. graphic mod

    hi, can someone suggest me some good graphic mod? i tried cinematic compilation, but it's broken, then ENB and it's good, and most of all warband in hd some other?
  8. two bugs

    oh, thx for the tip!
  9. two bugs

    hi, i found 2 konrad I der fromme when there was a feast one is kornad I der fromme, the other is konrad i der fromm.....i think it's a bug. and frederich III, even if people says that he is in the city where i am (for the feast) he is not there...i tried many times, maybe there is an writing...
  10. Terrible graphic glitches

    don't worry i had the same.
    save and exit, then continue palying it stops
  11. B Other Cinematic Compilation (Graphic & Sound Enhancement) [v3.0 Released][1.153]

    Mh... Maybe I have to use source to use this mod with ad1257...
    I'm not so there somebody that plays with this two mods and integrated ad1257 with cinematic compilation?
  12. B Other Cinematic Compilation (Graphic & Sound Enhancement) [v3.0 Released][1.153]

    Thx :mrgreen:
    Do you know how can I integrate the two mods? Which files must I delete?
  13. cinematic compilation and ad1257

    it's not too heavy....i'm sure.

    i think your thought about the already implemented graphic enhancement is correct, cause i'v seen some file already you know how to delete this previous graphic modification?
  14. cinematic compilation and ad1257

    Hi, I found the mod cinematic compilation 3.0.... And I found it incredible! It improves very much the graphics.... But has some problem of compatibility with ad cause I tried it with native and works well... In ad there are lot of graph glitches.... Do you know if possible to use this...
  15. B Other Cinematic Compilation (Graphic & Sound Enhancement) [v3.0 Released][1.153]

    Hi boys. Great Great job....the game looks very much better....but I have some bugs. In big map trees are strange with white structures....and in battle map there is grass floating and some log too....
    Mauve cause I use ad 1257?
  16. Dev 1257 - Othr's version taken from SVN

    nice...may i use an old save game of 1257 on this version?
  17. problem of religion

    I don't see anymore the problem having troops of different religion....this feature was cutted off?
  18. B Other Combat Animation Enhancement - Fifth Release with Trailer 15/11/10

    hi...may i use this mod with ad 1257?
  19. Broken siege scenes :(

    furthermore.....troops have path finding problem (i saw it in olmutz for example)
    and then...why byzantine cities are unfinished??
    love this mod
  20. Creating new AI fighting.

    hi I saw this available?
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