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  1. Spartan3663

    Need More Info Multiplayer Bots Switch Team On Death

    Hey, are you still experiencing this issue? if the issue is persistent please let me know.
    Hey, I tested it really quick by myself (so the game never left warmup, p.s., pls allow players to play solo on the server) and the issue was still there. After a bit of time all of the bots were on team 2. If it helps the game mode I tested it on was Skirmish.
  2. Spartan3663

    Need More Info Multiplayer Bots Switch Team On Death

    Thank you, I look forward to the response.
  3. Spartan3663

    Need More Info Multiplayer Bots Switch Team On Death

    Summary: In multiplayer, every time a bot dies, they switch teams to Team2. Additionally, If no bots are on Team2, but some are on Team1, some spawn on Team2 anyways. How to Reproduce: Start a game with bots and kill them. Start a game with no bots on Team2, some spawn anyways. Scene Name (if...
  4. Spartan3663

    SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Minor and Major clans offer their services as mercenaries or vassals respectively.

    I think mercenaries should be reworked to work only for rich factions, because currently factions can use them as a "debt payer" for their factions debts, they should make it, like it is in Knights of Honor 2: Sovereign, who a Kingdom needs to pay a lot, to fight their wars, but after peace, they instantly leave the service.
    From my experience mercenaries do leave pretty fast if the faction they work for is at peace. They will even leave a faction mid-war to work for one that is weaker if it is at war, even if that war is against the first faction.

    Imo, I like them working for weak factions as it helps to balance them and gives them a shot, I just think they should be excluded when the game goes to take away money from all of the clans in a kingdom.

    My biggest issue with them currently is this: I am at war with Vlandia. Vlandia is around 2x-3x my size, more powerful, more clans. Ideally, mercenary clans should be offering to join me, both because the game logic dictates they should assist smaller factions in war, and because I am smaller and there are more enemies, there's a better chance of them earning influence and thus payment. However, because I am not an option to them, they are actually joining Vlandia, tipping the scales way out of balance.

    This is what I meant when I said:
    this is a pretty major handicap to a pretty significant "core mechanic" in the game, which is running your own kingdom.
    Its like an artificial handicap being placed against the player and makes it unnecessarily difficult and tedious.
  5. Spartan3663

    Closed Missing Water in Rivers

    This issue has been resolved and can be marked as completed.
  6. Spartan3663

    SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Minor and Major clans offer their services as mercenaries or vassals respectively.

    Currently, you must travel the world and ask (really beg) clans to join as a vassal or be a mercenary for your kingdom. This can be a bit stupid when you're the only kingdom in the game that has really any power and a ton of fiefs, meanwhile many fiefless clans would rather join another weaker...
  7. Spartan3663

    Closed Missing Water in Rivers

    The work is still in progress on the campaign map.
    Thank you for the update!
  8. Spartan3663

    Closed Missing Water in Rivers

    Forwarded to the QA team for further investigation. We will reach out again if we need more information. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    Any update? Been almost a year.
  9. Spartan3663

    Resolved Unable To Complete Main Quest

    Cant say for certain, but it may have been 3 months ago.
  10. Spartan3663

    Resolved Unable To Complete Main Quest

    How old is your save file? What was the version you started the gameplay on?
    I am sorry but this is something I do not know. Any way I can find out? I know you guys had a patch that was supposed to stop the negative quest time limit bug. I don't remember if this was before or after, but I definitely started this quest after. I have seen some mods that fix the issue by looking for a quest with a negative time limit and set their time to a positive number; however, these no longer work, unfortunately.

    Also, I should mention that "Arazagos' Conspiracy" and "Unify the Empire" does not randomly complete after I capture a settlement as I have captured many with those quests, they are completing (failing and passing in that order) once I have captured the final settlement related to their quests. Just wanted to clear that up since I did not specify in the original post.
  11. Spartan3663

    Resolved Unable To Complete Main Quest

    Do you have a save file of session that you experienced this issue? With your save file, we can reproduce the issue much easier and faster. For more information regarding how to send us your save files, you can check this thread out. You can find your save file here:
    C:\Users\username\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Game Saves

    You can send your save files to us via site. Please write your username and this threads URL into the description box so that we can find it easier. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    I just uploaded it.
  12. Spartan3663

    Resolved Unable To Complete Main Quest

    Yea except mine is just happening in a different quest that is a little further down the line from you. Let me know if you get any fixes :smile:
  13. Spartan3663

    Resolved Unable To Complete Main Quest

    Summary: I went the pro-empire route. I am on the stages "Arazagos' Conspiracy" (which is currently around 1000/2000) and "Unify the Empire". Both of these quests have a negative time limit of "-2147483648". I have had these quests for some time (it is day 1486). Upon capturing a settlement and...
  14. Spartan3663

    Closed Missing Water in Rivers

    I've that same problem:

    Sadly, still no fix :sad:
  15. Spartan3663

    Closed Missing Water in Rivers

    Forwarded to the QA team for further investigation. We will reach out again if we need more information. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    Thank you! Please let me know of any updates or suggestions.
  16. Spartan3663

    Closed Missing Water in Rivers

    Summary: Hey, my first post on the forums. All of the rivers in my game have no water. Any large body of water is still there (ie. lakes and the ocean) but rivers are empty. It may also be worth noting that I have been experiencing this problem for a couple of versions. How to Reproduce: Not...
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