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  1. Bannerlord & Linux Discussion

    With these patches the game actually works really nicely, with the caveat of campaign saves taking a minute or two and MP not working. The performance is fine: I can run custom battles with the highest 1000 unit cap with maxed graphical settings, getting "playable" (~25) FPS. I didn't record FPS in Windows but it can't have been much higher since my setup is fairly modest (Ryzen 5 2600X, Radeon RX 580). Other than saves I have no issues with campaign performance either (it's actually far superior to what I had on Windows, although that would be because here I'm running it off SSD). Well, besides the gradual slowdown (presumably a memory leak), but that's not Linux-specific.

    I installed Windows 10 just to play this game but since I'm not terribly bothered by the whole saving issue (I can just switch virtual desktops and do something else in the meanwhile), looks like that wouldn't have been necessary after all. I'm really quite impressed how quickly the good folks over at GitHub got the game to run. I really appreciate the work!
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