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  1. Herr_Wolff

    III.Königlich Baierisches Regiment (deutsch/german)

    Active since over 6 years now
  2. Herr_Wolff

    Pappenheimer Kürassiere

    Last Sunday

  3. Herr_Wolff

    Hälsingland Regiment's Linebattle Event

    It was fun! Thanks for the organisaton

  4. Herr_Wolff

    Hälsingland Regiment's Linebattle Event

    Nice event today
  5. Herr_Wolff

    Pappenheimer Kürassiere

    View on the Piqueniere. In the back you can see the Musquetiere

  6. Herr_Wolff

    Valks Mercenary Company

    seems smexy. Good luck!
  7. Herr_Wolff

    Pappenheimer Kürassiere

    without me  :cry:
  8. Herr_Wolff

    Suggestions and ideas

    KuroiNekouPL said:
    If it meant that everyone goes to battle servers instead, I would be more than happy it that was to happen. :grin:

  9. Herr_Wolff


    Viel Glück!
  10. Herr_Wolff


    nice 1v1 yesterday. It was fun though we had no chance  :grin:

    greetings from Landpassat Lippert, Pappenheimer Kürassiere
  11. Herr_Wolff

    Screenshots & videos

    25.04. Event

    The Pappenheimer Kürassiere are ready!

    A German Army marching to battle

    The Swedes are coming

    Horse and rider  :cry:
  12. Herr_Wolff

    The Deluge Reloaded - NEW EVENT

    All of us Pappenheimer realy enjoyed the battle. Thank you!
  13. Herr_Wolff

    Pappenheimer Kürassiere

    Still around and still awesome

  14. Herr_Wolff

    Get in game ye' larger than average piles of excrement!

    Ask all ur friends to get The Deluge!
  15. Herr_Wolff

    1st Foot Guards

    Can't the game be also based around the battle of warsaw, 1656, when Brandenburg fought togethter with Sweden? Back then the Prussians already fought with their Duke (The Kurfürst auf Brandenburg) against their Polish King. Poland and Brandenburg-Prussia fought together after theagreement of Wehlau, 1657. So on wich side they fight,  depends on the year being played
  16. Herr_Wolff

    Spartanovka Event

    will there be some other events?
  17. Herr_Wolff

    The Deluge Event - Are you interested?

    I think you already knew it but yes of course  :smile:
  18. Herr_Wolff

    Download link and discussion *PF_1.0 download link here*

    I want back the colonial RP server  :sad:
  19. Herr_Wolff


    Muskete immer schultern. ladestock animieren
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