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  1. Drezavelt

    Resolved Scene Editor BUG: Black texture on Main_Map 1.5.7 & 1.5.8

    Hello Murat,

    After reinstalling 1.5.9 and verifying the files it now works. Thanks. :party:
  2. Drezavelt

    Resolved Scene Editor BUG: Black texture on Main_Map 1.5.7 & 1.5.8

    Just touching on this again. I was told that this was going to be fixed in 1.5.9 but with the beta tools its still happening. I understand its low priority but its just frustrating.
  3. Drezavelt

    Example settlements from Bannerlord documentation

    While I can't see your image I would say its one of three things:
    You've not got your settlement.xml correctly edited.
    or your submodule isn't loading it due to a typo.
    or your name for the entities on the main_map isn't matching the one in your settlement.xml.
  4. Drezavelt

    Resolved Scene Editor BUG: Black texture on Main_Map 1.5.7 & 1.5.8

    Hello there, Summary: When opening the Main_Map (modded or unmodded), either my project or the vanilla one the ground is black. I have verified the files for the base game and the mod tools and uninstalled then reinstalled for both 1.5.7 and 1.5.8. The problem persists. I have followed a fix...
  5. Drezavelt

    Need More Info Scene Editor Cant paint terrain in 1.5.5 editor as it crashes and any maps from 1.5.4 and earlier have painting messed up.

    Just going to throw a +1 onto this as well as its pretty frustrating that its been an issue for this long. No error message just crash to desktop on painting with any option, erase, smooth, paint etc.

    Attempted to verify the files on tools and game. On 1.5.7 and on 1.5.8. Even did a full uninstall and reinstall.
  6. Drezavelt



    What if I want place only your new settlements and roads on the native? I read you realocate some resources on the map and the villages productions as well
    Well, you either mod my mod to put all the resources back the way they were, including their visual elements, or you provide me feedback to what resource you would want where and why and I could change it.

    I am currently working on a resource map but its a very time consuming process.
  7. Drezavelt


    Hello there,

    Thanks Julio-Claudian for wanting to share my mod about, its appreciated.

    People are welcome to watch the trailer for the latest update here It shows off a bit of it in action and explains two fixes if people are continuing a campaign using the mod.
  8. Drezavelt

    SP Native Calradia Expanded - Extra Settlements, Changed World Map & Roads! + more

    A new update as now been uploaded to Nexus version, see below for the overview

    Empire Roads Update Calradia Expanded a.1.1.1
    massive thank you to the following for helping me with the trailer for this update. The folks at the 425th Cadian MI (Arma 3 Milsim unit): Streaky Haddock, Father Galahad and Jay Silver. Hillasaurus Rex for doing the voice over and TheCakeBulter for mixing the terrible singing we all did, RIP their ears.

    What else is in this update? Well, roads, lots of roads. These roads are purely visual at the moment but we hope to make them give a boost in speed in the future. Also we have demi villages added in, these again are purely visual just to bring the world to life a little more.

    • Ataconia castle has been renamed to Potamis castle due to the village of Potamis being moved.
    • The village of Phasos has also moved to a more suitable geographical location also so the road works better and to be closer to its owning town.
    • Medeni Castle fix - Unfortunately parties were unable to enter or exit this castle due to a Navmesh issue, this is now fixed and any stuck parties can leave and it basically works as it should now.
    • Flotois and Kavloniki have been adjusted to level 1 and prosperity lowered substantially due to their location.
    • A new pass to Revyl has been added in as the AI was going to long way around to get into the town.
    • A new bridge by Nideon village has been added in as it makes sense for one to be there rather than villages going miles to get into a town.

      Click here and watch it, it will give you instructions on how not to have some issues later on.
  9. Drezavelt

    SP Native Calradia Expanded - Extra Settlements, Changed World Map & Roads! + more

    Hey Sparticulous,
    Sorry for the delay in replying. Yes, it is possible to do that. But I don't think it is something that I'll be doing anytime soon. My previous comment stands that I cannot add anymore areas just yet due to performance issues and Navmesh limits I'm encountering.
  10. Drezavelt

    SP Native Calradia Expanded - Extra Settlements, Changed World Map & Roads! + more

    Hello Lucian,
    I am looking at the possibility of adding a few more places in but at a later date, the game used to suffer from performance issues on some peoples computers and for some still do, so I'd rather try and keep it stable for now.

    In regards to moving the Aserai places around, I think I know where you mean, to the east. Its a somewhat plane area but I could always change that. However, I think I am either at the limit of extra Navmesh's I can add (How the AI sees to move around) or I've a bug so I can't really open up new areas at the moment until I either optimise the existing one by removing unused areas or figure its a bug and solve that.
  11. Drezavelt

    How to fix my modding tool camera from clipping to early?

    I believe that is your field of view. FOV. On the bottom bar there are a bunch of settings such as camera speed. I believe I had this issue as when I was getting close to see if things were lined up they were clipping away.

  12. Drezavelt

    Issues with main_map siege icons not being visible (yet clickable) 50%-ish of the time.

    Hello NPC99,
    Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately none of those worked. Going to relook at the vanilla ones and see if somehow I have changed a setting and go from there.

    Also a quicker way of seeing your physics spheres is to go to the visibility tab and down to 'Physics Options' and tick 'Show entity Physics' then it just shows all the spheres rather than having to click on each one on and click each one off.
  13. Drezavelt

    SP Native Calradia Expanded - Extra Settlements, Changed World Map & Roads! + more

    While I have somewhat ignored the Bannerlord forums I have now released the latest version of this project. Bringing it to version a1.1.0.


    Mod Tool Update Calradia Expanded a1.1.0
    A big thank you goes out to Hrørikr who helped me with a bug that I thought was going to end the project. Thanks also go out to Gauner, Basileus and The Speaker who have helped greatly in making this mod from the start.

    Version a1.1.0 Well, this version is the first released following the mod tools being released to us, below is a quick list of points.

    Alignment: I hope most things are now aligned to the ground. So no more sinking towns or floating buildings. This goes for things that I added in the previous versions as for the bits TaleWorlds made.

    Navmesh rework: Basically I have rebuilt/tweaked 60 to 70% of the navmesh, this is what the AI use to navigate around the place. Also its what dictates, to some regard, what type of battle terrain your fights are taken part in. If you are flanked on the main map by woods and fight you should be on a scene with woods on either side.

    New paths: I've opened up some areas and generally tarted the map up. So while before you were running up the side of a mountain over a rocky river crossing now you will climb a nice path with a wall and you crossed a study bridge. Also there are now more blocking areas of terrain which will lead to more interesting chases of enemy armies and bandits, meaning you can trap them in a valley and cut them down like dogs.. but also you need to be aware of where you are running so you don't get trapped yourself!

    Position changes: As the mod tools give more freedom I have now moved some of the settlements around a bit more to nicer areas.
  14. Drezavelt

    Issues with main_map siege icons not being visible (yet clickable) 50%-ish of the time.

    Hello there, Got a rather frustrating visual bug that keeps happening to me. Basically in the mod tools all the siege icons are fine, above ground and aligned nicely. But when you go into the game and siege a place some of the icons, sometimes, do not show, they are there and clickable but just...
  15. Drezavelt

    SP Native Calradia Expanded - Extra Settlements, Changed World Map & Roads! + more

    Next release is now on Nexus
    It features a number of fixes, the key fix being an issue with some villages not recovering from being looted.
    Thank you in advance for taking a look see.
  16. Drezavelt

    SP Native Other Kingdom Rework (a working title)

    Hello SuisseRaclette, There are two people who are working on it for their own projects (Gauner and Deckard/Blackdoggie) and are making good progress on it. They will also be aiding this project to help with the Kingdom and Culture creating while I've been busy focusing on the first stage of this project and general world map editing.
  17. Drezavelt

    Editing maps for Bannerlord mods

    You can manual edit the world map via the scenes.xscenes file in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\SandBox\SceneObj\Main_map. But you have to open in a text editor, I use notepad++. Its a pig to use as some things are not labeled. Also you will use a HELL of a lot of trial and error to get things in the right place.
  18. Drezavelt

    How the game handles raiding and recovering from looting

    Howdy, I've come across a very strange issue with my mod that adds loads of settlements that some villages don't want to recover from being raided/looted. I've checked the bits that I have done in the settlement.xml and the scenes.xscene and I can't see anything that could cause this. I can...
  19. Drezavelt

    SP Native Calradia Expanded - Extra Settlements, Changed World Map & Roads! + more

    Welcome to Calradia Expanded. This mod adds an extra 14 Towns, 8 Castles and 77 Villages. It also relocates many vanilla towns, castles and villages onto other locations for them to make more sense. For example a castle defending a pass rather than at the arse end of nowhere. It also attempts to...
  20. Drezavelt

    SP Native Other Kingdom Rework (a working title)

    I have now released the movement of Towns, Castles and Villages part of this project and it is now live. Click here for a Nexus Mods link.
    Please see the Nexus page for the details and so on.

    Ah, well, er.. I will bow to your palm tree wisdom Radetzky :razz: I was just going by the existing palm tree type trees TaleWorlds have dotted about the place :grin:
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