While I have somewhat ignored the Bannerlord forums I have now released the latest version of this project. Bringing it to version a1.1.0.
Mod Tool Update Calradia Expanded a1.1.0
A big thank you goes out to
Hrørikr who helped me with a bug that I thought was going to end the project. Thanks also go out to
Gauner, Basileus and
The Speaker who have helped greatly in making this mod from the start.
Version a1.1.0 Well, this version is the first released following the mod tools being released to us, below is a quick list of points.
Alignment: I hope most things are now aligned to the ground. So no more sinking towns or floating buildings. This goes for things that I added in the previous versions as for the bits TaleWorlds made.
Navmesh rework: Basically I have rebuilt/tweaked 60 to 70% of the navmesh, this is what the AI use to navigate around the place. Also its what dictates, to some regard, what type of battle terrain your fights are taken part in. If you are flanked on the main map by woods and fight you should be on a scene with woods on either side.
New paths: I've opened up some areas and generally tarted the map up. So while before you were running up the side of a mountain over a rocky river crossing now you will climb a nice path with a wall and you crossed a study bridge. Also there are now more blocking areas of terrain which will lead to more interesting chases of enemy armies and bandits, meaning you can trap them in a valley and cut them down like dogs.. but also you need to be aware of where you are running so you don't get trapped yourself!
Position changes: As the mod tools give more freedom I have now moved some of the settlements around a bit more to nicer areas.