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  1. SP - General Bannerlord's Gameplay Has Gone Backwards In Multiple Areas From Warband

    This is a great thread on how to make Bannerlord better.
    Too bad it isn't going to happen
  2. Female Lords mod

    The OP is baiting.
    Again, no one cares what you think. This is silly and I find it immersion-breaking. No one cares how this makes you feel. No one cares if this makes you sad and mad. You are perfectly welcome to stop responding.

    the Gender Inequality mod
    ... is for an older version.

    Tell me, was Napoleon just "leading" battles while he sat on his ship
    No, because Napoleon actually lead his troops on the battlefield. He was quite active.
  3. Female Lords mod

    Hi Remmik, I made the mod so you shouldn't have to be sad and/or mad anymore!
    Removing women from the game is obviously not what I'm looking for. Like I said in the OP, I want a mod that makes there be fewer women party leaders.
  4. Female Lords mod

    Boudicca, Artemisia, Cynane, Zenobia, a ton of Roman women, a ton of Chinese women, in fact it's relatively common to see female military leaders in the ancient world. This game is supposedly early medieval so it's closer than you might think (or might like) to an era where it was relatively common to see women in command of armies, and (more rarely) on the battlefield itself.

    And you don't have to respond when people point out your obvious sexism either, you can just take it like a man since traditional masculinity is clearly important to you.
    One queen who was present on a ship during a naval battle in 480 BC.

    Alexander's sister, who allegedly fought 100 years later.

    Zenobia, who did not fight or physically lead her troops, +100 years after that.

    Then one other queen who led a rebel movement 220 years after that.

    a ton of Roman women, a ton of Chinese women
    The reason you can't list any names is because there are none. Roman society was extremely patriarchal, women were not taught to fight and never had military appointments.

    Chinese women "military leaders" were of course primarily noblewomen who didn't physically lead troops or fight, just like the vast majority of European ones, and were similarly rare.

    your obvious sexism
    Again, no one cares what you think. This is silly and I find it immersion-breaking.

    I don't care if that makes you sad and mad. No one asked you your opinion. You are perfectly free to not respond.
  5. Female Lords mod

    it was just rarer in Europe than elsewhere.
    It was extremely rare everywhere. It's very silly and unrealistic for there to be so many.

    Just come out and admit
    Again, I didn't ask you how this makes you feel. No one cares if this makes you sad and mad. You're perfectly welcome to not respond.
  6. Female Lords mod

    I don't think you are really "just asking"
    Noone cares what you think. You're perfectly welcome to not respond.

    your complaint is boring.

    I repeat, noone cares what you think. I'm asking for a mod to fix something silly that I find immersion-breaking. If that makes you sad and/or you don't know of any such mod or changes that could be made to that effect, you're perfectly welcome to not respond.
  7. Female Lords mod

    bait threads
    I'm asking for a mod to fix something silly that I find immersion-breaking. I didn't actually ask you how this makes you feel. Noone cares if it makes you sad and mad. You're perfectly welcome to not respond.

    Yea, as I said, I don't know how those settings would work in more recent versions of the game and what is needed is something more comprehensive. But it can be a good starting point for such a more comprehensive mod because all those other things that you have mentioned can potentially be modded too. Of course problem is in that game isn't finished and these things can be changed. And given how whole pemadeath system is unbalanced now, they probably will.

    I have newer used mods with MB games, because it's not sort of game that really needs them all that much, but this is one mod that I would definitely use.
    Honestly, I sort of wish they would just announce that it's finished so the modding community can work on it
  8. Female Lords mod

    This mod is pretty close to what I'm looking for, or also you can manually edit them in this one

    cadadr said:
    as for feelings, i can express

    I repeat, noone cares. It's silly and I find it immersion-breaking. I don't care if that makes you sad and mad.
  9. Female Lords mod

    gotta love 'women existing is immersion breaking' when lords still die in quixotic attacks in battle,melting a kitchen knife gives you enough material to make a huge sword, and the circle formation exists (isn't infantry pie with archers facing the wrong way a nice delicacy!), among many other things...
    I didn't actually ask how this makes you feel, and I don't care. It's silly, and I find it immersion-breaking.

    I'm asking if there's a mod for the most recent version to change it.
  10. Female Lords mod

    Is there any mod for the recent versions to remove female Lords, or reduce the percentage of them (not a total conversion though)? I find it kind of immersion-breaking how common female party leaders there are.
  11. The 'Consolization' of Mount and Blade and Bannerlord

    I wish they would just announce that this ****ing stinker is finished so the unpaid modding community can get started on salvaging it
  12. Do people prefer Bannerlord over Warband?

    It is Warband just because for custom servers and mods but i cant play Warband anymore with this graphics and animations.

    Right there with you :sad:

    I'm definitely disappointed with Bannerlord, hopefully in a couple of years the modding community will be able to pick up the slack.
  13. Whats the oldest account on here?

    My first account was from 2005, but it got banned for talking about a torrent site
  14. Can we have a debate about women without getting it locked?

    Imagine trembling at the thought of woman in a videogame.

    Probably the same people who call other people snowflakes ❄

    I haven't seen anyone "trembling," I've seen people complaining that it's dumb/immersion breaking/etc. and I've seen other people throwing an absolute tantrum over how other people want to play the game.
  15. Feminism

    I mean... Maybe women should not have sex if they don't want to deal with the possibility of becoming mothers? Or have their tubes tied?

    You're a bad person, it's pretty warped that you feel empowered to be the way that you are in public.
  16. Female Lords mod

    I did read about it:

    Yes, pre modern cultures were not gender role egalitarian.

    However, this did not mean Women never set foot upon the battlefield. It just meant it was less common than men. (The most accurate answer would be "less than feminists like, but more than sexists think.")

    If there's anyone who's not reading, it's you. Women were less likely to get on the battlefield than men, but plenty of them still found ways.

    You should consider actually reading his article. I'll give you a hint: the vast, overwhelming majority of these women never fought, and are not claimed to have fought.

    Some of them were heads of state during wartime (and "fought" the same way that Angela Merkel "fought in Iraq"), some of them had their castles besieged while they were inside of them. Some of them are believed by historians to be fictional characters. Some of them are listed as "warriors" because there were drawings of them riding horses and holding bows. One of them is listed as a "warrior" because she was buried with a knife.

    The overwhelming majority of them were never even physically on a battlefield. This really should be obvious to you, even without reading this article at all.
  17. Female Lords mod

    Like while i understand why people feel they want to remove them (histoical point of view) this game at the end of the day is low level fanstay set in a non real world based on medieval times in which the devs whose game it decided to add female lords.

    However there are likely mods out there you just need to search for them

    I haven't be able to find any of them though, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction :p
  18. Female Lords mod

    Controversial thought: Warband was just as unrealistic as Bannerlord, for the opposite reason.

    It could vary from family to family, but needless to say women were not universally restricted to wedding fodder in medieval times. It's also worth noting that generally, whenever a sexism vs classism conflict took place, classism won. (A nobleman probably could get away with pushing around a noblewoman, but if a peasant man tried to push around a noblewoman, he'd probably get hanged.)

    If you ask me, an actually realistic system would be where men and women could in theory occupy similar positions, but women would have an opinion penalty, necessitating them working twice as hard. (Similar to PC women in Warband, but applied to NPCs as well.)

    Women never led troops in combat in medieval Europe, there isn't actually any argument to be made for this other than "it's a videogame and we felt like it."
  19. Female Lords mod

    Is there any mod to greatly reduce the number of female lords in the game?
  20. Female Character Gameplay

    Wait, seriously ?
    There were actually different childhoods in the game at some point and they REMOVED them instead of adding, like in Warband, a checkbox "do you want equality or period-like sexism ?" ?

    Yeah, seriously. For instance, if you chose the "Impoverished Nobles" background, male characters have the option of being a page at a nobleman's court, and females have the option of being a lady-in-waiting.

    There were other ones too, but that's the main one I remember off the top of my head since I usually used it.

    Honestly, I kind of wish I had held off on buying it until after Early Access to see how it turns out, it never even occurred to me that SJW nonsense would affect Bannerlord of all things. The multiplayer is good at least.
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