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  • Users: Jagh
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  1. The companions I'm making

    Fully or semi customizable companions based on your background choices.  Some of them you should be able to name yourself and set their own attribute points.  Kind of like forming your own party to work together.

    Or maybe there are 16 or so in the game, but based on your background only eight of them are available to you and a set of quests helps you locate them.  So something happens and you all got separated blah, blah <creative people insert here>.  That would give the companions more of a purpose and help people become invested in them.  My 2 cents.
  2. Edit Companions

    Thanks for the quick reply, but bummer. 

    Is adding the export import companions feature something on your to do list?

    Thank you for all your hard work to give the community a fantastic mod.
  3. Edit Companions

    Hello everyone, I recently picked up Warbands and I have been having a blast with the mods.  SoD has been very fun.  One of the things I enjoyed in Brytenwalda or whatever was the ability to export import companions.  I have tried a few things, but I haven't been able to figure it out for SoD. ...
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