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  1. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    manekemaan said:
    you can always check some of the characters posted in the first post, look at their backstory etc and then write some stuf for them.

    What every companion needs:

    ("npc32_intro", "              "),
    ("npc32_intro_response_1", "        "),
    ("npc32_intro_response_2", "        "),
    ("npc32_backstory_a", "          "),
    ("npc32_backstory_b", "          "),
    ("npc32_backstory_c", "        "),
    ("npc32_backstory_later", "      "),
    ("npc32_backstory_response_1", "        "),
    ("npc32_backstory_response_2", "          "),
    ("npc32_signup", "          "),
    ("npc32_signup_2", "            "),
    ("npc32_signup_response_1", "          "),
    ("npc32_signup_response_2", "          "),
    ("npc32_payment", "        "),
    ("npc32_payment_response", "            "),
    ("npc32_morality_speech", "          "),
    ("npc32_2ary_morality_speech", "          "),
    ("npc32_personalityclash_speech", "        "),                X
    ("npc32_personalityclash_speech_b", "        "),            X
    ("npc32_personalityclash2_speech", "        "),              X
    ("npc32_personalityclash2_speech_b", "        "),          X
    ("npc32_personalitymatch_speech", "        "),                X
    ("npc32_personalitymatch_speech_b", "        "),            X
    ("npc32_retirement_speech", "          "),
    ("npc32_rehire_speech", "          "),
    ("npc32_home_intro", "          "),
    ("npc32_home_description", "          "),
    ("npc32_home_description_2", "          "),
    ("npc32_home_recap", "        "),
    ("npc32_kingsupport_1","                "),
    ("npc32_kingsupport_2", "          "),
    ("npc32_kingsupport_2a", "          "),
    ("npc32_kingsupport_2b", "        "),
    ("npc32_kingsupport_3", "          "),
    ("npc32_kingsupport_objection", "      "),  X
    ("npc32_intel_mission", "          "),
    ("npc32_fief_acceptance", "          "),
    ("npc32_turn_against", "          "),

    Should anyone make any dialogues, just state the name of the companion you are writing the dialogues for. Don't write the dialogues of personality clash and match. I still have to make their likes and dislikes. Als the kingsupport objection is something I will do.

    For all ease, I will put an X behind dialogues that you guys shouldn't make. And I shall start a list on the first post with companions who have complete dialogues.

    I will come up with better dialogue for #npc28 = Black army inspired and #npc32 = Conquistador inspired in this format then. Meh, stuff i wrote for them earlier is a lot rougher than i remembered.
  2. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    Added some random dialogue to Hames (#npc32). I would like add more stuff but i have been way busier lately than i anticipated. Also im a pretty (read: very) slow writer, mainly because im not too fluent in english. Anyways, thats pretty much all i have time to add atm, if there is anything you need added that can wait a little, let me know.
  3. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    Alright, ill keep adding dialogue to them when i come up with something good enough. Just want to do my part here :grin:.

    Oh, Saintrouge, just thinking here that aint Drew Logan a tad too young for his backstory? I see what you are going after with him, but i would personally make him maybe a a year or two older. Years of experience doesnt sound right when he is 17 years old ,but at age 19 i can see that happening. Sounds little more convincing. I dont know, just my two cents here.
    About those relations between characters, I can definitely see Fisher almost mocking him jokingly for not drinking. Hames wouldnt find him problematic at all in my opinion, infact maybe even the other way around. Simpler people are easier to command, they follow orders to the letter and nothing more. Also they are more easily influenced if they are the one giving commands... :grin:
  4. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    Thanks man, edited the face keys to my posts. Not sure if those are the right face keys though. Also gave Hames hiring dialogue, pretty rough but i will work on it more later. I will also add some other dialogue to them later.
  5. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    Yo! I completely forgot about this thread and im sorry about that. Got back to Warband after a long time and wondering here if you guys wanted me to write more stuff of the 2 characters i wrote (numbers 28 and 32). If so, it would be nice to know what data do you need to make the character's ready. I know that the companions arent exactly the first thing being implemented, but i dont want to be the one slowing you down when its time  :smile:.
  6. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    well heck, if you have a fully made Marinian companion i think its more reasonable to use that one then :grin:
  7. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    :grin: An interesting character there, i was just about to make an Antarian one too. Well, better this way, mine would have been a plain one. Also, i think that i could make the Marinian based companion, if its okay with everybody here?

    Oh yeah, once again updated my first post, John Fisher now has hiring dialogue.
  8. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    #npc32 = Conquistador inspired

    Name: Victor Hames

    Age: 25~

    Gender: Male

    Fighting style: Victor fights on foot, first using his pistols to soften up the enemy, then slicing them in half with his greatsword.

    Personality: . A man who truly believes in strict disciple, virtue and valor and heroic deeds (this can include heroic sacrifices). Does not like the idea of a woman fighting alonside him. Also hates anyone with some other problems (Im pretty sure John Fisher is on that list). A very problematic guy to have around.

    Backstory: Not too much is know about where he came from, mainly because all he talks is his present life. if he does talk about the past, its some military humour story to raise morale or a way to discipline his men with tales of valor, virute, glory and death. He is an equivalent of a sergeant among the Conquistadors. He partake in a fight between Vaegirs and Swadia (on Vaegirs side), which Vaegirs lost. Vaegir's low morale at the time cost them the victory and now Victor travels around, looking for a worthy company to join.

    Victor is a a guy who really hates basically any female companion's and/or a female pc (what an ass). There would be character's like Lezalit who's company he would enjoy. A hard character to have around but he has his uses...

    Hiring dialogue:

    Hames: Hello there!
    Player: Well hello! and who might you be?
    Hames: Ahem, i am Victor Hames, proud sergeant of the Conquistadors! You might have heard of my exploits, no?
    Player: 1: No, i do not think so... But i would like to hear about them.
                2: No i havent and i just realised i dont want to. Goodbye! (End conversation)
    Hames:Very well then, i will enlighten you my friend. As a sergeant, it falls to me to keep the men in line. I will do my very best to keep them fighting as long as possible, and to train them to their absolute peak of mind and body. Do not let my calm attitude fool you, i will promise you that your men aint going to like me when i get into action.
    Player: 1: Sounds promising, please continue.
                2: Sounds like you might not be what im looking for. Take care! (End conversation)
    Hames: This one time we were ordered to defend a small village. Of course there were no other troops nearby, i mean who would attack such a far away village... It was harvest season and the kingdom really needed the food though, so they sent us there. Our scouts reported a sighting of bandit warband, their numbers to be in hundreds. There were only 25 of us... and of course the 5 dozen peasants. Fleeing would mean certain death. The king would make sure of that.
    Our men were trembling. Sure, we had the technological advantage. Sure we were better trained. But that didnt warm our hearts at all... It would be 2 days until they reached the village, and it fell to me to train the peasants into an able militia. Our officer and rest of the men build hasty defences around the village, creating a tunnel to funnel the enemy into. I whipped as many peasants into decent fighting shape as is humanly possible in 2 days. I taught them to stab with their "polearms" at command and to hold their ground. To take care of the man besides them. The glory of fighting under good leadership. We prevailed. The bandits had never seen anything like it. Some of them managed to escape, but only because we let them.
    Player: 1: That sounds amazing. How come youre standing around in a tavern then?
                2: Quite the story. Too bad i dont believe it. Bye. (End conversation)
    Hames: Well, lets just say that we happened to be on the wrong side on our last conflict... Now im looking for a company where i might actually live to see the first paycheck.
    Player: 1: I would be interested in hiring you and i can quarantee that death is not my goal.
                2: Well, good luck in your search. Bye. (End conversation)
    Hames 1 Great! then my standard hiring fee would be x denars. (no idea how much, slightly more than the cost of his equipment prolly so you cant just strip him and profit)
                2: Haha, is that a joke? A woman leading a company, oh my... (end conversation) (only triggered if pc is female.)
    Player: 1: Here's the money. (hire Hames)
                2: That's way too much for you. (end conversation)

    Relations dialogue:

    Sir, can i talk to you about something? (this is the line Hames approaches the player with, pc can say yes or no or however the dialogue works with vanilla companions, cant remember.)

    About Lezalit: Sir, i have to say that Lezalit has proven to be a worthy companion, one of the best i have met infact. He knows how to keep the men in line. I know he can seem almost cruel sometimes, but he gets results.

    About John Fisher: Sir, with all due respect, this John Fisher doesnt seem like a trustworthy fellow. I mean he is always drunk and he even dares to ask you to supply him his ale!? I have to admit that he has some guts, but his complete disregard for discipline is outrageous!

    About any female companion: I cant understand why companionX is with us, sir. Women are good for many things and fighting is not one of them. Battlefield is a place for men, virtue and valor, not for wenches to dance around in their skirts. Having a woman around with this many men has a bad impact on discipline too.

    Other dialogue:

    Failed to complete a mission: Sir, i know you must have a reason for doing that, but remember that your inability to complete a task given to you will have consequences. You will lose some of your believability in the eyes of your men, and your honour will be tarnished. I hope you remember that in the future.


    face_key_1 = 672003385
    face_key_2 = 451a911889492493
  9. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    :smile:. So, should i make some dialogue for him? Also, if needed i can come up with some more companions, i have couple of ideas still left in me... :idea:

    Oh yeah, i once more edited my first post, pics now with entirely black armour.
  10. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    edited my post, now ingame pics included. Also, thanks for the feedback :smile:
  11. Fisu

    The companions I'm making

    Okay, so here's a character with some quick background stuff, tell me what you think. Also if you like it can come up with some dialogue/statline.

    #npc28 = Black army inspired

    Name: Jonathan Fisher

    Age: ~30

    Gender: Male

    Fighting style: An experienced fighter who has fought almost his entire life, mainly on horseback. He uses Bastard sword and a knightly heather shield. As armour he wears heraldic black armour. He also has a double barreled pistol which he just got and barely knows how to use.

    Personality: Jonathan has grown an unhealthy relationship with alcohol due to problems with his past. he is a depressed man growing older, tired of sitting on his ass drinking all day, seeking a way out of this lifestyle. He recently joined the Black army in hope to find an army to fight for, but for some reason he is yet to be hired...

    He is a very neutral character who really doesnt care about others. He might cause some bickering among other characters though, due to his drinking habits.

    Backstory: Jonathan is a bastard son of a noble family. He did receive combat training of the nobles but not the treatment. At age 16 he caused an accident which killed one of the sons of the noble family, leading to him being kicked out of the family for good, never to be seen there again. This is the time when John first joined a mercenary company, for fighting was the only thing he really knew how to do. Years passed, he somehow continued to survive and was given a small company to lead.

    Somewhere around age 25 he and his company took part in a battle against a barbaric tribes, which they lost. This resulted in slaughtering of all the people and cattle in the area and the entire mercenary company and army they (mercenaries) fought for. John, and handful of others were spared, to spread word of what happened there. John blamed the incompetent commander of the army they fought for, and himself.

    This lead to a drinking problem which John still has. 6 months ago he wanted to change his life for better again, so he travelled to the land of Ponavosa and joined the black army. This brings us to the present.

    Because other characters dont cause any moral impacts on him, i was thinking if it would be possible to link his morale to the ale. What i mean is that if you have ale in your inventory, he would be your best friend, if you dont, hes going to make you suffer. Is this possible to code in to the game? Cuz i have no idea  :roll:.

    face_key_1 = 774002191
    face_key_2 = 32d24a136a69492c



    Hiring dialogue:

    Fisher: ...Yes?
    Player: Uh, hello there, i was just wondering who a man dressed like you might be?
    Fisher: Me? John Fisher, mercenary. You hiring?
    Player: 1: As a matter of fact, i am. Care to tell me something about yourself?
                2: No, not a drunk like you atleast... (end conversation)
    Fisher: *deep sigh* Very well. Was a commander of a small company, partake in a war. Things didnt go as planned. Men died, like they always do. Now im here, drinking ale and waiting.
    Player: ...What is it that you are waiting for?
    Fisher: For someone to hire me, isnt that obvious? Damn, it's pretty weird how a skilled warrior like me cant seem to find a job around here...
    Player: 1: Well, i am looking for competent companions on my travels, anything you truly excel at?
                2: Yeah, it's pretty weird. Bye. (end conversation)
    Fisher: *sigh* well, i am a skilled swordsman, usually fight from horseback when im *cough* sober enough *cough*. I can handle myself in a fight, altough my skills are slightly rusty from all this sitting around...
    Player: 1: Well, that sounds good enough for me. I would like to hire you.
                2: You know what? get ouf of my face, smelly bastard. (end conversation)
    Fisher: You do? Well then, only a small problem at this moment. I have been drinking here for some time now and i owe some money to the tavern keeper here... just a small amount... x denars (i have no idea how much this should be, considering the equipment he starts with. However in my opinion it should be atleast around 10 000 +-5000.)
    Player: 1: x Denars!?! Very well, i hope you know that i will make you work for this. (player hires Fisher)
                2: x Denars?!? Now thats a whole lotta didley! There's no way you are worth that much. (player refuses to hire Fisher)
                3: Say what? I dont have that kind of money on me. (player has not enough money)
    Fisher: Great! thanks for this, i really need this. Oh and... this is kinda akward... could you bring some ale on our on the travels? I think that my "efficiency" might drop if i go long without it... you know, just to keep my feet warm out there? Actually... here, take this, bought it earlier. Kinda running low though. Yeah, there, thanks. SO, give me a minute and ill be right with you!

    Conversation ends here.

    So, this is a rough dialogue i came up with. Decent stuff at best. Fisher has drank buttload of ale these recent years and his speaking is pretty much unaffected by now. Well, he becomes more talkative when drunk, as clearly seen here. More of his personality is to be shown after you have travelled some time with him or, like with the existing companions, when you get near some village/castle/town. Also Fisher will come to ask your name sometime after you have hired him. ill come up with that dialogue later. Sleepy now.

    Also, i think that Fisher should give you one barrel of ale when you hire him. However, this barrel should be something like 5-10/50, John consuming one-two unit(s) per day (this could be random if possible, also would be awesome to have him consume 3 on some day (like 5% chance)and him being unable to ride his horse that day).
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