playing the original for now, started as a mercenary for Vaegirs, vowed my loyalty to the king and now I've became the marshal. doing a honorable campaign, as in no looting villages nor caravans(nor even asking for passage fees), etc. unfortunately keeping prisoners in my town lowers my honor each time I refuse a pathetic bribe attempt of a few thousand gold. I've been doing all the expanding for Vaegirs, calling onto my fellow lords after I became the marshal. conquered most of the Nords and got that large Norse coastal town near the border, forgot its name, for myself. still waiting for the king to actually let me have a castle too, so I'm saving the 2 I want(the ones near that town I have) so I conquer everything around it. oh yeah and I also conquered a bit of the Khejits, that castle on the hill near the border and the town below it, as well as 2 other castles near that town. we're at peace with Swadia(we had a short war, didn't get anywhere and than we got peace) and war with everyone else, with me making sure we keep the upper hand. I plan on finishing up the Nords, than the Khejits and than finally going after Rhodok who keep on harassing me. Swabia can wait till last I guess, as long as they stay peaceful, once everything around them will be conquered they'll have nowhere to run.