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  1. Progress Update 5/11/2012

    New shaders, doubled battle size, even better sieges, AI...better special effects for guns and explosives that I'd do anything just to see one 5-second video of...I have been playing Blood and Steel for like 2 or 3 days now and I'm already a rabid fan eagerly awaiting the next release, what has this mod done to me?

    By the way, I know one of the changes with explosives is going to be enabling friendly fire for the player. Are there any plans to make this something we can turn on/off? I understand it's for balance and everything, and I'd most likely end up playing with it on 90% of the time if it was an option anyways, but if I couldn't fire a siege cannon into huge crowds of people without a care in the world anymore I'm not sure what I'd do with myself.
  2. -- Official Unofficial 'Ask Questions About Warband Singleplayer Here' Thread --

    Couple question.

    1. When the message log gets bombarded with messages, it shuts down for a little bit, I guess sort of as a spam filter of sorts. Is there any way to quickly "reboot" the system, other than just waiting (and restarting the game that'd take even longer)? I don't think save and quit - load game does the trick, either. Sometimes it takes a really long time to come back, too, which can be a hassle. (I'm not using the kill all cheat, in case you're going to say 'try not cheating', just playing blood and steel mod which lets you shoot an explosive into a crowd and instantly shut down your combat log)

    2. Party skills. Can the +1, +2, etc. bonuses you get from having points invested in party skills yourself as well as a companion cause the party skill to be raised above 10? Like if I had 2 points in surgery giving us the +1 bonus, and my companion had 10 points in surgery, would we get 11 surgery points?
  3. Bug Reports: 1.251

    When letting companions choose gear from item pool, they can equip things they don't meet the skill proficiency for, such as Ymira who has 8 strength, her helmet requires 10, chestpiece 13, and boots 14. After taking off the armor you can't put it back on the person, they say they can't use the item like they should.

    I'm not sure how much can be done to make them upgrade "smarter" but there seems to be a few things they'll sacrifice a lot for. Two of my companions almost always upgrade their +100 chest +60 legs 25 weight armor to a 100 chest 30 legs 24 weight armor, not sure if they're putting too much weight on...weight there.
  4. Feature Requests

    It'd be helpful to be able to get a little more information on troops to see exactly what gear they have to decide on upgrade paths (I know most upgrades are straight lines and there's very few branches, but there's a couple) and who to take into which battle. Writing up long descriptions of troops that might change in the next update wouldn't be the most efficient thing in the world, so what if we could view their equipment in-game, kind of like how we can see their stats when we talk to them/see our companion's gear? I know I've seen it done in a couple of other mods, though I don't know how hard it would be to implement. Assuming it wouldn't be too difficult, we'd never really need descriptions of our guys. It'd be especially nice for newer players who want to start recruiting a troop of cannon/grenade/other explosive troops, for example, but aren't quite sure which ones those are. Also nice if an update brings a few new troops/changes up some old ones and we want to know exactly what they've got.

    Just a thought.
  5. Strange 2H weapon animations? (2H sword, not lance/polearm)

    Does that gloves bug affect more things in the market? I've had a siege cannon since the beginning of the game and STILL haven't found any ammo for it yet. I'm tempted to just go into the cheat menu cause I've been dying to try the cannons out.

    Also, the skill question made me realize inventory management and prisoner management aren't being counted as party skills, even though the skill screen and party screen say they are, which I think is a known bug? I guess I have to do some export/importing to reallocate those wasted points away from companions. I can't really tell if some other party skills are bugged, though, since I can't just...count things like persuasion, heroism, etc. like I can inventory spaces or prisoners.  I'm assuming old party skills work fine, but the skills that were changed to party like persuasion, inventory, prisoner, might have issues, and new ones like heroism and defense tactics...might work?

    Thanks again, by the way. I know I ask a ton of questions, I just hate not knowing things I can't figure out by myself.
  6. Strange 2H weapon animations? (2H sword, not lance/polearm)

    xenoargh said:
    It's probably pointless, frankly; if you're actually having money problems in this mod, you're doing it wrong.  But newbie players tend to think that it's so much more complicated than it is and they wanted the numbers, which is why it works like it does.  Me, I just go kill a pile of bad guys with decent armor and pump up Marnid :wink:

    I was one wage week away from having serious money issues, then a skeleton army jumped me and I actually managed to win for once, and that gave me enough of a boost to be set for a while. Opened a couple of smithys and now I'm getting like 17k in a week - hard to think a short while ago I saw my 3,000 in wages and was ready to disband my entire army and start over. My upgrading is still frozen, though - my army of ~185 guys has about 120 who have been ready to upgrade from regular to elite or elite to expert for a few weeks now. I'm just really afraid to do it...upfront cost is going to be (relatively) huge and I don't even want to see weekly wages with all elites and experts. And then there's the fact that I have 185/380 men, so all of my costs should be doubled in a short while...and I'm definitely going to need to start buying hard-tack in bulk quantities, food morale be damned, how am I supposed to have the inventory space for a basket of 5/5 fruit or 50/50 smoked fish or 10/10 cabbage...and thinking about all of this makes me think something's going to hit the fan pretty soon...

    Also, it reminds me: I've noticed the changes to the enterprises system. Specifically, a shift from only dyeworks to only smithys. I feel like I must be missing some subtleties here, though, as every guild master reports the same risk/profit for every enterprise in every city and I'm not really a merchant-type. Am I right in thinking it really makes little sense to do things other than smithys? Upfront costs are higher, but only dydeworks produce a (slighty higher) profit according to guildmasters, I'm guessing it being very risky means it'll be much higher occasionally but also much lower occasionally, smithys just seem like a better investment when looking at stability and expected profits (stable and 20k vs very risky and 21.6k). Will having a smithy in every city overload the market with ironware or something? Are there cities that actually make a very low profit on ironworks (I know there were some low-profit dyeworks cities in native) that I should look out for, and how can you really tell if every guild master's sayin the same numbers?

    One other thing: INT governs leadership skill, is this intended? INT seems a little bit overpowered, and I'm pretty sure leadership is why - hasn't that always been a CHA skill?

    And, finally...are there no gloves? I still have starting gloves and have yet to see any other kinds dropped/in the market. Is this a bug, or did they slip between the cracks, or removed intentionally?
  7. Strange 2H weapon animations? (2H sword, not lance/polearm)

    Aaaaanyhow... iirc, the animation on two-hand swords is all borked up because the overhand strike uses the same animation as spear thrusts; I'll get that fixed by simply removing that strike entirely, it doesn't make any sense to be able to do that while on a horse anyhow, never has.

    That's something to look forward to. I've always hated that thrust attack on horses, almost every time I do it it's completely by accident. Just with the wonky animations, doing it by accident become even more of a pain. Thanks for answering my main question!

    Don't worry, the "mah game just died" stuff is something I take seriously, too :smile:

    One of the reasons the next version's been taking so long is that I've been working on that along with a bunch of other things.  I don't guarantee Battle Size 1000 will actually work very well, even if you have 4+ GB of RAM; at that point it's all CPU-choked at the sim and Bad Things will probably happen from time to time.  But I have it working with 400+ guys actually able to fight and stuff at Battle Size 150 on Windows XP with 2GB of RAM now.

    Honestly, I was a little surprised the first time I played that it ran so smoothly with so many more people than I usually face. My computer is fairly modern, but M&B has always had a small case of the few-millisecond-pause-on-turn issue on my computer for some reason, and that's with mods that don't have huge battle sizes or fancy textures or anything like that - and then I play this, with 300 guys in the field, and my frame rate rarely drops. I guess you guys must be pretty good at what you do, huh?
  8. Strange 2H weapon animations? (2H sword, not lance/polearm)

    That last part wasn't supposed to sound mean at all. It was the opposite. I hoped I made that clear by my "how are these levels of greatness possible" part. The frozen game and crash to desktops were just jokes, bad ones I suppose. Sorry if it sounded mean, it really wasn't supposed to. I'm on your side here, though, so there's no need to be on defensive. The few hours I got to play last night were some of the best I've ever had with the game, and I absolutely love the pure unadulterated chaos the mod provides, along with the jump in difficulty which actually feels fair for once (I will refrain from criticizing other mods that I feel impose an artificial difficulty on the player and parade it around like it's a good thing, something Blood and Steel doesn't do at all - Blood and Steel is more like the Dark Souls of difficulty, and the rest are like severe rubber-banding in racing games).

    And I love the huge battles, too. I intentionally set Battle Sizer to 1000 and threw a grenade into the biggest pack of skeletons, fully aware that whatever happened next was nobody's fault but my own. It's just a strange fascination I seem to have with loading a game up with massive quantities of things and blowing them up, from houses full of trash items in fallout 3, to barrel towers in crysis, and now skeleton armies and grenades in Blood and Steel - all which, as I expect, inevitably end in a freeze, something I don't blame the games for for one second. When I'm actually playing, I'll halve the battle size, of course, as hardware is a limiting factor, and play at a smooth 50-60fps, and marvel at the beauty of two gigantic armies exchanging storms of arrows every few seconds, knowing full well that this is probably the coolest thing that could be done with the game.

    Seriously. I love this mod, and I hate that I sounded like I didn't. I hope this thread doesn't get derailed or anything from here. Or maybe I hope it does, but only if we can all talk about how much we love the mod. General appreciation thread? Wait, can we fix my animation problem first?
  9. Strange 2H weapon animations? (2H sword, not lance/polearm)

    So after playing a few hours today on my first character (merc archer) I bought a 2-handed sword, didn't work quite like I expected it to. When mounted, the left/right swing looks fine, but the up/thrust swing looks VERY messed up. I'm not even sure how to describe it, so I just made a...
  10. Quick Questions/Quick Answers (Unofficial 'Ask Questions Here' Q&A Thread)

    akmatov said:
    Something is odd with Prisoner Management.  I have PM-1 and one of my companions has PM-2, yet I can only have 5 prisoners.  I think it should be either 10 or 15.  Am I doing something wrong?

    Prisoner management is a leader skill, meaning only the leader's skill is used - so only your 1 PM skill affects how many prisoners you can take.

    Dunno if you know this, but party skills like surgery/first aid/path finding don't stack like that, either - only the highest party member's skill is considered, so if you have 4 surgery and your companion has 3, your party only gets 4 surgery.

    The trainer skill is kind of different, as it's like a party skill in that it benefits your party, but it's actually a personal skill, meaning all points do stack and you can get a ton of XP by having a bunch of companions leveling trainer.
  11. Suggestions

    I know companion and troop prefix removal options are in the works, but would it be possible to also add an option for native lord names? I guess I'm just boring, but having every lord be Jarl Whatever or Boyar Whoever or Annoyingasshorsearcher Noyan always made finding people a little simpler. Not much of a fan of the jumble of latin prefixes and suffixes, to be honest.
  12. -- Official Unofficial 'Ask Questions About Warband Singleplayer Here' Thread --

    Ioustinos said:
    Is a mod required to removed the combat information text?  In big battles, I just don't like to see so much of my screen covered up in "X killed by Y".

    Most of it can be removed on the options screen, at the bottom there's a bunch of "report" options, unchecking report casualties would get rid of X killed Y.

    I had the same problem and I turned them off for a while, but I ended up wanting them back most of the time, so I just made the text size much smaller. If you end up wanting to do that, you can change font size in the M&B installation folder, mount&blade warband/data/font_data. Should be the first or second line, font_size="x". Bigger numbers are smaller sizes. I found 82 to be a good size, and I can live with the clutter now. Default font size is just huge. 
  13. -- Official Unofficial 'Ask Questions About Warband Singleplayer Here' Thread --

    Caba`drin said:
    stealthycow said:
    "Eliminated factions" that aren't quite eliminated. I "eliminated" the Khergits (said so in the notes menu and they have no territory) but now it seems they've come back. They only have 3 or 4 lords and no land, but they'll occasionally declare war on me and burn all my villages I can't get to in time. What I've been doing is fighting them when we're at war, and not taking them prisoner to get rep up, and doing tasks for them when we're not at war, but now I have like 60 rep with a couple of them and they're still saying "Long live the king!" When will they stop loving their king who has nothing to provide them with? I read in patch notes that this kind of thing was maybe supposed to be fixed, but this has been going on for a while now.
    This is in Native 1.152? If so, do you have a savegame you could upload to ? (along with a thorough explanation of what happened, of course)

    It's actually Floris Basic 2.52 and some tweaks with 1.152, not sure if that'd be an issue? Should I post it there anyways?

    Also, another question. Do companions always show up in battle, despite the order they're in on the party list? If not, will I still get their benefits if they're not in the battle (e.g. will I get +10 tactics if my tactics guy doesn't appear in battle)? All assuming they aren't wounded, of course.
  14. -- Official Unofficial 'Ask Questions About Warband Singleplayer Here' Thread --

    Got a few more questions...

    If I give one of my lords a bunch of troops, will the wages screw him? e.g. I saw one of my lords only had a 30 person army, so I gave him half of my Swadian Knights and a handful of Mamlukes, so now he's around 70. However, he only has one fief. Is he going to go bankrupt or something? Lose all those troops? Hate me and murder me while I sleep for dishonoring him?

    "Eliminated factions" that aren't quite eliminated. I "eliminated" the Khergits (said so in the notes menu and they have no territory) but now it seems they've come back. They only have 3 or 4 lords and no land, but they'll occasionally declare war on me and burn all my villages I can't get to in time. What I've been doing is fighting them when we're at war, and not taking them prisoner to get rep up, and doing tasks for them when we're not at war, but now I have like 60 rep with a couple of them and they're still saying "Long live the king!" When will they stop loving their king who has nothing to provide them with? I read in patch notes that this kind of thing was maybe supposed to be fixed, but this has been going on for a while now.
  15. -- Official Unofficial 'Ask Questions About Warband Singleplayer Here' Thread --

    When assigning fiefs to lords, I could have sworn the lords had how much property they owned in parenthesis next to their names. Like:

    Lord Ralcha (Fiefs: 1 castle, 2 villages)

    Or something like that, and it was nice to be able to see who had no fiefs so I could give them one. But now I don't see that anymore. What happened? Was it something from a mod that broke in the 1.150/1/2 updates (I only ever had floris basic and other tweaks)?
  16. Changing font color of specific messages? Possible?

    With all the paragraph-long messages about lords defecting, being exiled, experience gained from training + soldiers leveling up, etc., sometimes a lot of things get lost/ignored in the message list, especially when I'm ctrl-space to travel across the map. Normally it's okay, I don't...
  17. Quick Questions/Quick Answers (Unofficial 'Ask Questions Here' Q&A Thread)

    Just re-enabled particle effects after finding the horse dust tweak and saw village fires on the map for the first time...would there happen to be a way to make them...smaller? Or remove them altogether, without turning off particle effects? They add some nice atmosphere to the world map, I'm just not a fan of how huge they are.

    For example,

    Uhhun (lol) looks good if not a little small, but then you get to the other two villages and it's just kind of jarring how huge the big fires are.
  18. Can't decide who I want to declare war on :(

    I started with Khergits, though it was mainly because I was their vassal, retook one of their cities from our enemies, and they wouldn't let me have it, so I defected. Jerks.

    They were EXTREMELY annoying. Easy, for the most part. I think at one point I ended up taking out 800 of their guys who came to try to take my city away from me with like 100 of my guys (in the field, not siege - I suck at siege). For the most part they're easy to kill, very squishy, but the battles take 20 minutes too long because one random horse archer would be circling the entire battlefield and none of my guys could catch him.

    I'm glad they're out of the way.

    The next faction I want to take out is the Vaegirs. Mostly because they're at war with the Nords and Sultinate, and their land borders my land. I tried to siege one of their castles that had a 160-person garrison with my 130 army and a lord's 50 person army (well his army barely counts since they're all crappy low-tier units but whatever). They DECIMATED me. I had no idea what hit me. I managed to get Tulga from the Khergits when it had a ~300 person garrison with a similar army size as I have now, and we lost a good chunk of people but ultimately won by a large margin. The Vaegirs...I dunno. Their archers just destroyed us before we made it to the ladders. Should be an enjoyable campaign.
  19. Quick Questions/Quick Answers (Unofficial 'Ask Questions Here' Q&A Thread)

    Is there any way to not have to watch the AI battle after you die in a tournament with the tournament enhancements? When you die there's a message that gives camera instructions/says "press tab" to retreat but pressing tab doesn't do anything (guessing the tab thing is for actual battles where "retreat" makes sense, not tournaments)
  20. Version 1.150 - 1.151 - 1.152 - 1.153 - 1.154

    So is the problem with UI clicking sounds being very low/inaudible a bug or a feature? I see " Volume and priority have been balanced for sounds" in the patch notes, but it sure isn't "balanced" when I can't hear a UI click unless my speakers are turned all the way up...

    Annoying stuff. Are there any workarounds? I'm not having any other sound issues since 1.151 but the low volume UI is killing me.
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