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  • Users: Amtal
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  1. Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    Is there a noDropBox DL for HotFix 0.811 available ?

  2. [Updated] Prophesy of Pendor ~ Character Builder Program [For PoP v3.7063]

    Just tested it, works totally fine . From the error msg. you received, seems like mediafire had a temp problem or sthg .

    Just to make sure, this is the dl Link :

  3. Let's Play - Prophesy of Pendor - Mettenheim Style!

    Reg. better control/flexibility of assigning fiefs, I suggest you look at Leonion's Tweaks ( mentioned by clock4orange before in another regard ) . #3 and #13.1 specifically .

    Also, reg. getting Lords of other Realms to join you : When you took Hrolfsson Castle, you captured at least 2 martial Lords who had something around high 30/low40ish relations with you - iirc . Instead of letting them go, you could have taken them prisoner . Relations suffer by 5 points from that ofc, but in most cases relations above 30 will still be plenty enough for them to offer their Oath of Fealty to you when talking to them about their freedom .
  4. [DISCUSSION] Fan Suggestion Thread

    clock4orange said:
    Amtal said:
    clock4orange said:
    Amtal said:
    • allow the PlayerKing/Queen to pinpointselect fiefs for themselves when talking to the Minister . Just like "I want to grant one of my Vassals a fief", and then being able to select the Vassal, then the fief, I would love to be able to do that for myself ;
    what do you mean?
    if you take a city, just choose to decide later, go to minister and take it for yourself, later if you want to grand that fief to the lord, just talk to minister, choose the fief and lord, simple  :cool:

    Yeah I know  :roll: ...what I mean is exactly as I wrote : I would really love an option to pick a specific fief at a certain point for myself through the minister .

    For instance: I am taking Laria . I do not grab it for myself immediately after, as to not run into tax inefficiency, me wanting to get the small, free, immediate Garrison, and 2 more reasons XD . BUT I would want to get Troughbren and Erminade under my governance immediately, as to start working on their upgrades .

    As it is now, when I go to my minister, I can tell him to give those 2 Villages to some Vassal(s), or I need to work through the Backlog of unassigned fiefs before my Minister tells me Troughbren/Erminade have no Lord and I can tell him "I want it for myself" .

    What I want  = "I want to assign a fief" -> "Erminade" -> " I want Erminade for myself ."
    ok. I see your point... but, you still will get tax inefficiency, even bigger from two villages than from one city, innit?

    btw. tax inefficiency starts when you own 4-5 (?) fiefs, so in my opinion, better to hold 4-5 cities with income 10-15k than 10 villages  with 2k income, as most of it goes  to the 'tax inefficiency'...

    Weeeeellll....if I am NOT using Leonion'S excellent tweak, which allows me to acquire a City for myself immediately after taking it without getting all its Villages to my name, too - exactly that will happen . In the case of Laria: if I take it, and then immediately assign it to myself, I will also get its 4 Villages . Unless I use mentioned tweak ( did I mention its an excellent one ? ) .

    For Tax inefficiency, afaik Cities count towards the limit of fiefs you can own before it kicks in with double the value of a Village . Also, when it kicks in and how much it raises per fief you own over the threshhold is different depending on Campaign diffiulty.

    Plus, I mentioned Tax inefficiency being one of 4 reasons why I wanted said option - which I btw. have now, thanks Leonion :grin: .
  5. Where do I go from here?

    DarkTemplar said:
    Hire mercenaries, make 3~companion lords and give them one walled fief each, start recruiting every man capable of handling a sword-taverns, villages, prisoners etc. Balance your foot soldiers between fiefs and keep all top cavalry in your party, this way you can be faster on map and field battles should be easy. In case they siege your fief you can respond rather quickly. If their force is too much for you to fight against in siege, try to bait some lords away from their marshal host, this works best near dusk. If lord follows you at that time, by the time they catch you, their effective battle joining range will be reduced(night) and you will only have to fight like 3 lords. If this doesnt work, you might want to give one fief away and take 2 while they siege that one, their battle time should be much longer than your whole siege. If you cannot pull that off, try reducing difficulty or simply deal with loss, regroup, and apply above to the next thing they siege.
    That would be my strategy, with more info i can add more ideas :razz:

    All of that is darn good advice . In addition: are there any other Kingdoms still alive ? If so, you can send an emissary through your minister to another Sovereign, offering Vassalage to him . Maybe helpfull to curb Sarleon's power, which will be interesting enough to deal with whatever path you choose . Or, in case that other Sovereign is NOT at war with Sarleon at this moment, will give you instant peace with them ofc .
  6. [DISCUSSION] Fan Suggestion Thread

    Leonion said:
    sandoval said:
    Again, you can do that! Pick a fief, then and assign it to yourself on the list of lords which comes up.

    Oh, I'd love to see a screenshot of it without my tweak. :grin:

    Fools' day, huh.

    Yeah, me too .
  7. [SUBMOD] Tweaking PoP 3.7 (UPD #45, 2016-12-17, 04:34 PM)

    Leonion said:
    The 2nd one - Amtal was going to take a look at this, and since I'm not interested in this option anyway, you will have to wait for Amtal or PoP developers to add this.

    Do not count on me being able to get anything done anytime soon...if at all, it is going to take a while XD . I have not modded anything WB yet, and will need quite a lot of learning etc. before can even start to see what could probably be done, and how .

    I am guessing best bet is devs...
  8. [SUBMOD] Tweaking PoP 3.7 (UPD #45, 2016-12-17, 04:34 PM)

    Leonion said:
    Amtal said:
    The latter . Game started alright, but jumped me straigth to "Never mind" after having selected a fief to assign .

    Oh, sh.... this is my bad.
    I tested this tweak on 3.7 and didn't notice that tiny little yet important change that numbers of dialog_states used in this dialog were increased by 1 in 3.7063.
    I am sorry.  :oops:

    I fixed the description. Just re-add the tweak.
    It should work now. Hopefully. If you are using 3.7063. If not, use the original numbers from your conversation.txt for dialog states (in the tweak they are 290 and 291, replace them).

    Added the modified tweak to my 3.7063 copy. Works like a Charm ( ofc...) .

    Thanks heaps  :grin: .

  9. [SUBMOD] Tweaking PoP 3.7 (UPD #45, 2016-12-17, 04:34 PM)

    MitchyMatt said:
    Amtal said:
    MitchyMatt said:
    Amtal said:

    could not get the assign fief tweak to work either way .

    Just installed Python 2.76, but am a bit confused as to which ModuleSystem/Compiler I best go with ? Theres a 1.165 ModuleSystem download, a 1.165 fixed and tweaked Module System by Lav, Lav's own compiler, W.R.E.C.K , something done by Swyter....and some more I guess .

    Out of your experience, which one would be best suitable for me to mess around with/look into PoP 3.7063 ? I am playing it on Warband 1.168 .

    While we support tweaks now and added flavour to the game. Asking or discussing about getting into PoP files from not having the source is not going to fly here.

    If you want to ask questions about module work, best ask it on the forge.


    Please take my apologies . I did not mean to offend you, or the PoP developers . I am absolutely new to modding anything WB, and was under the impression simply installing the proper SW would allow me to look at some files in for me readable form . Which is basically all I really wanted to do atmo, as I hoped I coujld figure out myself why the suggested tweak did not work for me .

    No need to apologize. Just have to wait and see how Leonion can help you since these are his tweaks. We can't support something if it has no direct involvement from the dev team. But if you want to get into modding the Forge on Taleworlds is your best place to start but be warned it can be overwhelming when taking it all in at once.

    Thanks . Both of what you advice is what I am/will be doing now .  :cool:
  10. [SUBMOD] Tweaking PoP 3.7 (UPD #45, 2016-12-17, 04:34 PM)

    MitchyMatt said:
    Amtal said:

    could not get the assign fief tweak to work either way .

    Just installed Python 2.76, but am a bit confused as to which ModuleSystem/Compiler I best go with ? Theres a 1.165 ModuleSystem download, a 1.165 fixed and tweaked Module System by Lav, Lav's own compiler, W.R.E.C.K , something done by Swyter....and some more I guess .

    Out of your experience, which one would be best suitable for me to mess around with/look into PoP 3.7063 ? I am playing it on Warband 1.168 .

    While we support tweaks now and added flavour to the game. Asking or discussing about getting into PoP files from not having the source is not going to fly here.

    If you want to ask questions about module work, best ask it on the forge.


    Please take my apologies . I did not mean to offend you, or the PoP developers . I am absolutely new to modding anything WB, and was under the impression simply installing the proper SW would allow me to look at some files in for me readable form . Which is basically all I really wanted to do atmo, as I hoped I coujld figure out myself why the suggested tweak did not work for me .

    Leonion said:
    What exactly didn't work? The game didn't start of you were not given an option to give a fief to yourself?

    The latter . Game started alright, but jumped me straigth to "Never mind" after having selected a fief to assign .
  11. [SUBMOD] Tweaking PoP 3.7 (UPD #45, 2016-12-17, 04:34 PM)


    could not get the assign fief tweak to work either way .

    Just installed Python 2.76, but am a bit confused as to which ModuleSystem/Compiler I best go with ? Theres a 1.165 ModuleSystem download, a 1.165 fixed and tweaked Module System by Lav, Lav's own compiler, W.R.E.C.K , something done by Swyter....and some more I guess .

    Out of your experience, which one would be best suitable for me to mess around with/look into PoP 3.7063 ? I am playing it on Warband 1.168 .
  12. [SUBMOD] Tweaking PoP 3.7 (UPD #45, 2016-12-17, 04:34 PM)

    Leonion said:
    Amtal, check the first message for the tweak you suggested.

    Wow . Thanks a lot . Will edit it in later today when I am at home .

    Leonion said:
    BTW, you might also be interested in the tweak that disables training grounds...

    Why yes, I totally am :smile: . As a matter of fact, your uberfast response with the fief assign tweak inspired me to finally look into the Forge, and lo' and behold I ofc found some what seem to be very excellent tutorials . What I hope I can get me to do reg. the Training ground thing is to either find a way to disable them fief specific, or - even better - find a way to exclude certain troops from the automated training, fief sepcific .

    It is going to be an interesting afternoon for me, setting up everything so I can start looking into PoP's bowels XD .

    Really can not express my gratitude in an sufficient way. Not only did you erase a small headache that was complicating Kingdom management for me a lot over night, but actually also motivated me into starting to see whether I can get stuff done myself...
  13. [SUBMOD] Tweaking PoP 3.7 (UPD #45, 2016-12-17, 04:34 PM)

    Hmmmm....interesting, thanks for sharing :smile: .

    Do you maybe have an idea - any pointer would be appreciated - how I could go about making this possible:

    Amtal said:
    What I want  = "I want to assign a fief" -> "Erminade" -> " I want Erminade for myself ."

    ...when talking to my Minister . Or any other fief obviosuly .

    I have no experience whatsoever MODding WB, but I have no problems editing files, working with editors, and understanding how simple simple scripts work and what they do even though I may not be competent i the script language myself, provided I can use a reference .
  14. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Raviollius said:
    That said, you'll fight against upgrades troops that you can't use yourself if you pick Pendor culture[...]

    Knights of any Order autogrow into a fief with a Chapter of theirs...admittedly quite random though . I, too, created Imortals while still Marius' Vassal, and then proceeded to wipe Sarleon and then the Empire - never had a shortage of Immortals without actually inducing any Knights into the Order . At his moment, I have something like 120 Empire Knights, roughly 100 of which I have not trained up myself . I did choose Pendor, but am keeping Garrisons of former Empire fiefs true to their original culture where I can .  I have over 150 Immortals spread over various Garrisons . I HAVE turned I think 40 Heavy Infantry into Mortals ( those guys are usefull Shield Infantry, but die quite frequently in open field battles XD ), but Immortals - never needed to make a single one this playthrough yet .

    Come to think of it...I m loving how I can field 80+ Silvermist Rangers and over 150 Halberdiers if I want...without having spent a single recruit on them either  :cool: . Nevermind the Griffons  :lol:

  15. New - and confused

    Thanks again .

    So as said, Ill start how you suggested . Am really looking forward to dive into it  :party: .
  16. New - and confused

    kalarhan said:
    If you want a fresh version of the setting (Dark Ages) with more polishment and new features: buy the DLC Viking Conquest, which bring many new features/improvements over the old mod,332049.0.html

    Original BW is version 1.41:,249623.0.html. Its the last version by the developers (that after that created Viking Conquest)

    Then you get option for submods.

    - Repolish 1.05 is quite good and among other things has some graphic updates

    - Reworked is the newest submod, new features/bugs and overall easier.

    - Some other submods with localized changes (balancing, etc).

    --> I would recommend you try BW 1.41 first for a few hours, then decide if you want some changes (Repolish x Reworked) or the newest game (Viking Conquest)

    Thanks for your answer :smile: .

    I did buy Viking Conquest reforged on GoG when it was on sale there, knowing it has been made by people who were making/involved in the making of Brytenwalda . Have not gotten around to playing it yet though, and really want to get into the "Original" also .

    I think I will simply go with your suggestion, and play a game of 1.41 first .

    What about all those submods mentioned in the "Alternative downloads and Fans modifications downloads" sticky, is anything of that essential ?
  17. Can I use Enterprise inventory for storage?

    Allmoz said:
    You can actually store horses in the enterprises inventory. There is where I keep my collection of swaybacked horses that I promised I would fix one day.

    Wait, Swaybacked can be healed ??? I thought that only applies to Lame horses ?
  18. New - and confused

    Hello. I am not new to WB, or WB MODs, BUT I am new to Brytenwalda . Have not played it yet, just seen some Eipsodes of various LPs....soooooo.... I am bit confused . What to download ? Repolished/reworked/latest version/polished Textures...etc... XD . Any advice would be appreicated . Thanks
  19. [DISCUSSION] Fan Suggestion Thread

    clock4orange said:
    Amtal said:
    • allow the PlayerKing/Queen to pinpointselect fiefs for themselves when talking to the Minister . Just like "I want to grant one of my Vassals a fief", and then being able to select the Vassal, then the fief, I would love to be able to do that for myself ;
    what do you mean?
    if you take a city, just choose to decide later, go to minister and take it for yourself, later if you want to grand that fief to the lord, just talk to minister, choose the fief and lord, simple  :cool:

    Yeah I know  :roll: ...what I mean is exactly as I wrote : I would really love an option to pick a specific fief at a certain point for myself through the minister .

    For instance: I am taking Laria . I do not grab it for myself immediately after, as to not run into tax inefficiency, me wanting to get the small, free, immediate Garrison, and 2 more reasons XD . BUT I would want to get Troughbren and Erminade under my governance immediately, as to start working on their upgrades .

    As it is now, when I go to my minister, I can tell him to give those 2 Villages to some Vassal(s), or I need to work through the Backlog of unassigned fiefs before my Minister tells me Troughbren/Erminade have no Lord and I can tell him "I want it for myself" .

    What I want  = "I want to assign a fief" -> "Erminade" -> " I want Erminade for myself ."

  20. [DISCUSSION] Fan Suggestion Thread

    Those probably have been suggested before, but I really did not find the drive to look through 3 different threads with 100s of here goes XD

    • at walled Centers with Training Ground built,  allow to exclude a troop type from being trained through a Toogle/Switch ( maybe just added to the specific Line in the garrison overview, if that is at all possible...) ;
    • allow the PlayerKing/Queen to pinpointselect fiefs for themselves when talking to the Minister . Just like "I want to grant one of my Vassals a fief", and then being able to select the Vassal, then the fief, I would love to be able to do that for myself ;
    • at the "Achievements" presentation pages, show the Bonus given by the Achievements ;
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