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  1. Version 0.27 (Dev) Feedback - Latest Patch 0.27.3 (pending)

    Lost a battle while serving under a lord and got captured, half my companions disappeared, the other half got imprisoned in a castle. I take the castle and accept two of them into my party and free the last one. No sign of the dissappeared companions, the one I freed bugs when I ask a traveller about his whereabouts.

     SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 2330: Invalid Party ID: 3003; LINE NO: 20: 
     At Sentence [2402] dlga_tavern_traveler_companion_location_tell:tavern_traveler_pretalk Consequences. 
     At Sentence [2402] dlga_tavern_traveler_companion_location_tell:tavern_traveler_pretalk Consequences.
    Oh yeah, dunno how the finances work but some weeks I get 10k from the castle village and some weeks I get nothing.
  2. Version 0.26 (Dev) Feedback - Latest Patch 0.26.6 (8/14/15)

    Windyplains said:
    seronis said:
    Is python27 supposed to be good enough for running the compile.bat in the trunk directory if i want to attempt tweaking / bug fixing?  Do i need a more recent version of python?

    You need to change the path to your M&B directory in (source\main source\ to be what is appropriate for you.  I have mine on the D: drive.  Note that in that file the path uses /'s instead of \'s.

    nacho692 said:
    Dunno if it's a bug, but set like 10k as auto deposit to a town, taking into account the town's and my income. Dunno why but town income became none (maybe because it got sieged), and I got into an 8k debt and no money was deposited on the town.
    Could you host a copy of your save game?

    Sorry didn't have pre "bug" save and couldn't reproduce it, will keep an eye on it in case it happens again.
  3. Version 0.26 (Dev) Feedback - Latest Patch 0.26.6 (8/14/15)

    Dunno if it's a bug, but set like 10k as auto deposit to a town, taking into account the town's and my income. Dunno why but town income became none (maybe because it got sieged), and I got into an 8k debt and no money was deposited on the town.
  4. Version 0.26 (Dev) Feedback - Latest Patch 0.26.6 (8/14/15)

    It would be nice if you could autoloot claimants, there's a weird issue right now. You can 'kinda' set autolooting options for claimants but it's not working.
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