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  1. SP - General Remake the Clan Tier system

    Remake the clan Tier system I very much dislike the current clan tier system, I understand why it is there, but it feels barebones and frankly un-immersive, and ruins the game for me, I very much doubt this suggestion will be taken in but I do hope some kind Modder out there reads it and tries...
  2. SP - General Funding rebuild of villages

    I also believe that this is a great idea as well , but the question is how to accomplish it ?

    I am leaning towards the idea of it costing food (for the new residents) hardwood (for reconstruction ) and gold (for basic necessities like wages ,farm equipment etc) as well as influence ( to use influence on the town/castle to call people to come this looted village ),but i am not sure on how much each should cost though and how long it should take to rebuild the village.

    Also if the player is in the village personally supervising the reconstruction of the village depending on the highest engineering skill in the party the speed of rebuilding effort should be affected as well.
  3. SP - General Adding Aristocrats (Minor Lord/Nobles) to Bannerlord

    Adding Bannermen Or Minor/lesser Nobles Ever since I heard the new title was Bannerlord was to be released, I looked forward to having Bannermen come to my call, then I was very disappointed on the lack of banners (referring to bannermen and not actual banners in battle though I also want that...
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