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  1. Kudos to the dev.

    Quintillius said:
    Hey thanks for leaving a message here. I really love to hear such feedback from Nova Aetas fans.

    Hehe some mod developers quit modding after a while indeed. I myself have started modding 6 years ago and I keep finding new revolutionary ways to entertain both you and me. M&B is such a beautiful tool in the hands of modders with a creative mind. Bannerlord looks even more promising.

    Ugh, please don't mention Bannerlord. That thing is somehow a bigger tease than this is. I made the mistake of watching a few videos months back. I really should not have done that...

    Also I am happy to hear that the ranged fix is or will be in place along with a few other bug fixes. That was the main one keeping away from a serious campaign (I usually sink at least 130 hours into one, if not much more, so I hate to have to stop and start over after so much work due to updates, game breaking bugs, etc.). When 4.0 comes out I will defiantly give this a go though. Keep up the good work!
  2. Kudos to the dev.

    So I checked this what seems like ages ago, and it seems Quintillius is still active and this mod is even more amazing then when I first tried it out. Sure there are bugs and limited tweaking ability for those of us that can not read the code, but the only thing I really hate about it is the...
  3. Adultery Message After Wedding

    Old thread I know, but google didn't help much. Can you kill your wife in this game? I was just going to disable the feature, but I felt that it wasn't as realistic from an RP perspective. I know I won't be able to imprison/torture my wife or anything because "ethics" > freedom of choice in video games it seems, but killing seems easy enough.
  4. Starting stats and companion bubble.

    Whenever I start a new mod I like to know the stats you get from the starting choices, as well as the companion bubble (since without it getting them can be a nightmare). This mod looked promising so I wanted to know if anyone had that info.
  5. Caribbean!

    Reus said:
    ejnomad said:
    Gentlemen that bought this game what is the verdict? Should I wait? Worth the current price? Is it full of bugs? Has enough depth to keep me playing for over 12 hours?
    Yeah, I would like to know as well. I've looked at the game DLC for a while, but I haven't been sure whether I should buy it. There's not much talk about it.

    It's fun, but unfinished. It is better than a lot mods out there and in it's current state I prefer it to WFAS. That being said I wouldn't get to involved in it since you will have to restart your game with each new update, and there will be many. The naval combat system if pretty fun, it doesn't feel gimmicky at all. As to whether or not you should by the game: I vote yes. It's cheap and it supports the devs and could result in a better game.
  6. Ideas & Suggestions

    emernic said:
    A deathcam or some way to not have your troops get steamrolled after you die in a battle would make this game sooo much better. Amazing mod, but troops retreating on player death makes this mod much less fun for me  :sad: I end up sitting on the sidelines because fighting just isn't worth the risk.

    Yeah this is a must. Even if I told my men to just charge they would fair better. Auto-calc sucks.
  7. [S] A New Dawn

    Another bug (still using version .6).

    When I send a patrol, they just go into the center. They do not reinforce the garrison nor help when defending a village. They just sit there. When hostiles approach they do nothing. But I do still have to pay for their wages.
  8. Final Final version of 1257ad

    nvphuong said:
    Yokoshima said:
    nvphuong said:
    DrTomas said:
    That what you are asking for - keep both the current and the old formation system (as an option trigger). That's two formation systems.

    Anyway - won't happen, sorry.

    Hi DrTomas,
    Can u add Great Winged Helm to the final version??? Knowing that u have so many other stuffs to do to complete the mod, :sad:
    but I really love to see Teutonic Knights in Great Winged Helm. Like this video

    You can add them yourself. It's  actually very easy and there are many guides on how to add items.
    Really??? I want to add this Great Winged Helm to Teutonic Kinght not for myself, is that possible ??? I want my troop look like in this video --> . THey're awesome

    You need to start a new game but yeah, just add the item to the game and use Morghs editor to add it to the knights by editing the troops.txt. Just google the how tos.
  9. [S] A New Dawn

    Deathwhisper said:
    A small patch for Christmas!

    Changelog :

    - Nerfed the Kolkar in several ways. The armies of their lords are smaller, the required player level to trigger their invasion has been increased and the troops have got less power strike and ironflesh.

    That is awesome. They were so OP it was sad. Honestly I thought you were just one of those guys with a hard-on for anything remotely Asian so they were meant to be that way.

    Anyway onto a bug/balance issue.

    Spear brace does nothing or close to it. Cavalry just blow through it. If they have lances they destroy the spearmen, if not the spearmen just sit there and get destroyed anyway. Pretty sure when that was made it was assumed it would at least kill the horse. So, imho, the brace should do far more damage as to actually mean something, or the AI should be tweaked to leave that mode after the first charge and not go back into it 'till no enemy agents are around so they don't just sit there and get wailed on.
  10. [S] A New Dawn

    Another bug to help this get 15 pages.

    So this or some variation happens a lot. Only with this mod so far. Kinda neat sometimes.

  11. [S] A New Dawn

    NewPlanet said:
    Yokoshima said:
    It's a quest to kill a named bandit. Makes a lot of towns and villages like you plus pays ~ 18k. I suggest doing it and just paying for peace (it costs about 3k I think).

    I decided to kill the black khergit fellow too, I attacked him while he was in battle with others and to my surprise I got no penalty with his faction after defeating him :eek:. After that I was able to complete both quests and I got tons of cash and xp.

    BTW do you know the purpose of the armory we have acess to with the constable? There are some items there, not sure where they come from.

    Yeah that bugged me. They are his items (the constables). There is a long standing bug w/diplomacy where they show up. They are not supposed to and it *may* override your loot. Though if you give him a dress (or anything else he can wear) and he thinks it's better he puts it on.
  12. [S] A New Dawn

    Another bug to report. Pretty sure this is a native one, but I hate it none the less. If you capture something and request it be yours as a vassal then take over another one, the game forgets the one you wanted and only remember the most recent. So if you don't get it you don't have the option to rebel. Now if I don't care I can cheat in some cash, but there is no option to rebel.

    So I would like to see the native bug fixed, or be given the option to declare my own sovereignty when ever I feel like it. Or both, for that matter. 
  13. [S] A New Dawn

    firey5 said:
    I got a bug after helping a lord fight mercenaries. After the battle, the lord had the mercenary text and I couldn't exit after that.

    I had this as well, using .6 patch.
  14. Caribbean!

    Austupaio said:
    Well, it's actually been decently different in each iteration. Arena was very different from Morrowind, Morrowind was very different from Oblivion, Oblivion... okay actually Skyrim's was just a more stream-lined Oblivion combat so those were both terrible.

    Morrowind was fine once you realized it was a dice-rolling simulator, not an action game.

    In lieu of an active dodging/miss system I agree. I like the "dice-rolling" simulator. It adds variances to combat that keep it exciting for me. Though it is my understanding that dice rolling is to account for
    Glancing blows
    Full armor absorption (as in missing weak spots in the armor)

    So unless all of these are/can be accounted for in action RPGs I want the dice roll system. Didn't care for oblivions combat system vs. Morrowind's and I hated Skyrim overall for a veracity of reasons, but this is not the place for that.
  15. Final Final version of 1257ad

    nvphuong said:
    DrTomas said:
    That what you are asking for - keep both the current and the old formation system (as an option trigger). That's two formation systems.

    Anyway - won't happen, sorry.

    Hi DrTomas,
    Can u add Great Winged Helm to the final version??? Knowing that u have so many other stuffs to do to complete the mod, :sad:
    but I really love to see Teutonic Knights in Great Winged Helm. Like this video

    You can add them yourself. It's  actually very easy and there are many guides on how to add items.
  16. [S] A New Dawn

    NewPlanet said:
    King Jerry said:
    Maybe the second quest will disappear if you defeat the bandit before talking to the the guild master.
    I didn't have a preexisting quest, but I turned down 2 'kill the bandit leader' quests(my party was wimpy). Shortly afterwards I killed both bandit parties but wasn't rewarded for the task. The dialogue wasn't there.

    Problem is he is asking me to track down and kill Black Khergits that are already a faction in my game so it would mean war with them! If theres no fix I'm probably just forgetting the quest and moving on.

    It's a quest to kill a named bandit. Makes a lot of towns and villages like you plus pays ~ 18k. I suggest doing it and just paying for peace (it costs about 3k I think).
  17. [S] A New Dawn

    Another bug in ver. .6 that I do not know if it has been mentioned. In Thir I have the option to upgrade the level 1 forge. It has been upgraded about a dozen times now and I have no clue if its doing anything.
  18. [S] A New Dawn

    Don't know if this has been mentioned at all but you can abduct the miller's wife and use her as a companion.
  19. [S] A New Dawn

    King Jerry said:
    *I would like to mention a possible bug that affects me but I do not know if it affects NPCs. When using a Jelken Sniper Arbalest I start off with low accuracy. Thrown axes are more accurate and I buffed the xbow acc. to 130. I have 350 xbow prof. and am level 43. It sometimes improves vastly after either time, or when I get damaged. I can't tell yet. Also in the arena, taverns, when being ambushed by bandits, etc the accuracy is pinpoint. It is not in sieges, field battles, or in testing in my camp. I assume it is the same for my companions, if not the NPCs, at least. I gave one 600 xbow proficiency and a Sniper Arbalest and put him in front of my infantry on an open field fighting the nords. He killed three. He had a whole wave charging him for over a solid minute. If this is true for my other snipers I could see the issue. Also I had adverse weather affecting archers disabled for the test. AI was set to good.

    I'm guessing it's from the script that adds extra health.

    My thoughts as well.

    EDIT: With cheats enabled you can use ctrl+f3, then ctrl+h. You will be at full HP and accuracy each battle.
  20. [S] A New Dawn

    Torrential said:
    Yokoshima said:
    Since this needs posts and there is no suggestion board for this mod there is one balance thing I'd like to mention.

    Snipers are comparatively weak.

    Sure they look like OP gods with that 510 damage each shot, but at a speed of 6 they are often vastly out-performed t6 archers. I had 40 snipers and 15 marksmen (in each battle). In 6 battles, (5 vs. the nords, 1 vs. some unlucky scum), the marksman in total killed 568 troops. The snipers killed 213. The problem is their actual (not on paper) DPS is low. Here is why:

    If they miss, no damage (and they miss. A lot.)
    If they overkill - less DPS.

    Say an archer has a bow with 32 damage, 6 power draw, 50 speed, and +4 arrows. Assume that 100 = 1 attack/seconded just for some easy math. That comes out to (32+4)*1.84 or 66.24 damage a shot, and ~132 DPS. The sniper does 510 damage a shot, but attacks about once every 5 sec.  So ~102 DPS. So already the sniper looses in sheer sheet DPS. And to top it off our theoretical bow sucks.

    Sorry I haven't gone over your maths, it must be flawed somewhere because my experience is the opposite, I wanted to just shout hell no when I saw your post :smile:

    They can stand the otherside of the map and take out enemies like gods. Depending on the map of course.

    I've nerfed all my xbows by about 30% damage and 20% accuracy and still they are still all powerful, but at least they are more in line with my archers, still the archers are weaker however, even twinked companion level 20's. I was thinking about respeccing them all to xbows. I got lucky and freed 30 or so County of Geroia xbow men, they lasted me forever, along with about the same in infantry numbers their spears stop cavalry, their shields are good but that's a different topic. County of Geroia is almost as strong as the rhodocks, almost as they don't get Juggs. Whereas the Rhodocks get xbowmen gods, cavalry gods in juggs, and really good infantry like champions who attack like gods :smile: (try fighting one, one on one)

    On topic, Xbows get accuracy, range and damage, armor penetration bonus against shields, bows get speed (or shield pen losing speed on a couple) it isn't a fair trade given how far that range bonus is for xbows. Bows do miss plenty too, more on many of them, depending on the bow.

    At level 30 with 100+ armor I can die in 3 hits to xbows, yep 3 hits from the other side of the map, I can stand there forever in front of archers.


    Having considered what you are saying.

    Against weaker opponents of course archers will do better, and xbow men will do the opposite, that's logical. So you are likely to see higher kill numbers for archers in big battles, but don't expect those archers to be doing near the damage against elites or higher tier troops.

    From some testing (20 sniper+ 20 other units on the field at  a time) in open field my Luchniks kill about 3 to every one sniper kill, and that's after I buffed the snipers. My marksmen do just under par with snipers over the coarse of the battle, an in "close" range my Dvors put them to shame. Oh and my Luchniks and Marksmen out kill the buffed snipers at range as well.*

    The lord I fought for the tests was a weakened Konungr Ragnar. He had 8 blood lords, 51 axemasters, 21 thegn, and some trash. I fought him 8 times and the results were more or less consistent with the snipers underperforming or being on par with the aforementioned ratios. I had my archers on a hill (non snipers, so 20 marksmen or Dvors, etc)
    and my snipers just below them so each set could fire. No units were standing in front of them 'till the nords got close, after which I had my infantry march to the bottom of the hill. Both sets of archer continued  to fire do to the height advantage. I did switch the Sniper's and the Luchnik's positions for two battles. The Luchniks did ~2-3x better (in terms of raw kills at the end of the battle) in both cases.

    That all being said, I know that getting hit by one is fatal, even with a shield up in close range. And in sieges they are gods. But in my experience they (after being buffed) kill less then my other same tier archers, but for me it's not just how many they kill, its who. And they f***k up heavies pretty bad, so I always keep a few around. 

    *I would like to mention a possible bug that affects me but I do not know if it affects NPCs. When using a Jelken Sniper Arbalest I start off with low accuracy. Thrown axes are more accurate and I buffed the xbow acc. to 130. I have 350 xbow prof. and am level 43. It sometimes improves vastly after either time, or when I get damaged. I can't tell yet. Also in the arena, taverns, when being ambushed by bandits, etc the accuracy is pinpoint. It is not in sieges, field battles, or in testing in my camp. I assume it is the same for my companions, if not the NPCs, at least. I gave one 600 xbow proficiency and a Sniper Arbalest and put him in front of my infantry on an open field fighting the nords. He killed three. He had a whole wave charging him for over a solid minute. If this is true for my other snipers I could see the issue. Also I had adverse weather affecting archers disabled for the test. AI was set to good.
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