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  1. can't rally my vassals as king and marshall diplomacy issue (fixed)

    so turns out i am the marshall
    and it's a bug
    when i talk the lords they say marshal is indisposed
    when i load the game and after a battle(!!!)
    people started to follow me again

    the gentlemen here
    fixed the bug
    I followed the instruction and it fixed the bug
  2. Marshall is indisposed

    oh my god how did you find the solution to the bug you are amazing thanks a bunch
  3. can't rally my vassals as king and marshall diplomacy issue (fixed)

    it;s zero
    is it because i have very decentralized decision policy :sad:?
  4. can't rally my vassals as king and marshall diplomacy issue (fixed)

    why can't I start a campaign and my vassals follow me when i start a campaign talking to my companion my vassals don't care everybody go about their own business nobody follows me whys that
  5. warband update/diplomacy unable to continue battle after death?

    did they even fix any bugs :/? in the patches after 1.153
  6. My Personal Ranking of the Factions in Single Player

    rhodoks number one
    if you could control the terrain you don't need calvary
    calvs can't charge you
    sharpshooter kills everything
    sharpshooter is better in siege, in siege marksman just shoot for 2 seconds and miss everything
    sharpshooter could kill a lot more people
    swadia gets defeated very early because of their position
  7. Move court a second time

    it's a little buggy moving court using diplomacy
    I think it's in the town menu in praven(where you choose to go into castle/marketplace)
    some option doesnt work i forgot which does, you have to trial and error
    try talk to your wife/minister/Chancellor
    but again I think it's in the town menu
    maybe you have to wait for a while to move court again
  8. warband update/diplomacy unable to continue battle after death?

    if I update warband diplomacy mod fails to continue battle after i am wounded in the battle how to fix this :c is there a newer doplomacy mod that continues battle after I'm down? or do I have to continue using the outdated mount and blade warband
  9. Polearm Foot Combat

    RedRockRun said:
    Anyone else find polearms - especially thrusting on foot - particularly hard to use?
    In part depth perception comes into play as well as the weapon's tip being obscured by the third person angle, making it difficult for me to tell exactly what my weapon's range is.
    Also dealing damage becomes really touchy with distance. Instead of enemies whom in real life would want to avoid running into the weapon's point, Warband NPC's have no issue with closing distance. In reference to distance at the point of attack being touchy though, there's this sweet spot of distance one has to hit in order to achieve normal damage as opposed to the attack simply fizzling out.
    Hence when I'm using a poleaxe that lets me swing and thrust I see no reason to thrust - even to get the piercing damage - when a successful attack requires so many conditions be met.
    I'm also wondering whether foot polearms are even viable PC weapons.
    polearms on foot is harder to use
    but people could use it just as good in multiplayer
    the trick is the lengthen the attack distance ,
    people like to "turn back" to the enemy,when you thrust the spear you turn your crosshair back to the enemy so it would have enough range to deal damage
    rhodoks footsoldier I thought were useless too, but after trying to siege rhodoks I think rhodoks have the highest grade infantry,
    veteran rhodoks spearman that use glaive have such a high hp, their attacks are rapid and they could spam at longer range and higher damage
    in small groups in field they are very effective
    using the thrust attack while facing down has longer range hence higher damage with polarm
  10. siege the stroke inducing culmarr-starving

    no it doesnt work
    they are stuck they are just stuck on the freaking wall waiting to be knocked out by sergeants and shot by sharpshooters
  11. Lances in WB (and most mods)....worth it?

    you are kidding right lances are the most powerful weapon on horses
    I didnt use it because it is too powerful
    I use war cleaver on horses just because it looks cool
    using two handed you can not crush through blocks
    those that can have limited range
    but if you use jousting it is INSTANT KILL
    and your lance is very good if you use a suitable length
    you can kill a lot of people even without jousting
    the only problem is if the person is using a two handed it is very easy to block it with a down block
    but again you can just joust them
    also you could choose another target that is not aware of your attack
    if you use lances like a long spear it will fck sht up
    lances could get  a lot more kills than two handed
    the speed ratings are very good
  12. siege the stroke inducing culmarr-starving

    King Richard said:
    dont judge me  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  13. siege the stroke inducing culmarr-starving

    Culmarr Castle is cursed by the Imperial Calradia- Artimenner I mean holy crap in this video at around 1:10:08 you can see the attacking soldiers are freaking stuck on the god damn stairs they are mind controlled by the old Empire ghost you can't in anyway make them climb the stupid stairs...
  14. fog effect?

    lol I wonder what raining does
  15. hard is HARD!

    highest damage is ridiculous
    you die in one arrow shot it's crazy
  16. fog effect?

    I saved in a fog weather and I am sieging a castle it seems the npc sharpshooters really have accuracy decrease does anyone have the same situation?
  17. AI decision making makes me scratch my head sometimes...

  18. So... Defending your newly formed kingdom.

    Put all your troops in the garrison
    wait for them to attack
    see what happen
    remember to save load :wink: :wink:
  19. Independence Questions (help me)

    try to empty the castle and towns garrison and then rebel and declare war
    that's what I did to the swadians in their weakest moment
    but if you do not have enough right to rule
    all the other kingdom would declare war against you
    try to fill the castle with soldiers so they would not dare to attack
  20. Please Help,problem of deserter version of my character?

    so one day I was walking around, searching bandits to detroy,and found a group of deserter with my character name I did not hack the game and add this ridiculous clone of myself does anyone know how to REMOVE that group of deserter? I don't remember very well but I think I have killed them once...
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