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  1. MarcusAureliusLP

    New History-Based Anno 1257 Youtube Let's Play as Nicaea

    It's always fun to roleplay and put some added investment in your character.

    In this LP I think (it's been a long time) I went with son of noble, page in noble's court, squire, and for my motivation I often mix them up so it could have been any of them, typically wanderlust. I did it for the martial skills and not really for RP reasons.

    While I agree with you that culturally some societies are more familiar than others, the Mount and Blade game mechanics are easily understood, so I could play a game in a western setting, and eastern setting, or a fictional setting like Lord of the Rings and will still be able to play the game and have fun. However, in Suvarnabhumi I definitely play the role of the westerner from across the sea learning to adapt to his new home.
  2. MarcusAureliusLP

    New History-Based Anno 1257 Youtube Let's Play as Nicaea

    Well, this thread is nearly a year old so it was a bit of a necro, but I wanted to log on and say thank you for your post and I'm glad you're enjoying the series. It seems that, like me, there is something about the Anno 1257 time period that calls to you and makes this particular mod very special. I am not Orthodox myself, but over the years have developed a strong historical interest in the Rhomaioi or Byzantines, and this mod gives the sense of being there fighting for them on the battlefield.

    These days, I'm working on a series for another excellent - and about as different from Anno 1257 as you can get - mod called Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth. If you're interested, check it out:


  3. MarcusAureliusLP

    How to Kingdom?

    Yes, thank you very much Habeo! I will definitely put your instructions to use!
  4. MarcusAureliusLP

    Screenshots, Videos and Let's play

    Beginning of new series based on 1.16! I get the pronunciation right time! (I think  :cool:)

    Here is the first video of the series, detailing the journeys of Frigoberto de Valencia, new immigrant to the East Indies.

  5. MarcusAureliusLP

    How to Kingdom?

    I always felt feasting was hard to set up (you need all kinds of food and such) and also being constantly at war there never seems to be a good time for it, but I didn't know about the prisoners thing, that sounds awesome! I guess I just need to get more used to feasting!

    Also, your avatar is strangely hypnotic...
  6. MarcusAureliusLP

    How to Kingdom?

    @Tannu - Thanks! After researching a lot, watching Reformist videos and listening to other replies above, your advice sounds like the conclusion I'm coming to, except it seems you can have more than a few lords if they are all honorable. Most lords in the game are martial, but I think even they are ok as long as you keep an eye on them. It's the cunning and debauched ones you need to watch out for. For morale I like the entertainment guildsmen (I can't wait for the adventurer guildsman to be fleshed out). I like the way in Suvarnabhumi you can rest in a tavern for a day to gain morale. Maybe Perisno should incorporate that. It's pretty obvious that selling prisoners is the end-all go-to income generator in Perisno and pretty much all mods. I hope one day someone makes a mod where fiefs lands generate lots of income and that would be your main income source, just like in real life.

    @Chiksika - that's funny, all the stuff you mention I assume is copyrighted by CA or Paradox, but I will happily look into it, thank you!

    @Gsanders - as a modmaker you will be in no trouble whatsoever. The problem isn't that the music is in the mod itself. You are not for profit, and it's too small for the companies to care or go after you, sorry if I wasn't clear on that.  It's purely an issue for someone who may decide to put a Perisno video on Youtube (with music) but not for the Perisno mod itself. If a Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings mod can exist happily, you'll be fine! :razz:
  7. MarcusAureliusLP

    How to Kingdom?

    Thanks all, appreciate the info! I'll keep looking for ways to revert the music, but it's probably not something easy to do, with those text files. Still, thanks for the feedback on kingdom management!
  8. MarcusAureliusLP

    How to Kingdom?

    @asval - Ah, I get it now. $50k for escaped convicts? Do you have tons of PM and have an all-blunt army? I mean, when I had about 700 guys and was king I could occasionally get $50k from an elite lord's army (like a ruler) but never the tavern quests.

    @Leonion - not sure I want to use cheats, so I think I'll just do more "intelligence" work to get to know the lords from a few kingdoms (will sending a companion to scout out a realm get you personality types, or do you have to ask ladies in the court "what can you tell me about your brother/father/husband/so and so"?).

    @GSanders - I can't wait to look into your enterprise changes in more detail. As a coder, may I ask you is there an easy way to replace the great Perisno music with the base M&B music? The reason I'd want to do something that crazy is some of the Perisno music is copyrighted and Youtube doesn't like that one bit :razz: I'm considering a full series for .8 if it comes out in the near future, and don't want people to have to go through another M&B series with only my voice. :grin:
  9. MarcusAureliusLP

    How to Kingdom?

    @Asval - Funny you mention Kaikoth, when .8 comes out that is *exactly* what I was thinking of doing. Poor dwarves, having that nice, isolated kingdom :razz:. I do have some follow-up questions however. You note "Perisno army proved to be worthless since they set out into the great desert which is full of mosou bands." Perisno army? You mean one you don't personally control? Also, jousting tournaments? All the ones I went to had me running around with bows and knives and crap. Also, compared to say Suvarnabhumi, winning tournaments, even if you gamble on yourself each round, pays out like 5,000 or less, which is 1/3 of a moderate prisoner run, so I kind of gave up on tournaments. I made my initial money by the freelancer mod and joining up with Redwood armies, problem is your stats aren't high enough to "rank up" very far. I think I got to ranger and that was it. Also, what do you mean by "I read that the upgrades remain and I'm hoping that's true"? Why would an upgrade disappear?

    @GSanders - Yup, I have enterprises in all my cities, but I figured since everyone (yes, even Kaikoth and Valahir) is at war with me, there was no point in putting them in cities I don't control. Your suggestion of which items per city intrigues me, however, as I have found in all mods that it doesn't matter much, iron or dye is always worth more than bread or ale, etc. Has Perisno changed this in a way I didn't notice? How about owning land? I bought the max in a couple cities, but the weekly chart that comes up wasn't clear to me if I was making money or not. I avoided looting skill as I read somewhere the game didn't recognize it so it didn't "work". If that's wrong I'll definitely beef up on that. My leadership is actually quite good, though as the player character you are torn in so many directions as you want strength for a lot of ironflesh and power strike as you want to survive battles to gain more exp. You want agility for weapon master, shield, and training (since you are likely the highest level trainer in your force), you definitely want intelligence for pathfinding and surgery at the least to start out with until you get Alindel and Zaira I think. Later, you want persuasion all the way, and finally you need charisma for leadership, prisoners and inventory (or is that int?). What level of leadership do you usually attain? Heck, what would you say are optimal primary stats for a level 30 character? Finally, I never implied for a second that you guys just shrugged anything off. I noted and was thrilled by a ton of cool changes, it's just the underlying code stuff is hard to pick out when someone doesn't understand it :smile:.
  10. MarcusAureliusLP

    How to Kingdom?

    Thanks fellas, I appreciate the feedback. It sounds like the issue is with the diplomacy mod and the base game overall being a bit lackluster with late game kingdom creating, and nothing specifically to do with Perisno. I figured that, though I appreciate that two devs took the time to respond.

    Zephilinox (by the way, the guy named after you is a beast and probably the 2nd hardest guy after the Dread Lord), I wish there was an easy way to tell if vassals were honorable. It looks like once a lord shows up in your capital they no longer have any info. You can't find them asking about the empire they used to be from, and you can't find them asking about your empire, so there is no way to tell if they are honorable or not. Probably best to assume they guys who jump ship to you first are *not* the most honorable but then it's sad that mechanic which seems fun isn't that useful.

    GSanders, prisoner sales is my *only* reliable source of income, as I mention in my video (which was filmed prior to founding my kingdom). Which seems little...odd, but it was also the case in Anno 1257 and Suvarnabhumi and isn't Perisno specific. I feel that historically owning the land was what made all the nobles in Europe rich, so I think fiefs in M&B should be worth more than they are, perhaps a LOT more. You should really want a city, for example, as it should be incredibly lucrative, rather than a net loss even with a moderate but not over-large garrison, which it is NOT unless you have been at peace for so long that trade is good. Income from owned lands should be enough to fuel your armies all by itself, without the need for mass human trafficking, which seems a bit evil in the best of lights.

    It sounds like you guys don't have a lot of time. I totally understand that. So thanks for using the time you have to put together such a fun mod. I hope you got that my post was more out of me asking how to play correctly and not in any way a criticism of this fine mod. (Again, watch the video if you want to know how highly I think of the mod).

    I had some ideas, though I don't know if they could be modded in. I think it would be cool if you capture an enemy king that you can force a peace of out him/her as a condition of release. I also think vassals shouldn't lose relationship with you unless you give someone else something better than they have, especially if they didn't "earn" it (lower reputation, for example). Finally, I think that fiefs as a starting point should be worth double what they currently are. Bear in mind however I know absolutely nothing about coding and these are just my impressions from playing and not in any way formal requests.

    Again, thanks for responding, and I'm really looking forward to .8!

  11. MarcusAureliusLP

    How to Kingdom?

    Hello all, Very much enjoying this mod, latest version, I even made a video to show it off a bit, which I will link to below. However, I finally got around to trying to have a serious go at making my own kingdom, and that's where things fall apart. I'm not sure if the trouble I am having is...
  12. MarcusAureliusLP

    Screenshots, Videos and Let's play

    I put together a short showcase video on the mod on my Youtube channel. It was primarily intended for viewers of my channel so it's an intro to the mod for people not familiar with it and doesn't go into a ton of detail. However, if anyone is interested, here it is:

    EDIT: I know I pronounced it wrong and I'm sorry. I did the best I could, speaking only English and all.

  13. MarcusAureliusLP

    Bug report and Suggestions

    Just had a weird bug which ruined my game.

    So my character married a woman, and I used the mod option from the dialogue to put her in my warband. So far, so good.

    Then, I rebelled against my king and formed my own country, based in Vientiane, which was my capital. I set up my wife as my minister.

    I may have rebelled too soon, as a bit later my former king, the Mac dynasty, comes calling with 600 or so men. I lose the city, my wife gets knocked unconscious in the battle, and I am thrown in the dungeon.

    I escape, and quickly gather forces from my castles, and I retake the city. My wife is nowhere to be found. My chancellor, financial, and military advisers are still there.

    I do a companion look up and it says she is in Da Nang. I go to Da Nang and she is there, back in her original dress, not the armor I gave her. She is in the great hall right in front of the throne. Attempting to speak with her brings up a dialogue that goes like her saying something like "If you do not surrender I will attack" and then I reply "I am not afraid of you" (or something like that, not a normal dialogue for this part of the game). She stays there forever. She is still shown as my wife in the game, but she is neither my minister or my companion, and I cannot appoint anyone else to the minister role, and so therefore cannot appoint new nobles except when I conquer a new fief. I also cannot remarry, though there is no gameplay reason why I would need to do that.

    As a result, my nobles all hate me, and I had to quit my game - far too soon.

    Why she would go to Da Nang of all places is beyond me, as she was Mac dynasty and I met her in Don Kinh. Da Nang belonged to Le dynasty.

    I don't know if this is a bug with the "wife as companion" mod, or a bug with the "minister in city that has been conquered and then retaken" event that I see some other posts of this forum relating to. It's a damn shame though, and now after putting 20+ hours into the mod I have to start from scratch and that makes me a sad panda. The game is so slow to get to where I was, ready to form a kingdom.

    Anyway, it's too late to actually help me, but I wanted to see if anyone had a similar problem to this (I know other mods allow the wife to be a companion and a minister as well) as if I know precisely what caused it I can avoid it in the future.


  14. MarcusAureliusLP

    New History-Based Anno 1257 Youtube Let's Play as Nicaea

    @Stevehoos Thanks! Yeah, sorry about Saphet. As the series went on I only showed battles that at the time I knew to be different in terrain than what was seen. That was during my push through the Egyptians which I did mostly behind the scenes. If I had known ahead of time I would have been happy to showcase it. The battle scenes in this mod are second to none. Well, Jerusalem was awesome but a little big for my tastes :razz:. The coastal Crusader city, Tyre, was really cool too. Thank you for your hard work, and the rest of the team! I really really hope you all get back together when Bannerlord is released.  :lol:

    @Everyone else: The series is complete. It shows in various levels of detail the ascension of a minor noble in the Roman Empire of Nicaea and his adventures through politics, military, land management, marriage, and a healthy dose of tournaments. It shows the Empire growing from being a minor regional power on the decline to restoring the borders of the Eastern Roman Empire - and then some. I like to think of the series in two parts. Part 1 is the first 30 episodes or so and that ends with the conquest of Constantinople, and then part 2 moves a lot faster and covers the recovery of the Empire and ends with the conquest of our ancestral capitol of Rome.

    I'm confident enough to say that where Arcade Knight (on here as Plaidrab) does a great job showing off the West and the British Isles, I show off the Near East, Middle East, North Africa, the Balkans, and Italy.

    I'm able to go over a lot of actual history, but not nearly as much as I would have liked to. Maybe 20% of the episodes have something history related in them, and they are spread out.

    To the modding team: Thank you so much for this amazing mod and making this historical experience possible. Your hard work showed and as you can see from the sheer amount of time I put into it, I had a blast.

  15. MarcusAureliusLP

    New History-Based Anno 1257 Youtube Let's Play as Nicaea

    Harlef said:
    Nice series!

    Thank you!
  16. MarcusAureliusLP

    Redwood Marriage...hmmmm.

    @Leonion - Haha, well, I guess that would make for an interesting video series :razz:

    @T.L.S. Thank you! Even though the Freelancer program is weird with the Elves because of their high requirements, I think if I wanted to RP as an elf I would have to do it. Maybe I can go the archer route this time instead of the horse archer route. Is there a list somewhere of what requirements you need? You make it seem like it's more skills than stats, which would be easier to work up to. 29 strength is hard, but a certain amount of power draw or riding seems a bit more workable. I wouldn't mind freelancing for another army (maybe one far away, who will likely not war with the elves...which would you recommend?) as long as when I de-enlist my reputation with the elves as a nation and the specific lords goes back to zero. Does it? I'll make sure to work for a male vassal as well, or just say 'no' when she asks to marry me. I did scan the board, but I did not search - I thought my issues were so varied they all wouldn't be on the same post normally - I am sorry about that.

    Speaking of patches, is there one coming soon? I would wait to start any series if one is on the way. If it could be months, then I might as well just start.

    Are there any other cool mechanics or things that you think would be interesting to explore in a roleplay-based video series? I'd love suggestions, to show off aspects of the mod.


  17. MarcusAureliusLP

    Redwood Marriage...hmmmm.

    Hey everyone, I've been really enjoying playing this mod and am thinking of doing a Youtube series with it like my Anno 1257 series (which the dev team was cool enough to sticky! -,308541.0.html). I like the Redwood Elves as a faction, but I noticed...
  18. MarcusAureliusLP

    Making a lord dislike his liege

    I think what he means, and I actually have this question too, is that if he (the poster) wants to rebel against his liege, can he, or how can he improve the chances, that some lord in the same faction will join his rebellion and not fight against him alongside the liege. I have heard rumor that this can be done, and there is the question in-game "what do you think about so-and-so" but have seen no conclusive evidence.

  19. MarcusAureliusLP

    New History-Based Anno 1257 Youtube Let's Play as Nicaea

    RonniO said:
    I've watched a couple of your episodes and great LP

    I do have one question though. Your world map looks very bright in a good way. Mine is a lot darker so just wanted to ask how you've done that? And messing around with the in game gamma setting yielded no succes on this matter.

    Hi RonniO,

    I don't change anything regarding gamma in the actual game itself. I do however when I encode my videos run a little app that changes the color cast (RGB) of the video from computer RGB to studio RBG, which does a lot of things but one of the main things is it appears to lighten the image overall. That might be what you are referencing but I introduced that actually as a fix because my recorder/renderer made my videos too dark initially. Inside the game I have all graphical settings at max except anti-aliasing (I have it off) and shadows (I have at mid - I think.)
  20. MarcusAureliusLP

    New History-Based Anno 1257 Youtube Let's Play as Nicaea

    If you check episode 46, Ferrari (up now!), you'll note that you yourself played a role, and continue to play a role, in their success.


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